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Problem Solving in Data Structures Algorithms Using C# PDF

571 Pages·2017·6.66 MB·English
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Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using C# First Edition By Hemant Jain Book Title: Problems Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using C# Book Author: Hemant Jain Published by Hemant Jain HIG 4, Samarth Tower, Sarvadharm, D Sector, Bhopal, India, Pin Code: 462042 Published in Bhopal, India This edition published January 2017 Copyright © Hemant Jain 2017. All Right Reserved. Hemant Jain asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is very grateful to GOD ALMIGHTY for his grace and blessing. Deepest gratitude for the help and support of my brother Dr. Sumant Jain. This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement he provided. I would like to express profound gratitude to my guide/ my friend Naveen Kaushik for his invaluable encouragement, supervision and useful suggestion throughout this book writing work. His support and continuous guidance enable me to complete my work successfully. Finally yet importantly, I am thankful to Love Singhal, Anil Berry and Others who helped me directly or indirectly in completing this book. Hemant Jain Reader feedback Feedback from our readers is always welcome. Let us know what you think about this book. You can provide your valuable feedback at www.Amazon.com & www.Flipkart.com. Error Reporting Although the author had tried his best to ensure the accuracy of the content of this book, but mistake do happens. If you find a mistake in this book - may be mistake in the text or the code. We would be grateful if you report them to us. Your feedbacks will help us in improving the next version of this book. If you find an error simply, send an email to us at [email protected]. In the error reporting please, mention the book title in the subject of your message. To: [email protected] Subject: Error : <Book Title> Message: <Description of the Error> New Problems If the reader thinks that, a new problem should be added to this book. Then please send that problem to us. To: [email protected] Subject: Problem : <Book Title> Message: <Description of the Problem> New Requests If the reader thinks that, a new topic or some more elaboration need to be added to an existing topic of this book. Then please send that request to us. To: [email protected] Subject: Request : <Book Title> Message: <Description of the Request> TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 0: HOW TO USE THIS BOOK WHAT THIS BOOK IS ABOUT PREPARATION PLANS SUMMARY CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION - PROGRAMMING OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION FIRST C# PROGRAM OBJECT VARIABLE DATA TYPES PRIMITIVE/ BASIC DATA TYPES PARAMETER PASSING, CALL BY VALUE REFERENCE DATA TYPES PARAMETER PASSING, CALL BY REFERENCE KINDS OF VARIABLES METHODS ACCESS MODIFIERS INTERFACE RELATIONSHIP GENERAL PROTOTYPE OF A CLASS ABSTRACT CLASS & METHODS NESTED CLASS ENUMS CONSTANTS CONDITIONS AND LOOPS ARRAY TWO DIMENSIONAL ARRAY ARRAY INTERVIEW QUESTIONS CONCEPT OF STACK SYSTEM STACK AND METHOD CALLS RECURSIVE FUNCTION EXERCISES CHAPTER 2: ALGORITHMS ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS BIG-O NOTATION OMEGA-Ω NOTATION THETA-Θ NOTATION COMPLEXITY ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS TIME COMPLEXITY ORDER DERIVING THE RUNTIME FUNCTION OF AN ALGORITHM TIME COMPLEXITY EXAMPLES MASTER THEOREM MODIFIED MASTER THEOREM EXERCISE CHAPTER 3: APPROACH TO SOLVE ALGORITHM DESIGN PROBLEMS INTRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS IDEA GENERATION COMPLEXITIES CODING TESTING EXAMPLE SUMMARY CHAPTER 4: ABSTRACT DATA TYPE & C# COLLECTIONS ABSTRACT DATA TYPE (ADT) DATA-STRUCTURE C# COLLECTION FRAMEWORK ARRAY LINKED LIST STACK QUEUE TREES BINARY TREE BINARY SEARCH TREES (BST) PRIORITY QUEUE (HEAP) HASH-TABLE CHOOSING THE RIGHT COLLECTION CLASS DICTIONARY / SYMBOL TABLE GRAPHS GRAPH ALGORITHMS SORTING ALGORITHMS COUNTING SORT END NOTE CHAPTER 5: SEARCHING INTRODUCTION WHY SEARCHING? DIFFERENT SEARCHING ALGORITHMS LINEAR SEARCH – UNSORTED INPUT LINEAR SEARCH – SORTED BINARY SEARCH STRING SEARCHING ALGORITHMS HASHING AND SYMBOL TABLES HOW SORTING IS USEFUL IN SELECTION ALGORITHM? PROBLEMS IN SEARCHING EXERCISE CHAPTER 6: SORTING INTRODUCTION TYPE OF SORTING BUBBLE-SORT MODIFIED (IMPROVED) BUBBLE-SORT INSERTION-SORT SELECTION-SORT MERGE-SORT QUICK-SORT QUICK SELECT BUCKET SORT GENERALIZED BUCKET SORT HEAP-SORT TREE SORTING EXTERNAL SORT (EXTERNAL MERGE-SORT) COMPARISONS OF THE VARIOUS SORTING ALGORITHMS. SELECTION OF BEST SORTING ALGORITHM EXERCISE CHAPTER 7: LINKED LIST INTRODUCTION LINKED LIST TYPES OF LINKED LIST SINGLY LINKED LIST DOUBLY LINKED LIST CIRCULAR LINKED LIST DOUBLY CIRCULAR LIST EXERCISE CHAPTER 8: STACK INTRODUCTION THE STACK ABSTRACT DATA TYPE STACK USING ARRAY STACK USING ARRAY (GROWING-REDUCING CAPACITY IMPLEMENTATION) STACK USING LINKED LIST PROBLEMS IN STACK PROS AND CONS OF ARRAY AND LINKED LIST IMPLEMENTATION OF STACK. USES OF STACK EXERCISE CHAPTER 9: QUEUE INTRODUCTION THE QUEUE ABSTRACT DATA TYPE QUEUE USING ARRAY QUEUE USING LINKED LIST PROBLEMS IN QUEUE EXERCISE CHAPTER 10: TREE INTRODUCTION TERMINOLOGY IN TREE BINARY TREE TYPES OF BINARY TREES PROBLEMS IN BINARY TREE BINARY SEARCH TREE (BST) PROBLEMS IN BINARY SEARCH TREE (BST) SEGMENT TREE AVL TREES RED-BLACK TREE SPLAY TREE B-TREE B+ TREE B* TREE EXERCISE CHAPTER 11: PRIORITY QUEUE INTRODUCTION TYPES OF HEAP HEAP ADT OPERATIONS OPERATION ON HEAP HEAP-SORT PRIORITYQUEUE<> GENERIC HEAP IMPLEMENTATION USES OF HEAP PROBLEMS IN HEAP EXERCISE CHAPTER 12: HASH-TABLE INTRODUCTION HASH-TABLE HASHING WITH OPEN ADDRESSING HASHING WITH SEPARATE CHAINING COUNT MAP PROBLEMS IN HASHING EXERCISE CHAPTER 13: GRAPHS INTRODUCTION

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