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Preview A Digital Fuzzy Edge Detector for Color Images

1 A Digital Fuzzy Edge Detector for Color Images Yuan-Hang Zhang, Xie Li, Jing-Yun Xiao Department of Computer Science and Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049, China Abstract—Edge detection is a classic problem in the field Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have succesfully of image processing, which lays foundations for other tasks resolved the problem. An FPGA is a device that enables real- such as image segmentation. Conventionally, this operation is 7 time parallel processing with pipeline technology, which in performedusinggradientoperatorssuchastheRobertsorSobel 1 previous studies were used to implement Sobel detectors [4]. operator, which can discover local changes in intensity levels. 0 Theseoperators,however,performpoorlyonlowcontrastimages. Experimental results in [4] proved the design an effective ap- 2 Inthispaper,weproposeanedgedetectorarchitectureforcolor proachtoreal-timeedgedetection.Anovelpipelinedstructure n images based on fuzzy theory and the Sobel operator. First, the was also proposed to speed up the operations [5]. a R,GandBchannelsareextractedfromanimageandenhanced However, when Sobel operators are applied to low-contrast J using fuzzy methods, in order to suppress noise and improve 3 thecontrastbetweenthebackgroundandtheobjects.TheSobel images, the results are often less satisfactory, with more 1 operatoristhenappliedtoeachofthechannels,whicharefinally isolated points and significant distortions. To this end, we combined into an edge map of the origin image. Experimental introduce fuzzy theory to enhance the edges before applying ] results obtained through an FPGA-based implementation have theSobeloperators.Thismethodwasstudiedin[6]and[7].In V proved the proposed method effective. this paper, we combine the fuzzy method and the Sobel edge C Index Terms—Image edge detection, fuzzy systems, Sobel detector to implement a FPGA-based color image detector . operator, hardware implementation, memristors. with improved accuracy for low-contrast images. s c The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. The Sobel [ I. INTRODUCTION edge detection filter is introduced in Section II. Theoretical 2 EDGE detection plays a fundamental role in the field of foundations for the preprocessing procedures are elaborated v image processing. An edge is a collection of connected in Section III. Section IV gives the FPGA-based hardware 4 pixelswheretheintensitylevelchangesabruptly.[1]Edgesare implementation for this paper. In Section V, we present the 6 especially important for image recognition and analysis since experimental results. Future prospects are briefly discussed in 3 3 theycancapturelocalfeaturesandprovideusefulinformation. Section VI. 0 So far, techniques for edge detection have been studied 1. extensively. Edges can usually be found in parts of an im- II. THESOBELEDGEDETECTIONFILTER 0 age where transition occurs, either between different objects, The Sobel edge detection filter is a commonly used edge 7 different regions, or between objects and the background. In detector that computes an approximate gradient of the image 1 this view, gradients are effective descriptors of edges. Conse- intensity function. For each pixel in the image, it obtains the : v quently, various gradient-based edge detectors were proposed verticalandhorizontalcomponentsofthegradientbyapplying Xi during the 1960s, including the Robert operators, Robinson convolution with two 3-by-3 masks defined as: operators, Prewitt operators, and Sobel operators, first sug- r −1 −2 1 a gestedbyIrwinSobelandGaryFeldman[2].Amoreaccurate detector known as the Canny detector was later proposed by H1 = 0 0 0, 1 2 1 J.Canny,whichsmoothstheinputimagewithaGaussianfilter and applies non-maxima suppression for optimal results. [3] −1 0 1 For digital images, derivatives can be approximated with H2 =−2 0 2. discrete differentiation. Therefore, first-order edge detectors −1 0 1 are easy to implement and widely used. Among them, the Specifically, the horizontal and vertical gradients of the pixel Sobeloperatorsareespeciallypreferredbecausetheyarenon- (p,q) can be written as linear filters with image smoothing, and thus can produce less fragmentary edge images. G (p,q)= G(p+1,q−1)+2G(p+1,q) x Nevertheless, early implementations of Sobel operators, +G(p+1,q+1)−(G(p−1,q−1) mainly software-based and DSP-based were slow and unable +2G(p−1,q)+G(p−1,q+1)), to support real-time operations. The recent introduction of G (p,q)= G(p−1,q+1)+2G(p,q+1) y The authors are with the University of Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Beijing 100049, China (e-mail: zhangyuanhang15, lixie15, xiao- +G(p+1,q+1)−(G(p−1,q−1) jingyun15@mails.ucas.ac.cn). +2G(p,q−1)+G(p+1,q−1)), ManuscriptreceivedJan12,2017. 2 It can be shown that the coefficient 2 endows the operator Therefore, the overall mean is with noise suppression capabilities. [1] The L2 norm of the µ=ω (t)µ (t)+ω (t)µ (t) corresponding gradient vector can then be computed by 0 0 1 1 (cid:113) The final threshold value g is G= G2 +G2 (1) x y g = arg max(ω (t)(µ (t)−µ)2+ω (t)(µ (t)−µ)2) (3) 0 0 1 1 However, Eq. (1) is of high computational costs, and the 0≤t≤m−1 evaluation of square roots will require extra modules such as Intuitively, this formula gives the maximum between-class a CORDIC unit [8], rendering the circuit complex. Thus the variance,whichcanroughlybeviewedasthecontrastbetween L1 norm is frequently used to approximate this magnitude: twoclassesofpixels,blackandwhite.Thelargerthevariance G≈|G |+|G | (2) is, the better the contrast will be. Therefore, the optimal x y segmentation threshold g for the original image found by An improved version of the original Sobel operator uses Eq.(3)splitstheimageintoobjectandbackgroundeffectively. two extra convolution kernels that detect gradients along the This method can be realized in an FPGA fabric using the diagonals:   fixed-point number system and supplementary modules. [15] −2 −1 0 H3 =−1 0 1, 0 1 2 B. Fuzzy Sets for Edge Detection Enhancement   We introduce fuzzy theory to enhance the edge detection 0 1 2 capabilitiesoftheSobeldetector.Thetheoryoffuzzysetswas H4 =−1 0 1. proposed by Zadeh in 1965 and has gained much weight in −2 1 0 image processing. It uses the degree of membership function For the sake of simplicity, we shall confine ourselves to the to determine whether a given point is “black” or “white”, original Sobel operator with only two masks. a concept that is usually subjective and hard to accurately describe. III. PREPROCESSING Formally,afuzzysetB inafinitesetX ={x ,x ,...,x } 1 2 n A. The Otsu Method is represented as B = {(x,µ (x)) | x ∈ B}, where µ (x) : A B Forthisstudy,thresholdselectionisrealizedusingtheOtsu B →[0,1]isthefunctionthatrepresentsthebelongingnessor Method. This adaptive method is considered optimal in the degreeofmembershipinofanelementinxinthefiniteset.In thispaper,weonlyhavetwofuzzysetsBandW (Bforblack, automatic evaluation of a suitable threshold. The algorithm W forwhite),thusthenon-belongingnessofanelementofset assumestwocategoriesofpixels,objectpixelsandbackground pixels. The algorithm finds a threshold g such that the mean B is 1−µB(x), which is also the belongingness of fuzzy set grayscale of object, µ (g), and the mean grayscale of the W. Note that the degree of memebership function is usually 0 background,µ (g)arefurthestfromthemeangrayscaleofthe a family of functions determined by the threshold parameter, 1 entireimage,µ .Thisthresholdgcanbefoundbymaximizing which in this case is obtained via the Otsu method. g Some commonly used Common degree of membership between-class variance. includer distribution,Cauchydistribution,Gaussdistribution, Its procedure can be described as follows. and the S-shaped distribution. 1 (cid:88) The Cauchy distribution is defined as p(k)= 1 MN 1 g(i,j)=k µ (x)= A 1+α(x−c)β where p(k) is the frequency of the pixels in the picture and g(i,j) is the gray-level of point (i,j) in the original image. where α>0, β is a positive even integer, and c is the center The percentage of the object is of distribution. (cid:88) Another version of this distribution is ω (t)= p(i), 0 1 0≤i≤t µ (x)= and the percentage of the background is A 1+α1|x−c|β1 where α ,β >0. (cid:88) 1 1 ω (t)= p(i). 1 The S-shaped distribution is t<i≤m−1  0, x≤a The means of object µ0(t) is (cid:88) ip(i) a(xc−−aa)2, a<x≤b µ (t)= f(x)= 0 ω (t) x−c and the mean of background0µ≤0i≤ist 0 11,−a(c−b)2, b<xx≤>cc (cid:88) ip(i) µ (t)= To employ fuzzy theory in image segmentation and edge 1 ω (t) 0 detection, one approach is to divide an image into multiple t<i≤m−1 3 layers by different thresholds, which can can be obtained by B. Window generator the maximum fuzzy entropy [7]. Another way is to directly Since the image input is in the form of a data stream, only transform the original image into an enhanced version using onepixelcanbetransmittedduringeachclockcycle.Toobtain the fuzzy function. In this study, we select a universal poly- theninenecessarypixelssimultaneously,wedeploythreerows nomial function of shift registers and two FIFOs to buffer the data. The clock −2.0454098505641∗10−7x4+7.615967514125∗10−5x3 signal clk controls the input so when the nine 8-bit arrays P ,P ,··· ,P are full, a 3-by-3 window is prepared for the −0.0041249658333x2+0.4911541875107x, 1 2 9 Sobel algorithm. The two 253 × 3 FIFOs are generated by wherexistheoriginalgrayvalue.Thisfunctionisindependent RAMs. tothethresholdandsimilartothe“increasecontrast”function ThestructureofthewindowgeneratorisshowninFig.2.It used in Adobe Photoshop. consists of two FIFOs with length of 253 and width of 8 and The preprocessing procedure carried out in the experiment three 3-bit shift register. The three shift registers “crops” a 3- can be summarized as follows: by-3 window, while the two FIFOs are used to buffer the data 1) Calculate the threshold T using the Otsu method. between while traversing different rows of the image matrix, 2) ApplythresholdT togetthedegreeofmembershipµ . which has length 256−3=253. When we shift the data line, W 3) Obtain the fuzzy image from the function the position of the window is also shifting. f :[0,1]→[0,255] C. Sobel operator x(cid:55)→255·µW(x). The function of the Sobel operator has been explained in Sec. II. The inputs of this module are the nine entries of the IV. HARDWAREIMPLEMENTATION window matrix marked P to P , and the output is either 1 1 9 The proposed architecture is illustrated in Fig. 1. This or 0. 1 indicates that the pixel we are calculating is an edge system is composed of three modules, the fuzzy preprocessor, pixel and 0 otherwise. The result is obtained by thresholding the window generator and the Sobel operator. the gradient, given by the sum of absolute magnitudes of the two components. A. Fuzzy preprocessor It is worth noticing that the operations can be effectively reduced by half if the additions are grouped properly. We Fuzzypreprocessoristhemodulethatenhancestheoriginal define the following quantities, first proposed in [14]: image to increase contrast between dark and bright regions. Neighbouring sums: The data input of this module are the individual pixels from theoriginalimage.Forthisexperiment,thepolynomialdegree NS =G(i,j)+G(i+1,j), r of membership function is hard-coded into this module. The NS =G(i,j)+G(i,j+1). c resulting image is then stored and accessed by the window generator. The final threshold is determined by the Otsu Partial sums: method using a separate program, although a complete FPGA PS =G(i,j)+2G(i+1,j)+G(i+2,j), r solution is also possible [15]. PS =G(i,j)+2G(i,j+1)+G(i,j+2.) c Interlaced differences: Shift Registers ID =G(i,j)+2G(i+1,j)+G(i+2,j) r −(G(i,j+2)+2G(i+1,j+2)+G(i+2,j+2)), fuzzy_data_in ID =G(i,j)+2G(i,j+1)+G(i,j+2) c −(G(i+2,j)+2G(i+2,j+1)+G(i+2,j+2)). P P P 1 2 3 The original procedure described in Section II requires 15 summations to compute the gradient for a single pixel. As 253×8 FIFO the 3-by-3 window shifts with the data stream, it is clear that some pixels must be accessed more than once. Now, if we save the above intermediate results, the process can be P P P 4 5 6 accelerated. First, add the gray value of each pixel with its right neighbour and obtain a matrix for right-neighbour sum (the same procedure is repeated on the columns). Then, add 253×8 FIFO eachentryoftheobtainedmatrixwithitsrightentryassameas thefirststep,matrixforpartialsumisobtained.Last,compute P P P the interlaced difference for every pixel, the absolute value of 7 8 9 interlaced difference is exactly the horizontal gradient. In this manner only seven sums are needed to compute the gradient Fig. 2: Generating 3-by-3 windows from the input stream. for each pixel, accelerating the operations significantly. 4 3-by-3 window RGB Channel Fuzzy Enhancement Sobel operator generator Combine 0 0 0 G >T R 0 0 0 x G G y 255 255 255 CSeMnsOoSr G 225555 00 00 GGx G >T ≥1 OImutapguet y 255 0 0 255 255 255 G >T B 255 255 255 x G G y 255 255 255 Fig. 1: General architecture of our fuzzy edge detection system. V. EXPERIMENTALRESULTSANDANALYSIS the Canny operator can produce an ideal outcome. Second, smoothing operation plays an important role in de-noising. The circuit design is completed for 256×256 8-bit RGB It is feasible to add a smoothing convolution module before images in Verilog HDL and simulated in ModelSim 10.1c. the Sobel module to reduce the noise level. Third, in this Since CMOS sensors such as OV9650 can be configured to experiment we used a simple polynomial function for fuzzy output in RGB mode, for test purposes we store the three preprocessing for simplicity. A more appropriate fuzzy trans- channels of an image in three separate text files to be read formation function has yet to be found. by the testbench program. The eight images in Fig. 4 are the corresponding edge maps of Fig. 3, obtained using our edge detector. B. An Introduction to Memristor Technology We compare the results of standalone Sobel operators to Although the edge detection based on Sobel operator and that obtained with fuzzy preprocessing enabled. Under the fuzzy set has been thoroughly studied, we wish to extend and same threshold of the Sobel operator, it is obvious that our optimize our work using memristors. method is able to extract more details from the original In 1971, Chua proposed the possibility of a new electronic picture. In Fig. 4, the edge detector using non-fuzzy method component called a memristor. In 2008, Hewlett-Packard produces incomplete edges of the pens. On the other hand, implemented the first instance of memristor which could be with fuzzy preprocessing the different regions become more used as a basic component of a digital circuit. Memristors distinguished, so more edges are detected, as desired. are capable of performing logic operations with its unique Thereasonfuzzymethodproducesthismoreidealoutcome memristive features. Moreover, the memory of memristor is isthatfuzzymethodincreasesthecontrastofdifferentportions non-volatile to the loss of voltage. Furthermore, the voltage of the image and thus increases the difference of the pixels and resistance features can be used to compute complex logic on either side of the edge. However the noise level is not functions [11]. The idea of conventional edge detection based significantly reduced as expected. For example, at the upper- on memristor is building XOR function to test the edge in left corner of Fig. 4(a), while brightness level fluctuations in the image using memristor [9]. Moreover, a memristor-based this area are clearly visible, edges are barely detected. nonvolatile latch design was proposed in [12], which greatly reduces the size of latch circuit. One future prospect for VI. FUTUREWORK edge detection is to implement a Sobel edge detector using A. Noise Reduction memristors. We believe that the size of the circuit will be Several solutions to resolve the noise problem mentioned reduced significantly and the whole circuit will be more non- in Section V are possible. For instance, as is shown in [7], volatile to voltage fluctuations. 5 (a)Pens,groundtruth (b)Rchannel (c)Gchannel (d)Bchannel Fig. 3: The original test picture. (a)Threshold=400,fuzzypreprocessingenabled.(i)Edgemap.(ii),(iii),(iv)R,G,andBchanneledgemaps. (b)Threshold=400,fuzzypreprocessingdisabled.(i)Edgemap.(ii),(iii),(iv)R,G,andBchanneledgemaps. Fig. 4: A comparison of fuzzy method and non-fuzzy edge detectors. In[11],anedgedetectorbasedonmemristorwasproposed. A memristor has two states, high impedance and low im- pedeace which are represented by 0 and 1. When the forward voltageislargerthanthethresholdvoltage,theimpedancewill P Q R S T belowered,andwhenreversevoltageislargerthanthethresh- oldvoltage,theimpedancewillchangetohighimpedance.Fig. 5 is the implementation of XOR operator using memristor, Table 1 shows the stimulating voltage sequence of the XOR function, where the final output is stored in the memristor T. Fig. 6 gives the general architecture of the memristive edge detector. [11] has proposed a feasible scheme to produce the edge map by scanning the image horizontally and vertically, and applying the above simulating voltages. Fig. 5: The structure of an XOR-based memristor. [11] Step Operation V V V V V p q r s t 1 r =q →r V V cond set 2 s=p→s V V cond set 3 t=r →t V V cond set 4 t=s→t V V cond set Table 1: Stimulation sequence for the XOR function. 6 [11] J. Zhou, J. Wu, and Y. Tang, “Edge Detection of Binary Image Based Stimulating Voltages on Memristors,” Advanced Materials Research, vol. 791. Trans Tech Publications,2013. [12] W.Robinettetal.,“Amemristor-basednonvolatilelatchcircuit,”Nan- otechnology,vol.21,no.23,235203,2010. [13] H.Pan,“AnImageEdgeDetectionAlgorithmBasedonFuzzyTheory,” Original Vertical J Chongqing Technol Business Univ. (Nat Sci Ed), vol. 30, no. 7, pp. R daolkroW OpIem(OraaIgt)ieonal srotsirmeM lan MeEm(VdrgiEset)sors V gnitalumitS [[1154]]IO5UnHJ3tnt.s-e.i5uvrP6sLnea,rainsGu2tdii,0toleyo1yn“b3RaSae.lcelt.aCAl&a-oltu.ni,Tmtfoee“emcrAehaSn.t,NcoicevbooevoIllem.n1lOa2AVgp,LerencrSohaTI.tihot1Derr,ceetsIpsumhiprgoe.anlg1dfe5iaon-nrgE2d2FdA,Pg21eGl0g91AoD84r1eiIt.1tmhe3mctpthol,erIm”,”net2eHn0rtun1aaat4iztoiho2non7noathgfl rotsise HoErdizgoenstal oitarepO IEmdaggee segatlo ConferenceonEmbeddedSystems,2014. (HE) (EI) Workload Resistors Memristor Array Fig. 6: The architecture of a memristive edge detector. [11] Theadvantageofembracingthisnewarchitectureisthatone can build a much more compact circuit with virtually no loss in functionality. However, we believe that an XOR function is probably not the most ideal method for edge detection. We intend to reorganize the circuit structure using memristive latches proposed by [12]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We wish to thank Mr. Yunji Chen for his encouragement and guidance that inspired this project. We would also like to thank Ms. Shengyuan Zhou and Ms. Tian Zhi for her help. None, however, is responsible for any remaining errors. REFERENCES [1] R.GonzalezandR.Woods,Digitalimageprocessing(3rdEdition).Upper SaddleRiver,NJ,USA:Prentice-Hall,Inc.,2006. [2] I. Sobel and G. Feldman, “A 3x3 isotropic gradient operator for image processing,” presented at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project (SAIL),1968. [3] J. Canny, “A computational approach to edge detection,” IEEE Trans. PatternAnal.Mach.Intell.,vol.6,pp.679-698,1986. [4] Z. Guo, W. Xu, and Z. Chai, “Image edge detection based on FPGA,” inDistributedComputingandApplicationstoBusinessEngineeringand Science(DCABES),2010NinthInternationalSymposiumonDistributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, pp. 169-171.IEEE,2010. [5] T. Abbasi and M. 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