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A Grandmother's Legacy: 365 Notes To Live By PDF

156 Pages·2012·0.6 MB·English
by  AndrewsBuffy
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A Grandmother's Legacy: 365 Notes To Live By Title Page FOREWORD CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE ABOUT THE AUTHOR A GRANDMOTHER’S LEGACY 365 Notes to Live By Buffy Andrews Copyright 2015 Buffy Andrews ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Cover Art by Joan Alley Editing by Jacqueline Hopper This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are the product of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Published by Prism Book Group First Edition, 2015 Published in the United States of America Contact info: FOREWORD This book contains 365 notes also included in the fiction book Ella’s Rain by Buffy Andrews. These are notes written by Grandma D to her granddaughter Ella, to be shared in the year after her passing. We are publishing these notes separately, as we hope Grandma D’s legacy will inspire many. Don’t forget to check out Ella’s Rain, releasing in February 2015. You’ll find an excerpt in the back. AUTHOR’S NOTE I’m often asked how much of what I write comes from personal experience. I don’t think you can be an author and not have who you are be a part of what you create. Ella’s Rain includes 365 letters Grandma D wrote to Ella before she died. Grandma instructs her best friend, Maddie, who becomes Ella’s guardian upon her death, to give Ella a new note every day. When I started writing Grandma D’s notes in Ella’s Rain, I thought about my sons and what I’d want them to know if I wasn’t able to grow old with them. I also thought about my sister, Wendy, and her husband, Brad, and all of my friends who have passed away and the children they left behind. What would they want their children to know? How would they want their children to live? What I discovered while writing the notes is that many of them were born out of actual conversations I’ve had with my sons over the years. When I completed them, I felt not only good about the guidance Grandma D had provided Ella, but also a sense of pride in the legacy I’m leaving behind. I hope Grandma D’s notes inspire you to be a better person and to live life thoughtfully and with purpose and passion. I hope you share this book with those you love and that they in turn share it with others. Together we can bring Grandma’s D message to the world. Find good in bad, success in failure, joy in sorrow, life in death. And remember, the light is most clearly seen in the darkness. I wish you a life of love and laughter. Grace and peace to you always, Buffy GRANDMA’S NOTES TO ELLA Note # 1 My dearest Ella, I wish we would’ve had more time together, but we both know we don’t always get what we want. I know you’re in good hands with Maddie. She loves you as if you were her own. Always has. I wanted to leave you with some of my thoughts, things for you to think about as you journey through life. I plan to write three hundred and sixty five notes so you’ll have a new one to read every day for a whole year following my death. I pray I’ll be able to finish them before it’s time for me to say goodbye. I hope they comfort and guide you, and provide the wisdom I will not be there to share. Ella, I love you so very much. My life has been a thousand times richer because you were a part of it, and I wouldn’t have wanted to change a single thing. Stay healthy, be happy, and live life like there’s no tomorrow. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma * Note # 2 My dearest Ella, Always do the right thing. It might not be what’s easiest. I remember the time you took a bookmark from Maddie’s house without asking. You were about seven, I believe. I found the bookmark and recognized it because I’d given it to Maddie. When I asked you about the bookmark, you confessed. You begged me to return it to Maddie because you didn’t want to face her. I refused. Instead, I drove you to Maddie’s, and you returned it, and apologized. It wasn’t easy and you cried a lot, but you did it. Well, Lord knows you’re not seven anymore, but I pray you’ll never forget the bookmark and the lesson you learned that day. Always do the right thing, Ella. Even when it’s difficult. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma * Note # 3 My dearest Ella, There’s no shame in failing as long as you learn from it. Remember when you received an F on your biology exam because you didn’t study? You thought you knew the material well enough and decided to go shopping with your friends instead of studying. It was the first and only F you ever received. I can still picture you crying as you pulled the test out of your pink backpack. We all fail, Ella. Lord knows I’ve failed many times in my life. But a failure is only a failure if you don’t learn from it. When you fail, as I know you will, I want you to pick yourself up and try again. And again and again. Don’t let failing or the fear of failure keep you from pursuing your dreams. Where would we be if the great inventors stopped trying after they’d first failed? Failures make us stronger and wiser. They’re the building blocks of success. So embrace them and learn from them. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma * Note # 4 My dearest Ella, Help others if you’re able. I’m always amazed by people who don’t hold open the door for the person behind them or offer their bus seat when it’s standing-room-only to an elderly person or mother with a small child. How rude. I hope, as you live your life, you help others if you’re able. You’ll be surprised by the little things you can do to brighten someone else’s day. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma * Note # 5 My dearest Ella, Don’t be afraid to love. I’ve been worried about this. I don’t want you to be afraid to love someone because you fear you’ll lose them. Lord knows you’ve lost a lot of loved ones in your life. But, please, Ella, after I’m gone, don’t give up on love. Don’t let the fear of losing someone keep you from loving them. Love is the greatest gift of all, and if you’re lucky enough to find it, hold onto it with everything you’ve got. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma * Note # 6 My dearest Ella, Always count your blessings. I’ve told you this so many times I’m sure you grew sick of me saying it. But it’s true, Ella. Always count the blessings in your life. Never take them for granted. People spend so much time thinking about what they don’t have that they miss enjoying what they do have. Be thankful for the life you were given and cherish each day as if it was your last. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma * Note # 7 My dearest Ella, In order to grow beautiful flowers, you need both sun and rain. You asked me one time when you were little why it had to rain, why it couldn’t be sunny all of the time. Do you remember what I told you? I told you that both rain and sun are needed to grow beautiful flowers. Too much of either one isn’t good. We’re like flowers, Ella. And sometimes it’s sunny and sometimes it rainy. But it’s the rain and the sun, the good and the bad, that help us grow into the people we’re meant to become. Love you bunches and bunches, Grandma

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