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A Program for Computing Steady Inviscid Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow on Reentry Vehicles. Volume I Analysis and Programming PDF

232 Pages·1977·7.005 MB·English
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Preview A Program for Computing Steady Inviscid Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow on Reentry Vehicles. Volume I Analysis and Programming

cl NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 iOC cc 0 T Y\F\ WHITE OAK LABORATORY A PROGRAM FOR COMPUTING STEADY INVISCID THREE-DIMENSIONAL SUPERSONIC FLOW ON REENTRY VEHICLES , VOL 1: ANALYSIS AND PROGRAMMING 11 FEBRUARY 1977 NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER WHITE OAK LABORATORY SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND 20910 9 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 9] r NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER 1 J WHITE OAK, SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND 20910 loot UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM PE8PORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCJ.S1oWe. .1...T00-.... N~R NSWC/WOIL TR-77-28._____________ .TITL~.wd~tte 6qt!TUOVE't RED A Program for Computing Steady Inviscid Three- -' Dimensional Supersoqic Flow on Reentry Vehicles, Vol4 I;.*Analysis and Programming. _6_. __P__E__R_F__O_R__M_ING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTH~OR() 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(@) J. M.-/Solomon, M.,/ Ciment, R. E. /Ferguson, J. B.I Bell, A. B.i /Wardlaw, Sy _____________ 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT. TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS Naval Surface Weapons Center 0; .0; White Oak Laboratory 07 0; White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 ______________ I1. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12. REPORT DATE 11 Febm 77 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME 8 ADDRESS(iI different frotm Controling Office) 15. SECURITY CLAr'Pfthe"pa*.~t--- Unclassified 15s. DECL ASSI FICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstraet entered in Block 20, it different from Report) , C/ 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and Identify by block number) reentry vehicle, flow fields, three dimensional, supersonic/hypersonic, inviscid flow, control surfaces, pitch/yaw, finite difference methods, hyperbolic systems, boundary conditions 20.'\A\UISTRACT (Continue an reverse aide If necessaty and Identify by block number) A comprehensive computational procedure is presented for predicting the supersonic region of the flow field on advanced reentry vehicle shapes in steady flight at pitch and yaw. The procedure utilizes explicit second order accurate finite difference methods applied to the conservation law form of the steady inviscid flow equations. Improved numerical methods are used at the body surface and the bow shock wave. Provisions for treating body-i~ DD 1473 N EDITION OF 1 NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE JAS/N 0102-014* 6601 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PACE (When Date Entete -f-.t UNCLASSIFIED W41TY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(r4hen Data Entoe-d) geometries with discontinuous slopes are also included. Either perfect gas or real gas equilibrium thermodynamic properties can be used. The computational procedure is implemented as a fortran computer code which provides a practicable representation of the inviscid flow field and the resulting aerodynamic force and moment on the vehicle. In this report (to.5 the analytical and numerical development of the procedure is presented and the associated computer code is described. A comparison report Ma-tw-J' 1-containsd etailed instructions for operating the code and interpreting the output results. I' UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(WhIen Doeta Entored) NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 11 February 1977 A Program for Computing Steady Inviscid Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow on Reentry Vehicles, Vol. I: Analysis and Programming This report describes the analytical, and computational aspects of a computer program for predicting inviscid flow fields and aerodynamics on realistic reentry configurations. This work was performed by members of the Mathematical and Engineering Analysis Branch of NSWC/WOL. The initial code development was supported by the Naval Sea Systems Command under the Aeroballistic Reentry Technology (ART) program with some of the fundamental analytical and numerical work supported by NSWC Independent Research Funds. Most of the final code development and documentation was supported by the Air Force Space and Missile System Organization under the technical manage- ment of the Aerospace Corporation. The authors gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Mr. R. Feldhuhn, NSWC coordinator for the ART program, who was responsible for initiating the present work and whose continued interest and support throughout the investigation was invaluable. The authors are also indebted to Mr. M. Lyons and Dr. E. Ndefo of the Aerospace Corporation for several stimulating technical discussions which lead to important improvements in the final code. C. A. FISHER By direction ml. ll. ...*. .". ... .. . " - ' . .. ± . . . . . . .. .'. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. '.. ... ... .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 CONTENTS Page 0. INTRODUCTION...................................4 PART I: ANALYSIS 1. NOTATION (PART I)................................8 2. GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. ............. 13 2.1 Steady Flow Equations. ........................ 13 2.2 Boundary Conditions............................15 3. BASIC COMPUTATIONAL ALGORITHM.......................16 3.1 Computational Region and Transformed Equations .......... 16 3.2 Interior Points............................22 3. 3 Bow Shock Points.............................25 3.4 Body Surface Points. ..................... 30 3.5 Symmetry and Periodic Boundary Points .. ........... 37 3.6 Step Size and Stability. ....................... 39 4. SPECIAL FEATURES. ....... .......................................41 4.1 Discontinuities in Body Slope. .................. .. 1 4.2 Wall Entropy Reduction ........................ 53 4.3 Mesh Clustering............................57 5. FORCE AND MOMENT CALCULATIONS ....................... 63 APPENDIX A - DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS FOR BOUNDARY POINTS........68 APPENDIX B - SYMMETRY CONDITIONS. ..................... 82 APPENDIX C - CFL CONDITIONS ............................ 85 6. REFERENCES ..................................... 98 PART II: PROGRAMMING 7. GENERAL REMARKS................................100 COMMON......................................101 -*8. 9. MAIN.................................112 9.1 Section 1 ................................ 112 9.2 Section 2.............................114 2 NSWC/W.OL/TR 77-28 Page 10. SUBROUTINES USED IN THE FLOW FIELD CALCULATION. ......... 118 10.1 BODYP, ENTRY BODYPP......................118 10.2 DECODE. ........................................ 119 10.3 EVAL, ENTRY EVALSY, ENTRY EVALPR. ............. 120 10.4 JUMP..............................122 10.5 TRANF, ENTRY TRANFW....................123 10.6 TRANG, ENTRY TRANCW......................124 10.7 WALL..............................125 10.8 SHOCK.............................128 11. AUXILIARY SUBROUTINES........................129 11.1 INTE ........................... 129 11.2 INTRPL.............................130 11.3 REZONE...........................130 11.4 RGAS..............................131 11.5 HRCAS, ENTRY ARGAS ....................... 132 11.6 SERCH, LOCATE ...........................133 11.7 SHFAX, SHFAXD ...........................133 12. INPUT-OUTPUT ROUTINES........................135 12.1 BODY, ENTRY BODYN, ENTRY BODYR. ................ 135 12.2 FIELD...............................136 12.3 OUT..............................136 12.4 RECOVR, SAVE. ....................... 136 12.5 TRAMD.................................138 12.6 TRANGD...............................138 APPENDIX D -LISTINGS.............................139 3 NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 0. INTROiUCTION An important aspect of the design and evaluation of maneuverable and advanced ballistic reentry vehicles is the determination of the inviscid flow field surrounding the body. The inviscid flow field provides surface pressure distributions required for determining the aerodynamic loading on the vehicle and other surface information which is needed as input for determining surface heat transfer rates and other boundary layer effects. A cost effective method for obtaining this information is to use high-speed computer codes which numerically solve the steady, three-dimensional, inviscid flow equations associated with arbitrary shaped reentry vehicles flying at supersonic/hypersonic speeds. The numerical calculation of the inviscid flow field over reentry vehicles is divided into two parts--the blunt body region calculation and the supersonic region calculation (see Fig. 1). The blunt body region calculation determines the transonic flow field near the stagnation point. The supersonic region calculation determines the flow field downstream of the blunt body region. The differing nature of the flow in these two regions requires significantly different computer codes for calculating each region. The blunt body region is computed first and is continued downstream until supersonic flow is established everywhere in the shock layer. The computed results from this calculation are used to establish an "initial" data plane which is used to start the supersonic region calculation. This latter portion represents the majority of the total flow field on maneuverable and high performance ballistic reentry vehicles. 4 NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 Oow -A-ock w~tv su ~ ~ ('6) (o 1x r=c~ reliorn Fig. 1. Computational regions and cylindrical coordinate system for reentry vehicle inviscid flow calculations. 5 NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 In this report, a computer code for performing the supersonic region calculation is described. This code is based on the conservation law form of the steady, inviscid equations. Codes of this type are sometimes referred to as shock capturing techniques since internal (embedded) shock waves in the flow field are computed in an approximate manner without explicitly locating (or tracking) the shock surface. The present code incorporates improved numerical methods at the body surface and the bow shock wave which yield a wider applicability to missile design than existing codes of this type (e.g. ref. 1). This report is divided into two parts. In Part I, the partial differential equations, boundary conditions, and finite difference equations which are the basis of the computer code are discussed. In Part Il, the fcztran computer code is described. A companion report*, the Users' Manual, contains detailed instructions for running the code on CDC 6000 series and 7600 machines and foi interpreting the output results. *Solomon, J. M., Ciment, M., Ferguson, R. E., Bell, J. B., and Wardlaw, A. B., A Program for Computing Steady Inviscid Three-Dimensional Supersonic Flow on Reentry Vehicles - Vol. II: User's Manual, NSWC/WOL TR 77-32 6 ,*. ,.~, NSWC/WOL/TR 77-28 PART 1: ANALYSIS 7

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