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Use of Traffic Intent Information by Autonomous Aircraft in Constrained Operations PDF

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by  WingDavid J.
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Preview Use of Traffic Intent Information by Autonomous Aircraft in Constrained Operations

USE OF TRAFFIC INTENT INFORMATION BY AUTONOMOUS AIRCRAFT IN CONSTRAINED OPERATIONS David J. Wing NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA Bryan E. Barmore Karthik Krishnamurthy* Titan Systems, Hampton VA Abstract Introduction This paper presents findings of a research study A significant research activity within the NASA designed to provide insight into the issue of intent Advanced Air Transportation Technologies project is information exchange in constrained en-route air-traffic focused upon far-term operations of the National operations and its effect on pilot decision-making and Airspace System (NAS). A general description of the flight performance. The piloted simulation was activity is Distributed Air/Ground Traffic Management conducted in the Air Traffic Operations Laboratory at (DAG-TM). NASA has developed a high-level concept the NASA Langley Research Center. Two operational of operations for DAG-TM consisting of 15 elements modes for autonomous flight management were spanning gate-to-gate operations 1. One particular compared under conditions of low and high operational concept element, developed to address the en-route complexity (traffic and airspace hazard density). The flight regime, 2 has the potential to increase capacity, tactical mode was characterized primarily by the use of flexibility, and robustness of the NAS by distributing traffic state data for conflict detection and resolution responsibility for (1) separation assurance, and (2) and a manual approach to meeting operational conformance with local traffic flow management constraints. The strategic mode involved the combined (TFM) constraints between airborne and ground-based use of traffic state and intent information, provided the systems. In this concept element, pilots of aircraft pilot an additional level of alerting, and allowed an designated as "autonomous" have the authority to automated approach to meeting operational constraints. generate and implement new trajectories at their Operational constraints applied in the experiment discretion in order to meet individual, company (if included separation assurance, schedule adherence, applicable), and/or system-level goals. With this airspace hazard avoidance, flight efficiency, and authority for autonomous operations comes the passenger comfort. responsibility for separation assurance and compliance with local TFM constraints established by the ground- The strategic operational mode was found to be based air traffic service provider (ATSP). Aircraft not effective in reducing unnecessary maneuvering in operating as autonomous aircraft are designated as conflict situations where the intruder's intended "managed aircraft," and similar to current operations, maneuvers would resolve the conflict. Conditions of their flight crews comply with clearances provided by high operational complexity and vertical maneuvering the ATSP, who maintains responsibility for their resulted in increased proliferation of conflicts, but both separation assurance and flow management operational modes exhibited characteristics of stability conformance. based on observed conflict proliferation rates of less than 30 percent. Scenario case studies illustrated the Research Focus need for maneuver flight restrictions to prevent the creation of new conflicts through maneuvering and the Flight-deck Information Requirements need for an improved user interface design that A predominant research focus in the Free Flight appropriately focuses the pilot's attention on conflict community has been on the type of information prevention information. Pilot real-time assessment of required on the flight deck of autonomous aircraft to maximum workload indicated minimal sensitivity to enable their pilots to ensure separation from other operational complexity, providing further evidence that aircraft. Accurate detection of "conflicts" or predicted pilot workload is not the limiting factor for feasibility loss of separation between aircraft is a key requirement of an en-route distributed traffic management system, for autonomous aircraft operations. At issue are the even under highly constrained conditions. relative utility and requirement for inter-aircraft information exchange of the current "state" (three *Member, AIAA dimensional position and velocity vector) and "intent" -1- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics of eachaircraft(flight plan);this surveillance (notwithstanding runway availability limitations), and a informatiofnormsthebasisfortrajectorpyredictions concept that does not address capacity limitations is of usedin automatecdonflictdetectionA. dditionally, little practical interest. It is in the more highly relatehdumafnactorisssueesxists,uchasdetermining constrained conditions that operations will be found to howpilotswouldusethesurveillanicneformatioann,d be either fragile or robust to real-world system demands howthisinformatiosnhoulbdepresentoendtheflight and variability. deckdisplaysc,onsiderinugsabilityd,isplaydesign precedenacned,integratiownithotheprilottasks. Operational constraints can generally be expressed in four categories. Flow management constraints are Previousresearchhas indicatedthat, in restrictions that must be imposed to maintain high unconstrained operations (no schedule constraints or traffic flow while ensuring safety. Flow management airspace restrictions to the route of flight), the exchange constraints in a future system may include such of state information between aircraft is sufficient to crossing restrictions as a "required time of arrival" safely enable airborne self separation in the en route (RTA) assignment at a terminal boundary for inbound domain 3. A state-only system has the potential to autonomous aircraft. Airspace hazard constraints are significantly reduce bandwidth requirements for future present when certain regions of airspace are inadvisable surveillance systems such as Automatic Dependent for entry. Examples of such airspace hazards are active Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B), and it reduces the special-use airspace (SUA) and convective weather complexity of conformance monitoring and conflict cells. Performance constraints include restrictions alerting logic. To address the conflict alerts missed by based primarily on the operating limitations of the not using intent information, Hoekstra 3developed and aircraft. Restrictions such as maximum operating tested a predictive airborne separation assurance system altitude, speed, or climb/descent rate govern the degrees (PredASAS) that calculates potential off-trajectory of freedom available for conflict resolution maneuvers. conflicts and displays avoidance bands on the heading, Economic constraints include user-generated airspeed, and vertical speed indicators. This conflict operational guidelines that must generally be met a prevention system was designed to provide information majority of the time for a commercial aviation business regarding which maneuvers would lead to a conflict to remain viable for the long term. Examples include without the crew needing to "probe" or "try various fuel efficiency, schedule considerations, and passenger maneuvers." The conclusion was made that "if all comfort. equipped aircraft are fitted with PredASAS, there is no When constraints of these types are considered in longer a need to know intent information because combination with the task of separation assurance, the nobody will turn (or climb/descend) into a conflict." 3 type of traffic surveillance information provided to the A study conducted at the NASA Ames Research flight crews may play amore critical role in their ability Center suggested that pilots nevertheless preferred to be to repeatedly and reliably meet their separation provided traffic-aircraft intent information, and the assurance responsibility than in unconstrained preferred source was Flight Management System operations. This issue extends beyond the minimum (FMS) flight plan data 4. In this study, flight crews were requirement for information that enables airborne alternately provided with three types of traffic separation assurance, and it extends beyond the information: state data, Flight Control Panel (FCP) preferences of the flight crew. The study of constrained data, or FMS data. The flight crews were given the operations is critical to determining the overall opportunity to use voice communication channels to advisability of exchanging intent information to enable communicate directly with other aircraft to gather intent the NAS participants to achieve their operational information or negotiate resolutions. Results of the objectives, meet established constraints, and operate study indicated that pilot preferences for intent with long-term stability in the future airspace information centered primarily on the improved ability operations. to understand the conflict alerts. Intent information Modes of Autonomous Operations type (state, FCP, or FMS) was found to have no effect on separation assurance. In the experiment, two modes of autonomous aircraft operation, tactical and strategic, that relate to Operational Constraints the use of traffic intent information were tested for Whereas these studies addressed unconstrained comparison. The two operational modes are both operations, little research has been performed on the considered viable solutions, and they differ in several feasibility of constrained operations. Constrained respects beyond just the level of information exchange. operations are important to consider in concept feasibility and viability analyses. Operational constraints ultimately limit airspace capacity -2- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Tactical mode maneuvering safely to resolve the original conflict, the pilot monitors the conflict prevention information to Aspects of the tactical mode have been developed determine when it is safe to return to course. and investigated over several years in batch and piloted simulation studies by the NLR (National Aerospace Strategic Mode Laboratory of The Netherlands) 3, and it is primarily The strategic mode is a closed-loop (automated) characterized by simplicity in several respects. It was method of trajectory planning. Any trajectory changes designed to minimize the requirements placed on recommended to the flight crew will have been supporting technology, including both data link and determined a priori to meet all known constraints and pilot decision-support automation. Broadcast data-link optimization criteria, while both solving the current bandwidth requirements are minimized by employing conflict and returning the aircraft to course. This conflict detection based only on the current aircraft approach places greater demand on decision-support state vector (current position, altitude, ground track, automation in that it must generate trajectories for pilot ground speed, and vertical speed). On-board conflict review based on a simultaneous solution of constraints detection algorithms deterministically compare (in the and objectives. More information on future actions of current implementation) the state vectors of traffic the traffic would allow for earlier detection of many aircraft with that of the ownship. To minimize false conflict situations and greater flexibility and alerts associated with extrapolation errors 5,state-vector- acceptability of new trajectories. Therefore, the based conflict detection is limited in its "look ahead" intended trajectory ("intent") of each aircraft is time horizon. The research of NLR has determined that included in its broadcasted data-link message. This a five-minute look-ahead horizon is sufficient for approach places a greater demand on the data link separation assurance. bandwidth to accommodate the additional information. If a conflict is detected, the pilot is alerted, and the For this experiment, the intent message was defined to conflict resolution algorithm is automatically activated be a series of trajectory change points, although other to calculate maneuver advisories for the pilot. These forms of intent are also being considered 7. conflict resolution advisories are simple in that they are Conflict detection in the strategic mode is recommended changes to the ownship heading, performed using a combination of traffic state and airspeed, or vertical speed. The pilot implements the intent information. The state-based conflict detection is maneuver by setting targets in the FCP to match the identical to that used in the tactical mode, and a 5- advised settings. This procedure is comparable to the minute look-ahead horizon was used in the experiment. pilot's current use of the FCP to comply with a vector The intent-based conflict detection deterministically for traffic issued by Air Traffic Control (ATC). compared the ownship flight plan to the traffic aircraft Concurrently, aconflict prevention system (PredASAS) broadcast intent in a search for intent conflicts s. monitors all possible single-dimensional maneuvers for Whereas a 15-20 minute look-ahead horizon is thought conflicts, and it indicates to the pilot what maneuvers to be appropriate for intent-based conflict detection, a would cause a new conflict, essentially a "no-go" shorter horizon of 8 minutes was used in the current alerting system. All maneuvers outside of the displayed study to allow more data to be gathered during the no-go bands are conflict-free for at least the next 5 limited availability of the subject pilots. This shorter minutes, assuming the traffic aircraft do not maneuver time horizon was still of sufficient length to permit during this time. exploration of some of the implications of differing The resolution maneuvers in this operational intent and state time horizons. mode are tactical in nature because they only resolve A conflict-alerting decision algorithm was the conflict and do not account for a return to the developed to determine when and how to alert the pilot original flight plan or the consideration of external to potential and actual conflict situations. The utility of constraints, such as RTAs or airspace hazards. This combining state-based and intent-based conflict highlights the primary characteristic of the tactical detection is that the alerting system can distinguish mode, that of the open-loop (manual) nature of meeting between a conflict situation that requires ownship constraints. It is hypothesized that the pilot would action and a situation that will likely be resolved by typically solve problems sequentially: First, resolve the maneuvers of the traffic aircraft. The latter situation conflict by maneuvering clear; second, avoid any would require no ownship action but would have the nearby airspace hazards; third, develop an efficient plan potential for elevating to the former category should the to return to course; and fourth, make adjustments to traffic aircraft not maneuver appropriately. Such events meet RTA and other ATC constraints. This approach include failure of the aircraft to observe priority and/or has the effect of spreading decision-making over time maneuver flight rules (described below) or an and possibly simplifying the maneuver decisions. After unannounced deviation from the broadcast intentions -3- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (i.e.,flightplannon-conformancIteis).hypothesized ground speed, or vertical speed that creates a near-term thatdistinguishinwgithinthealertinglogicbetween conflict (for the current study, within 5 minutes). The situationthsatrequiroerdonotrequireownshiapction pilot would meet the requirements of this role by wouldreducuennecessamrayneuverianngdtherefore avoiding flight in the direction of a conflict prevention improvoeveralslystemstabilityT.healertinglogicis band, although transition through a band is permitted. describeindmoredetaiilnreferenc9e. This maneuver flight role has the additional benefit of Incontrastotthetacticaml odet,hestrategmicode providing some predictability in autonomous-aircraft usems odemcommercaiairlcrafttechnolotgoyassisint operations, which should aid the ATSP in developing conflictresolution.By coordinatinthgeconflict- stable strategies for managed-aircraft separation. resolutiocnalculationwsiththeflightplanningand A priority flight rule defines which aircraft in a trajectorgyeneratiofunnctionosftheFMSa, complete given conflict situation is responsible for resolving the re-plarmionfgthelocatlrajectorcyanbeperformethdat conflict. The tactical mode has no priority flight role in guarantetehsatthenewtrajectoriyswithintheflight that it assumes every autonomous aircraft shares equal envelopeIn. additionth,eFMScanalsobeusedto responsibility to resolve conflicts, which is prudent closethelooponATSPconstraintSs.peeadndpath given the limited time horizon for detecting and strategiethsatmeeatnRTAatadownstreafimxor resolving conflicts. The strategic operational mode also airspaceboundarycanbe incorporateindto the assigns equal responsibility for near-term conflicts. proposecdonflict-resolutitoranjectory.Resolution However, for conflicts more than 5 minutes away, the strategiecsanalsoincorporapteredicteldocationosf conflict geometry is used to determine who has _'right- convectivweeathecrellsandscheduleadctivatioonf of-way." By assigning resolution responsibility to one SUAoranyregionthatwouldbeconsiderheadzardous aircraft in a conflict pair, predictability should increase, orinadvisabtoleentera,ssuminthgisinformatiownas total maneuvering at the system level should decrease madeavailabletotheaircraftsystems.Sincethe (ideally by one-half since generally only one aircraft in solutionspacethatmeetstheseconstrainwtsould a pair would maneuver), and system-level traffic flow normallybe large,trajectoryoptimizatiocnanbe stability may be enhanced. For conflicts detected performetdo achievea desiredgoal,suchasfuel significantly far in advance (perhaps greater than 15 economay,comfortabrildee,oranearlyarrival.The minutes - a subject of future research), the benefits of FMScanthenbeusedtoflythecompletreesolution assigning responsibility are likely to disappear, and trajectoryp,otentiallryeducintghetaskloadof the therefore priority flight roles would no longer be flightcrew. applied. Conflicrtesolutioandvisoriefosrconflictbsaseodn validinten(ti.e.t,heintrudearircrafistdeterminteodbe conformintogitsbroadcainsttentw) eregeneratbeyda genetic-algorithm-boapstiemdizatiornoutin1e°. This routinewasdesignetdoiteratetrajectorcyonstraints withtheFMSuntilaconflict-fretreajectorthyatmeets alladditionaclonstrain(tes.g.R, TA)is determined. Furtheirterationasrethenperformetdooptimizea selectepdaramet(eer.g.f,uel-bumminimizationT)h.e trajectorwyouldnormallbyeflownbytheFMS.For conflictsrequirinogwnshiapctionthatarebasedon stateinformationre,solutioandvisorieisdenticatlo thoseinthetacticamlodearepresentaesda_'quicfkix" optionfortheflightcrew. Twotypesofflightrulesareenvisionefodrthe strategmicodeofoperatioena,chprovidinagdistinct benefit.A maneuver flight rule is one that governs what types of maneuvers are not permissible in certain situations. The strategic mode incorporates amaneuver flight role that is designed to prevent near-term conflicts from suddenly appearing. The same role was applied to the tactical mode, as described earlier in the Figure 1. ND as modified to present traffic, use of the conflict prevention system. The role states conflict, and resolution information. that an aircraft may not implement a change in track, -4- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Flight Deck Display Design not considered by the algorithm (such as other traffic and airspace hazards). A new cockpit display of traffic information (CDTI) design concept, exercised in full in the strategic mode In the strategic mode, aproposed conflict-resolution for this experiment, was developed to address the issues trajectory is automatically loaded as an alternate route of effectively integrating (rather than superimposing) in the FMS and is displayed on the ND for pilot review. state and intent information for conflict detection into a A Control and Display Unit (CDU) page was devised single presentation. The design built on state-only and for accepting (or rejecting) the trajectory. If the conflict intent-only display features previously developed and persists until also detected as a state conflict, tactical- investigated by NLR 3 and NASA Ames Research maneuver options (same as those calculated in the Center 11. The aircraft simulation used in the current tactical mode) are displayed to the pilot to permit experiment was a representation of the MD- 11 aircraft. immediate conflict resolution for safety. These tactical The new display features for autonomous operations advisories are shown concurrently with the alternate were therefore integrated into the MD-11 flight-deck FMS-route advisory, providing the pilot a tactical display suite, and existing MD-11 conventions were option to clear the conflict alert while the strategic FMS adhered to as much as possible. The Primary Flight route is reviewed. Display (PFD) and Navigation Display (ND) were the only displays affected, and an ND control panel was Experiment Obiectives and Approach added. The new display design followed the common The experiment was conducted in the NASA approach of superimposing traffic data on the ND. The CDTI features are described in reference 9. The ND Langley Air Traffic Operations Laboratory, which contains a medium-fidelity workstation simulation of with some of the CDTI features is shown in figure 1. airspace operations that permits pilots to interact in Conflict Alerting proposed future ATM environments. A more detailed description of the simulation capability can be found in The conflict alerting follows the MD-11 aircraft reference 5. system alerting convention. The alerting logic is based on three levels of alerting. The primary objective of the experiment was to compare the two proposed operational modes A Level 1 alert is used when a conflict situation applicable to airborne separation assurance in a must be conveyed to the pilot, but no action is required constrained en-route environment. The experiment because the intruder aircraft is expected to resolve the focused on operational aspects that relate to conflict. The alert is considered advisory, similar to a commercial-transport autonomous aircraft as defined by traffic "point out." Note that Level 1alerts only occur the DAG-TM Concept Element 52. in the strategic mode, since it requires priority flight rules and/or traffic intent information to be present. The experiment focused on the operations of a single autonomous aircraft in en-route cruise flight with A Level 2 alert requires action by the ownship flight variable airspace complexity (i.e., traffic density, crew. This alert is used when a conflict has been weather cells, SUA). Beyond the current research detected, and it is the responsibility of the ownship scope were direct interactions with the ATSP, managed flight crew to resolve the situation. A reminder of aircraft, or other piloted autonomous aircraft. The imminent loss of separation is given to the pilot at 3 study did not address multi-person flight crews, crew minutes to go. resource management, or voice communications. A Level 3 alert requires immediate action by the Climbs and descents of the ownship were not studied, ownship flight crew. This alert corresponds to the nor were the effects of winds or failure modes of actual loss of separation, i.e., the aircraft have decision-support automation or CNS infrastructure. approached within the minimum legal separation These issues will be addressed in future studies. criteria. A 2-by-2-by-3 within-subjects experimental design Conflict Resolution Advisories was used to address the research objectives. The primary independent variables were operational mode The detection of a conflict triggers the calculation of (tactical and strategic) and operational complexity (low resolution advisories by the decision support and high). The third independent variable was the automation. In the tactical mode, maneuver options are conflict situation design, described below. displayed to the pilot on the PFD and ND that permit conflict resolution with simple maneuvers (i.e., heading Operational complexity, for the purposes of this and vertical speed changes). These maneuver options experiment, was assumed to be a function of traffic were considered advisories only, and the pilot was free density and airspace hazard density. Research has to choose a different solution if desired based on factors shown that traffic density is correlated with operational -5- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics complex1it2y.Trafficdensitaypproximatirnegcorded into this study). A pilot who took no action would see 1997levelswasusedforthelowcomplexictyondition these conflicts as self-resolving. A pilot who andwastripledforthehighcomplexitcyondition. maneuvered may also observe the intruder maneuver Airspacheazarddensitwyasaddedasanadditional and therefore possibly conclude the resolution was relevanctomplexitfyactorofconstraineodperations, shared. althoughno conflictswithairspacheazardswere planned. Each scenario was terminated with an RTA constraint at a fix. The subject pilot was tasked to Sixteenactive commerciatlransportpilots ensure separation from the traffic aircraft and avoid participateindthestudy.Eachflewthreescenarioins airspace hazards while meeting the RTA constraint. In eachofthefourconditionrespresentiendthe2-by-2 order to assess workload impact, the subject pilot was experimendtaelsigdnescribeadboveT. helevel-cruise given a secondary task involving periodic monitoring scenarioesachcontaineodneofthefollowingthree and reporting of aircraft system status. Additionally, conflicstituationsA.n"intent-onlyc"onflicstituation the pilot was prompted every two minutes to record a occurrewdhenonlytheintenttrajectoritehsreatenaed real-time assessment of workload on a seven-point conflict.A "state-onlyc"onflictsituationoccurred scale from very low to very high. Only the latter metric whenonlythestatetrajectoriethsreatenaedconflict is reported in this paper. (andtheintenttrajectoriedsidnot). A "blunder" conflicstituatiownassimilatrothe"state-onlcyo"nflict Results and Discussion situatiobnu, ttheintrudearircrafdtidnotadherteothe plannedtrajectorychangein thebroadcasinttent Initial findings based on researcher observations of messagaen,dthetwoaircrarfetmaineindconflict. several scenario case studies, pilot subjective ratings and comments on the tactical and strategic operational Becaustheeownshidpidnothaveaccestosintent modes, and pilot subjective ratings of display design informatioinnthetacticaml odet,hepilotwouldhave features are presented in reference 9. This observeaddiffereninttruder-aircbraefhtaviothranthat complementary paper presents a partial analysis of plannefdoreachconflicstituationT. hust,hepilot's objective numerical trajectory and event data. The perceptioonfsthethreeconflicstituationasbovweould discussion of results will focus on the influence of differinthetwomodeosfoperatiocnonsideriendthis strategic and tactical operations and operational experimenret,sultinignthreepilot-perceivceodnflict complexity level on maneuvering, conflict proliferation, types. operational efficiency, and pilot workload. Additionally, case studies are presented on the two Max-alert conflicts: A blunder conflict as defined scenarios where aloss of separation occurred. above loses its meaning when observed in the tactical mode, since the observer (i.e., ownship) never knew Maneuvering about the intruder's planned TCP in the first place. The As described earlier, each pilot was exposed to three intruder's behavior would appear to be a "normal" conflict types: max alert, short alert, and self-resolving. conflict (not precipitated by any intruder maneuver or The pilot experienced these scenarios in both tactical lack of an expected one) detected at the maximum look- and strategic modes and in low and high complexity ahead time (5 minutes). For the strategic mode environments. Only two of the three scenarios required observer, the corresponding conflict situation would be a resolution maneuver by the pilot; the scenario the intent-only conflict, which again would be detected containing the self-resolving conflicts would not at the maximum look-ahead time (8 minutes). because the intruder's actions would resolve the Short-alert conflicts: The intent-only conflict conflict approximately 1.5 minutes after the alert. In observed in the tactical mode is comparable to the addition to these planned conflict situations, the pilot blunder conflict observed in the strategic mode, since in encountered additional conflicts (unplanned by the both cases the Level-2 conflict alert ("action required") experimenters) as a result of their maneuver choices. occurred well within the look-ahead horizon (in this The pilots were expected to maneuver to resolve these study 3.5 minutes were provided by design for both conflicts as well. conflict situations). These both could be considered The total count of maneuvers performed in the "pop-up" conflicts by their respective observers. experiment is presented in Figure 2. When considering Self-resolving conflicts: The state-only conflict type all scenarios tested, the maneuver count was relatively can be considered directly comparable for tactical and insensitive to operational complexity in the strategic strategic observers, since in both cases the intruder mode, but a notable increase in maneuvers was would have appeared to resolve the conflict observed in the tactical mode as complexity increased. approximately 1.5 minutes after the alert (as designed Note that the metric considers the turn-away and turn- -6- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics backmaneuvearssonea, ndsotheeffectsshownare not indicatingdifferencesin the maneuvering 80 procedureB.reakingthemaneuvecoruntdownby '_ 70 conflicttype illustratesthat a morecomplex 60 50 relationshoipfmaneuveritnogoperationmalodeand complexietyxists. 30 20 Inthemax-alerstcenarioms,aneuvecrounwt as higheirnthestrategmicodethaninthetacticaml odea, counter-intuitriveesultconsiderinthgatthestrategic modedesiginntendethdeoppositeN.earlytwo-thirds ofthestrategmicodepilot-runwsereperformewdith partiaolrfulltacticaml aneuverienvge,nthougahpure strategriecsolutiownasalwayosfferedA.nalysoisfthe Conflict Type rawdataunderlyintgheplotindicatethsat,inthelow complexictyases,everaplilotschosteosecond-guess [] Low complexity thestrategircesolutioonfferedby theautomation, [] High complexity increasinthgestrategic-momdaeneuvecorunt.This observatioinndicatetshatthemaneuvecorunttrend maybetheresulotfinadequaetxeperienwceithortrust Figure 2. Quantity of maneuvers performed in inthestrategriecsolutioandvisorieass,thepilotshad preventing and resolving conflicts. verylittletimetobecomfeamiliawriththeperformance of thistoolbeforethedataruns. Additionaolr conflicts in the strategic mode. It may be that the intent alternativefactorsin the trendmayhavebeen information provided in the strategic mode gave the conservativedecision-makinge,.g., providing pilots enough confidence in the future traffic state to redundasnetparatioinnboththeverticaalndlateral forgo preventative maneuvering. dimensionasn,dthe absencoef strategicvertical resolutiocnapabilitays,pilotswerefrequentolybserved In self-resolving conflict scenarios, strategic mode toaugmetnhtelaterasltrategmicaneuvweirthavertical operations appeared to be effective in reducing tacticaml aneuverIn. thehighcomplexictyaset,he unnecessary ownship maneuvers. In this mode, the pilots were informed of the intruder's intent to change underlyindgataindicatethsatmorepilotsmadeearly trajectory before losing separation, and the Level-1 alert (pre-conflicmt)aneuveinrsthestrategmicodethanin provided the pilot an advisory not to take action. thetacticaml ode.It isconceivabtlheatthehigher complexictyausepdilotstomaneuvtearcticallryather Nearly all recorded maneuvers in strategic mode thanwaitforthesystemtoalertthemw, hichpoints occurred during this Level-1 alert, the reasons for eithetrowardmoreevidencoefinadequatrtuestand/or which were postulated earlier for short-alert scenarios. In most cases, the tactical-mode pilots elected to experienwceiththesystemorpossiblaypilotneedfor immediately resolve the conflict upon receiving the a longerlook-aheacdonflict-detecttiiomnein high alert. Had they waited for the 3-minute warning to complexietynvironments. maneuver, as they were instructed they could, the Intheshort-alesrctenarioasm, irror-imamgeaneuver-conflict would have disappeared with no action by the counttrendisseefnorstrategaicndtacticaml odewsith ownship. The pilots may have considered immediate respectot anincreasine operationcaolmplexityth;e maneuvering to be the more conservative approach, and strategimcaneuvecorundt ecreaseasn,dthetactical yet several new conflicts were created by this decision counitncreaseIsn.thestrategic-molodwec,omplexity in the high-complexity scenario, requiring additional scenariosse,venof themaneuveorsccurredeither maneuvering. duringtheLevel-1aler(t_noactionrequiredo")rwhile Conflict Proliferation resolvintgheprimaryconflicatfterreturnintgocourse toosoon.Bothofthesemaybeindicatoorsfalackof The creation of a new conflict as a result of operationeaxlperiencbeu,ttheformermayindicate maneuvers to prevent or resolve a previous conflict is conservativfleyingtendencieTsh.isdatasetalso clearly an undesired effect. Such conflicts are termed includeodneofthetwoloss-of-separaptiiolont-runs, '_second generation" in this paper to denote their origin. contributinfoguradditionmalaneuvetorsthecountI.n The more preferred stable traffic environment is one thetacticaml odea,primarycontributtoortheincreasewhere conflicts do not persist or propagate between in maneuvecrountwasmaneuveirnsresponsteo aircraft. Requiring the complete elimination of second- proximabteutnon-conflictibnagckgroutnradffic;such generation conflicts, however, may be unreasonable. maneuvewresregeneralnlyotobservewdithshort-alertAs operational complexity increases, it can be expected -7- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Strategic Tactical Operational Mode Strategic Tactical [] Level, new altitude Operational Mode and Complexity [] Climbing /descending [] Level, original altitude [] Vertical resolution only [] Lateral and vertical resolutions [] Lateral resolution only Figure 4. Pilot maneuvering choice in runs involving second-generation conflicts. Figure 3. Maneuver choice frequency in intent-only conflict scenarios. that the unintended creation of new conflicts will available to the pilot for decluttering the display. Both occasionally occur, and the vast majority of these will of these features may have contributed to ade-emphasis likely occur beyond the ability to detect at the of aircraft at different altitudes, possibly leading to a originating maneuver time. A more rare, but still loss of awareness of the threat they posed. The fact that possible, occurrence might arise in highly complex many of the second-generation conflicts occurred while situations where temporarily trading a near-term climbing or descending indicates that the conflict conflict for a longer-term conflict is the logical or prevention bands on the vertical speed indicator were possibly only solution, given other concurrent not generally inthe pilots' scan. constraints. Nevertheless, the nominal goal is to To provide an indication of the stability of the minimize the occurrence of second-generation conflicts. strategic and tactical operations as discussed earlier, the As expected, the preponderance of second- total conflict count in the experiment is presented in generation conflicts in the current experiment occurred Figure 5. As indicated earlier, the majority of the in the high-complexity environment, and for reasons second-generation conflicts occurred in the high- unclear, over 50 percent of these occurred in the intent- complexity condition. In the strategic mode scenarios, only conflict type (max-alert scenario in strategic mode; the 32 planned conflicts resulted in 8additional second- short-alert scenario in tactical mode). In maneuvering generation conflicts, or a 25 percent proliferation rate. to prevent or resolve conflicts, the pilots had the option In the tactical mode scenarios, the 31 planned conflicts in both modes to choose between lateral, vertical, or a (1 fewer due to an unusable data run) resulted in 9 combined maneuver. Speed was also an option, but is additional second-generation conflicts, or a 29 percent generally considered ineffective as a pure mechanism proliferation rate. Both operational modes, therefore, for conflict resolution in short time domains. As shown are reasonably stable at this level of complexity. in Figure 3, pilots in the intent-only conflict scenarios However, the similarity in proliferation rates between chose pure lateral maneuvers over vertical or combined strategic and tactical modes may be a result of the lateral/vertical more than half of the time. significant use of tactical maneuvering observed in the strategic mode, thereby blurring the true proliferation The second-generation conflicts in these scenarios, characteristics of operations in which strategic however, only occurred in pilot-runs where vertical resolutions are the prevalent maneuver choice. Since maneuvering was involved. As shown in Figure 4,the data were not obtained at a third complexity level, it is second-generation conflicts generally occurred when not known whether the proliferation rates vary linearly the ownship was either climbing/descending or had with increases in complexity. previously changed altitude. As shown in Figure 1, a relative-altitude color-coding scheme was used in the Operational Efficiency display of traffic. Aircraft within 1000 ft of ownship In the absence of available fuel-bum data and given altitude were shown inwhite and the rest were shown in the assumptions of the experiment, excess path length blue or green. Additionally, an altitude filter was -8- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 45 40 ,_ 2.0 35 30 25 1.5 20 1.0 0.5 0 0.0 Short Self ALL Max. Alert Alert Resolve Strategic Tactical ConflictType OperatioMnoadlaenCdomplexity [] Strategic Mode []2ndGeneraticoonnflicts [] Tactical Mode []PlanneIDdSconflicts Figure 6. Excess path length for data runs with Figure 5. Planned and second-generation lateral maneuvers only and strategic resolutions conflict count. accepted for the maximum-alert scenarios. flown can be considered a first-order measure of changes to the trajectory to minimize pilot task load. In degraded operational efficiency. The initial trajectory the strategic mode, the automated resolution advisory of the aircraft in each scenario was a direct constant- generated an "optimal" trajectory (based on minimized altitude path to the RTA fix. Any deviation from this path length) incorporating a small buffer (2 nm) to trajectory (to resolve conflicts) may require additional ensure separation, but it involved very few pilot actions fuel bum and could therefore be considered a reduction to implement. The pilot could choose to have the FMS in operational efficiency. fly this trajectory or to intervene with tactical maneuvering or a "direct to" modification to the flight Excess path length data is presented in Figure 6. plan once the conflict is passed. In the current ATC The presented data only includes the pilot-runs system, a controller would typically have the goal of involving lateral maneuvers only. Vertical maneuvers providing guaranteed separation with minimal generally provide separation with significantly smaller controller workload. Generally, this translates to large changes in path length and would therefore skew the data when combined with lateral maneuvers. Since the buffers and little consideration to optimizing the aircraft' strajectory. strategic resolution algorithm only provided lateral solutions due to FMS limitations in the current Pilot Workload simulation software, the lateral maneuver data is of As shown in Figure 7, the maximum pilot rating for most interest for comparing strategic and tactical workload (acquired 8times during the run on a scale of modes. The strategic, maximum-alert data also l=very low, 7---very high) averaged for the same data excludes one particular data point that involved an set shown in Figure 6was essentially equivalent in the unusually large lateral deviation compared to the others. strategic and tactical modes. This finding is consistent The reason for the large maneuver is not known, but with the observation that the primary contribution to may be related to a known guidance problem in the pilot workload was not conflict resolution, but rather aircraft performance model. scanning and manipulating the ND for traffic The data in Figure 6 indicate that the strategic and information. This task was essentially equivalent inthe tactical operational modes offered no significant strategic and tactical modes, except that the strategic- differences in operational efficiency as measured by mode pilots were also cognitively processing the excess path length. Both modes provided an available intent information. There may be little opportunity to minimize the excess path length in benefit, and possibly some detriment, to a pilot conflict resolution over the current ATC system. In the continuously scanning for possible traffic conflicts tactical mode, the pilot could choose to make continual when an automated conflict detection system is also fine-tuning adjustments to minimize flight path performing this task. It may be possible to further deviation from the direct routing, essentially skirting reduce pilot workload by eliminating the display of the edge of the required separation criteria, or non-threatening aircraft from the ND. A prototype of alternatively the pilot could choose to make fewer gross -9- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 7 7 _ 6 _ 6 _ L_5 iiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiii o 4 _ _ 3 _1 Max. Short Self ALL Max. Short Self ALL Alert Alert Resolve Alert Alert Resolve Conflict Type Conflict Type [] Strategic Mode [] Low Complexity [] Tactical Mode [] High Complexity Figure 7. Maximum pilot workload assessments for Figure 8. Sensitivity of pilot workload self-assessment data runs with lateral maneuvers only and strategic to operational complexity. resolutions accepted for the maximum-alert scenarios such a system will be tested in an upcoming ownship were to take no action. In the tactical mode experiment. for this conflict type, the ownship pilot has no knowledge this will happen until the intruder initiates The sensitivity of maximum pilot workload the maneuver, which occurs approximately 1.5 minutes assessment on operational complexity is shown in after the conflict alert. This case study will illustrate Figure 8. The data indicate minimal sensitivity of the utility of traffic intent information, the effect of workload to operational complexity. This finding is inexperience, and the importance of maneuver flight consistent with the findings of Hoekstra 3, providing restrictions. further evidence that an en-route distributed traffic management system may not be limited by pilot Synopsis: workload, as is generally considered to be the case in The ownship pilot was observing traffic with the the current centralized system with controller workload. ND range set to 80 nm. The four aircraft that were Loss of Separation visible were all converging toward the area in front of the ownship. On the left, one aircraft was 4700 ft Of the 192 scenarios of data acquired in this below ownship and level, and the other was descending experiment, two occasions of loss of separation (LOS) through ownship's altitude. The two aircraft on the occurred, one each in the tactical and strategic right were co-altitude with ownship. When the conflict operational modes. An LOS for this experiment was alert appeared for FX689, the planned intruder defined as coming within 5 nautical miles and 1000 feet approaching from the right, the descending aircraft was of another aircraft, and the conflict resolution advisories 2800 ft below. See Figure 9. Although the other and CDTI were designed to assist the pilot in avoiding approaching aircraft on the right, WN145, was LOS. It is interesting to note that both LOS situations producing a large CP band for right turns greater than occurred under conditions of low complexity, which 30 degrees, the ownship pilot turned 20 degrees in that indicates that traffic and airspace hazard density were direction, possibly as a turn away from the descending not likely principal causal factors. It is also interesting aircraft, TW499. This maneuver momentarily resolved to note that the background traffic aircraft were the conflict. The ownship was now navigating towards identical for the two LOS scenarios, although the a 23-degree opening between CP bands. Less than a intruder aircraft were different. The actions of one of minute later, two events occurred nearly these background aircraft contributed to both LOS simultaneously. FX689 started a left turn and WN145 occurrences. started a right turn, both in the direction of ownship. Case 1. Tacticalmode The turns of both aircraft were part of their un- broadcasted intent, and the result was simultaneous The designed conflict for this scenario was a state- conflicts with the two aircraft. See Figure 10. The 23 only or self-resolving conflict, which means that the degree CP-band opening had collapsed within 25 intruder's actions would resolve the conflict if the seconds. The pilot turned right and then corrected hard -10- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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