The Regional Centre for French and Russian Studies A Living Russian (eT e-lanlantela BEGINNER INTERMEDIATE Contents ‘Nouns and gender. 2-Nouns slngulsr ane! pital. 3-Parsanal pronouns. ‘LPessessives In the nominative. 5-The declenston of nauns, The gente (nnn ‘7The genitlve (2 ‘a-The genltive 8) after Brepostons. ‘The dative (1). t0-The dative (2) 11-The nocuastive (dltect abjeet. 12-The instumental (1. 15-The Instrumental (2) 14-The prepositional (location) 15-Ths prepositional cose (2) ‘Tha prepositional withthe prepoalion “ Q" Talking about something. 3 ‘Y6-Movement to and from, and being ota place Tae? Kyaa? Orxyaa? 34 {7-Verbe: tenses and aspecia 38 15-The present lense. 60 15-tho pasl tense (1) 2 20-The pest tenes (2. sa 21-The future 6 22-The imperativ st 28-To go Mara and Exare. 7 fers af mation (1) withoul 2 pratx.. cy 25.erbs of mation (2) with a prefi 7 28.Yerbs of position rome, raster, nocrasiTe oo. a0 27Metos in on or reflexive verb. 4 22-Adjectives (1), re 2a.Adjectives (2) Long forms and short Forms. 0 sb-Advarte., 4 31 Comparatives and superlatives 9 $32.Damonstrative pronouns [DROF. 97a) BO. STH TOT, F2, 7 TR cc DH 33 Hollexive pronouns eof, cao, cu08. ceon, ceGn, 106 ‘a4-Adjoctival pronouns eee, Kanab, Bema, MOBO; a Doublenegatlves ne one. nothing, never. ‘36Indefnite pronouns and adverbe Ino and -suByau, $7-Caralnal numbers, 438-0relnal numbers, 39-Guantly:cearute crow? KOLNO ADEM? wa RONCO?. AD Abstentiication ‘of a person oF of an objéctin ‘1-Asking questions(1) Inlerrogatlve pronouns. ‘a2-Atking questions (2) ‘wilhout a questian wor aaPosseasion eo haven ‘Se-Presence and absenc 45-Time (1, a6-Time (2, {@7-Thme (8) duration of tine. 48 Possible, necessary, forbicen MORO, HYAMO [HAAO} HANLAR 49:Must, need, have to. ‘ROME, H>ner : 50-Phyateal and emotionsl sates. SHANG amd but. 8 Ho 52-The structure of complex sentenc 23. 154 59-The relative pronouns OTOH, KoTOPER, KErOpOE. KOTOPHI. 156 58-Logicalelatlenships catia, effect and purpose, 158 55-The conalilan, possibilty and wishes... 160 56-tro and sod 164 S7-Reported speech. 196 Regular declensions 185 Inragutar declensions, 168 The declension of adjectives. 170 ‘The declension of pronauns. rial ‘The declension of numbers, 12 Verba: imperteclive / perfective 15 verba of mation, 176 Yerba af motion with prefixes {Aspect pers) 176 Conjugetions, 7 Index 179 Forward ewes “Tne” Living Russian Granta nfondel fr university studens and or sttdants Ir sevoalsandcallegos as ssall as for adults a: bagi ane and rear-bog "nel evel. I can also usally bo used by intend loamers wha ‘Nh loravlow and consolidate new lergvage skis. other witha teachor, ori sll stay nod. Devatopment “Tne “Living Puseian Grama” was conceldby a group of ussianteache's atthe Comte fr Frowch and Fuxsian Stides (CHEF) in Maccow: Itrespands tothe needs o eames who wish o acquit the kasics a Sommareation in Russ an witha cone lox: aad gra matical bass re Eook was teed in front versions. and mprcved ip response 10 toedoack from sadents, usinoss people, cipomats,cxpats oc shents at ORFF Prineples ais grammardoes nat au-aom tobe a ful deseption othe Fussian lr guage. tis teaching and lesming tol asa on a sslecion of the most essential grirratical stuctues, and invodc ag an active avd Sef ‘oval, Wohave tied fo show how ingListeolomontsae organised and used area contexts. Inarder 0 ‘eee uo with comtemporary Ingu skcresca-cr we have tice to avoid tc usc cf an over special serttechrical vocabulary, which might confuse ‘eamers, Silay © have only used oxamples that ~ightlee consiered “nate atts love of sty ‘atl, ec have always atlorpied to mace he loaming of Russian grammna legs abstr, mons intrratin, and moro mouaing Layout Tre book comprises 56 uns, which allew separate resoarch af each grammatcs| tapi, ap wel a sat of grammancal tbls atthe ord In he unis, grammatical po msare explained on the ef-hand pages, wih ie ‘Bkamaios, and exorcises ip pracie the language ate given on the “gathand page. Caran rare complex [Tarnmatial topics are spitaver several its ‘e nape mat is volue sl nel ya find please and ease in aq rng the aasies of enyay ussian. a language oe often consideredtabe a cffau oneta lean We wlan you good luekt Treauihors 1 NOURS and GERDER GENDER | 6 Tren aa three ganders riscuire nin ne andrea. Yeuscan tl hers ana by thei ending masculine : masculine rans and niu eenieonant orn A, ore: ropoa a fowe pyre fer yoen a mseum),puiten(ateschen, feminine :feninir® nouns end in -aorin-or-p: rama "ane ta aco 1p} rompja ie gi ene, cars (aa router | nOU'e! Mo.RS Bhd 0 OF -@-OF I sn ons (a acon, Seu tha a, wp te | __ @ Some mascuting nous ha: testo peuple ondin a ora Trey decine ike fone nouns, but words thal elt Ue (adhvlive lor example) ara asc, Ts appies qual y to mascul'scat.ive-tavw lorms that endin- syseoa (a mar buyin (gmdate ‘cama oescdag) Mua Maar age tones) OUI. tying man Copsxa Copia) VatalT6ip) “2 Houne thatendin can 26 eithor feminine or masculine, masculine feminine pane ice ayy RRRYAN ney am, vie (wot, uit) mt Icom inegoent comipe tw novus | nein ap aus) Sm ne) ge (he am soirere ie ichetang | Temine he evemie donk) eh Ue Dg or hava no feminine form: apgakar (a inayer, p48 dc bertin aan nt dee a pre | aoropie 2 Msn). maNHSp jen engine, On woendp. Heisan sginaee — Oan unenerd, {hor such nouns are sed vith he ame of parson avd averbir the past tense. the verb aprass th therame ol tha perso: Vrownbp Mergen npurd. Engwass Pataca hasan. 4 The word konne bur bo mesuline or finn: 1a wom couvra Bikrop. These catescue Vita ‘io wor onw-Gia Onna Fre ey conaazue Clg, + Thora av invariable nouns, usually rou of foreign origin. Most ofthese nouns are nelter vnanvid i eae nib ts ins) a pO (2 meno, bu: née (ote) is masculine + Tha gendor oli arable aroper raune igronraphical names, nevisnepe:tilan. ete.) Anrespands 2 tne nando he noun denctng the mnlegony to whi hey belong lash np (Geapa oe ta Hoes Tapa Mant eypHen: apa Pour nor STPARHEHE 1) Sort the wards in the list below according to their gander: ‘apa anpHen, PuupyraL HA cron, Tenecbow. npSoNs, niAD, paBoTA, anMhte. cryR. A. yA ApSHAAI. HOMO. RPQIARh CEORA, THTBAAR. REAM TAGETA, AL. BUHD,YRAKAE, HATUTYT DEP, Wants, per OkEHE, ANY n KOMPEDEM I, IBDN, OAD Mosculine: ropon, Feminine : mony, Plural 2 Anawerthe questions using the following wrarda: Foy, ras, pve, Spar, x, neapyra, cece I-krosre?-Stomon 2-lroaT? -SrowoR, 3-Orarana 4-kro sre? -310 Woh __. S-lirosm? - Orono ___ 6- Oro ran Tekno sro? -Brewon 3. Find three nouns for esch of the categories belove: temaseulira. ending nagonsenan) = 2 feminine ending in: — neuter. ending ino ee masculine, ond ngin # SSS 5 -femirina, ancingin sy : 8 masculine, onding re eee + maseuting, ending in — — — 4 Find the odd one out In egen of the lists below: am, 13, pi, TR repay. con, ci0uaps, NOWOETE. oe pew, Aes, hoa, eRyuN yy oun, Moet Mockea, cron, cei. Boke, edb. ene, “DEI NOUKS singular and plural Gro narasin Fro wawiia, ‘Gre on, This @ op. Thief a car This ¢ninaon romain Sro wai Sto diva, These ora shore. Treso sre ca These are wines THE NOMINATIVE PLURAL “e enera ral Noun endings ehange according ta gender ane number. “Thenominative plural endings areas follows: maseutine Feminine euler bl bt AD “ACH crys ta enaleat 9 eryaéarot nana ine sop) > navn ane (te wanes > pend pote (ne d5y) ana foie team > Apion ope (te SPELLING RULES oon ie eve oben} > acer -Thesa aro generally odo with phonetie. Cerin laters may na oles each other. @ aflortne consonams Fr, KX aid IK, 4, Wi, Le: wre Tr tira tee noon > tira K ypix (ee scar) > yim X aroxn chearecrs anda XK sTax we A > orev M epas ite econ > oh We raparasu fire gone) > xapanuaul Wy nnaw herarecud > nnauy - @-bsasce natn nH fem nine ncuns in -B and alguns in ishave a noeinatve plural n “pas (9 ean) > nase riba aun 3 “oT anf fm) ln eelonn > CRORE ‘empl (fhe exes hook) > Tena Rouns sinauise and oral YTPAMHEHUS 11 Give the nominative plural of the following words: peviopah noapyra powerwe ypion rowan recynaperao ewe perpen ronuye - ewora ap wp ene en09.p oraet mesons obwe nposneva ceo aun _ rowiara —. ame 2 ut tne fotiowing into the plural: ‘exam: 210 ria. 370 yu Samosa Sioa Sra, 31 Gae Biome, Brose — Sropeciopa Brabus Siomaawm — Bromma Sro maura, socrany - - Stowe, | Shemp - 3 Givothe nominative singular ofthe following words: pant bunoate rocramnst sapor aves nena yrs reapy rorya weauint enn — aorywences eos ert rmapmipes Reply inthe negative, putting the word In brackets imo the plu Example ~ 310 ann? fenonene) -HeT. oto Hexen, STD cRORADH 4. srorsonas? erat —- Se e 2 Gre uxons? (reer) 3. Bro pra? (rapanaau) - oo 44+ Ste cern? (rapyr) - oe 5- Srosemrmierape frensecp) = a 13+ Se nasa? (eye) a = eee IRREGULAR PLURAL FORMS 4 Nouns tnthavesa change othe stem: ssa0ounne ove enh > apy cryniine stat > cryma Spar thedrahen > Gira seiiouse te psrsonl > kin — yseTE(hedomen D> users een tne ciel > AEH ou ie sen) coon. ae pone the anugnieg > poop are te motte) > Weropa ate Nake epee (he rea > ape pons ie ams) > spawned, va ne Amora se spp) -P HBnc ot name) 2 sere. @ Mascutine nouns with stressod-A G8) ending in the narinatve ola per re ew) > pera mpabéccopithenoteson > nanthoncead Srattene ie ease) > parend angse ite antes > annecd Easep ite esa) > Bane REA oem > rap ‘aon (te house} > ed ncaa ie sepa Pnaeno raga fe nar) 2 reoaad 7 (ie eye FASB (4s in English, cetsin nouns have na plural. This incurs substances, falings, a. (hing that saanot be counted sia teh ne ats ‘sonore hap woe rts (o5e7| tomcat Hegr(o ame (sa Eabe6p (2a) eer 1900 irs teas ste (ove) caer Insc 4# Asir English certain rouns have ne singular. This includes werds that n some way desigrate apa, ard certain other rune aot tessa ‘act fac or atom) asin ive ats) saturn fone) yx (pone) “exes! (28605), ir 128 Hours) po rouse # Centar reuternounsotfersign air never change heir encngs: erp, nan, RK. nankTO. eR 0 SIPAXHEHMR 1 Give the nominative singular of the following words (there is ane onyms meas ames open gem wommnue rasan ama noes wpm wise oir eta mee ae 2 hich of the words in the following lists has ne singular farm? 1 pis, 98 aa, Honey aA oet 2 smart ess, ory, eee, waaaa Spy, senaiIgOUA Mou Han, KOMEN S-RATH mm, caeaer, et oronsagan 3. Which of the words in the following lists has no phiral form? Give the plural form ofthe remaining words, samme — ee yeporie renee a Syure macro ape 5 samo ee semen same rsenone _- rene = 4 Give the nominative phwal ofthe fllawing wards {if there is ana): en cose a tet omtnemnet YAO ance ee Super — a oe -_ ‘oo wee mo on on — 3 PERSONAL fronouns Roan ‘Onde TRowao ie ——‘Mpewonéaie?” A, ond xondarne Jar Fret Stee Fondoe fine son eae? Th ard Bib :the twovnords ct Toi ls used wher speaking 1 fairly members, Heads, chi dren, ad Cod, ‘Batis used for pokteness and respect, and when talking tomo than cne person + When Bis used politely to acdress one aetson +e verbs that accompany fare in he plural — Aaa, Grima 8 NéKgaHeT Ann, yu mn fe Fons? ‘when you use a shart fonn adjective with Brit goes in the plural butlong form adestives are in ‘me singular and agree in gender ain me person desorbed. Vipin, 861 mpm. ns, ye ste on Heres, aed nn Rpacinaal Nota, Mow ayes = Annpail atSi an Yana acing ar cever fou we! © hen adessing someor® formally, is suelo eta Bits with scape «Bs Tecnojit Churn Bi yore suger... Cw Me Si, 8 yoy amteay Boom (OH (HE or IT szscuue OWA (SHE or IT revarane}, OHO (IT N=LTEH) One used forrsascutin2 nouns, One's used for feminine 70uns, Owe i Use forreuter nouns. Inthe use proncans. no dstinar is made bewween animate and inaimete nuns, — Srovuni rouneore, On cance Hons, — Sro wok wana. On aseneTs Tansy mv compan is ene = Thisis my sche Missin ~ Bro chpayarane aMHG? — ti Fron! a Aa, O46 Ha DoaIUAL~ Yo: ere hre Ree DECLENSION: Personal pronounsd ain according othr function inne nentance, | ' | you ~ helt’ [~shelit | “Wie — you’ | ~~ they Nominanve a ee eel | wo | Soule” wai wk selen) athaw) tee oe | mtn | i ee Sle Seals eS) oo. SS Se ie 2) ss | vemenia oh) wash om C8h | es chy | wero Prepositional otoaé | oTa6d One neh ona | O@ae ona!