JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 ContentslistsavailableatSciVerseScienceDirect Journal of Theoretical Biology journal homepage: Probabilistic finite element analysis of a craniofacial finite element model Michael A. Berthaumea,b, Paul C. Dechowc, Jose Iriarte-Diazd, Callum F. Rossd, David S. Straite, Qian Wangf, Ian R. Grossea,n aDepartmentofMechanical&IndustrialEngineering,UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst,USA bDepartmentofAnthropology,UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst,USA cDepartmentofBiomedicalSciences,TexasA&MHealthScienceCenterBaylorCollegeofDentistry,Dallas,TX,USA dOrganismalBiologyandAnatomy,UniversityofChicago,Chicago,IL,USA eDepartmentofAnthropology,UniversityatAlbany,Albany,NY,USA fDivisionofBasicMedicalSciences,MercerUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Macon,GA,USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: We employed a probabilistic finite element analysis (FEA) method to determine how variability in Received7July2011 material property values affects stress and strain values in a finite model of a Macaca fascicularis Receivedinrevisedform cranium.Thematerialbehaviorofcorticalbonevariedinthreeways:isotropichomogeneous,isotropic 1December2011 non-homogeneous,andorthotropicnon-homogeneous.Thematerialbehaviorofthetrabecularbone Accepted18January2012 and teeth was always treated as isotropic and homogeneous. All material property values for the Availableonline27January2012 craniumwererandomizedwithaGaussiandistributionwitheithercoefficientsofvariation(CVs)of Keywords: 0.2orwithCVscalculatedfromempiricaldata.Latinhypercubesamplingwasusedtodeterminethe Probabilisticanalysis valuesofthematerialpropertiesusedinthefiniteelementmodels.Intotal,fourhundredandtwenty Finiteelementanalysis sixseparatedeterministicFEsimulationswereexecuted. Modelvalidation Wetestedfourhypothesesinthisstudy:(1)uncertaintyinmaterialpropertyvalueswillhavean Isotropicandorthotropicmaterial insignificanteffectonhighstressesandasignificanteffectonhighstrainsforhomogeneousisotropic properties Macacafascicularis models;(2)theeffectofvariabilityinmaterialpropertyvaluesonthestressstatewillincreaseasnon- homogeneityandanisotropyincrease;(3)variationintheinvivoshearstrainvaluesreportedbyStrait et al. (2005) and Ross et al. (2011) is not only due to variations in muscle forces and cranial morphology,but also due to variation in material property values; (4) the assumption of a uniform coefficientofvariationforthematerialpropertyvalueswillresultinthesametrendinhowmoderate- to-highstressesandmoderate-to-highstrainsvarywithrespecttothedegreeofnon-homogeneityand anisotropy as the trend found when the coefficients of variation for material property values are calculatedfromempiricaldata.Ourresultssupportedthefirstthreehypothesesandfalsifiedthefourth. When material properties were varied with a constant CV, as non-homogeneity and anisotropy increasedthelevelofvariabilityinthemoderate-to-highstrainsdecreasedwhilethelevelofvariability inthemoderate-to-highstressesincreased.However,thisisnotthepatternobservedwhenCVscalculated fromempiricaldatawereappliedtothematerialpropertieswherethelowestlevelofvariabilityinboth stressesandstrainsoccurredwhenthecraniumwasmodeledwithalowlevelofnon-homogeneityand anisotropy.Therefore, whenconstant materialproperty variability is assumed, inaccurate trends inthe levelofvariabilitypresentinmodest-to-highmagnitudestressesandstrainsareproduced. When the cranium is modeled with the highest level of accuracy (high non-homogeneity and anisotropy)andwhenrandomnessinthematerialpropertiesiscalculatedfromempiricaldata,thereisa largelevelofvariabilityinthesignificantstrains(CV¼0.369)andalowlevelofvariabilityinthemodest-to- high magnitude stresses (CV¼0.150). This result may have important implications with regard to the mechanicalsignalsdrivingboneremodelingandadaptationthroughnaturalselection. &2012ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction 1.1. Background:FEAinbiology Over the past ten years many researchers in comparative nCorrespondingauthor.Tel.:þ14135451350. morphology and physical anthropology have adopted finite ele- E-mailaddress:[email protected](I.R.Grosse). ment analysis (FEA) as a tool to simulate feeding biomechanics 0022-5193/$-seefrontmatter&2012ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.01.031 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 243 (Straitetal.,2005;Rossetal.,2011;Dumontetal.,2011;Wood orthogonal to each other (Malvern, 1969). Spatial non-homoge- etal.,2011;O’Higginsetal.,2011;Porroetal.,2011;Davisetal., neityrequiresspatiallydetailedmeasuresofmaterialproperties, 2011; Berthaume et al., 2010; Rayfield, 2007; Dumont et al., which can be accounted for by assigning different material 2005). Finite element models of craniofacial skeletal structures properties to separate regions in a FEM (Strait et al., 2005; enableresearcherstopredictthecompletestressandstrainfields Porroetal.,2011;WangandDechow,2006). throughout the cranium as a result of loading conditions that Anisotropy and spatial non-homogeneity in bone material simulate orofacial functions, such as mastication or ingestion of properties can produce an increase in spatial variation in stress mechanically resistant foods, and to test hypotheses regarding and strain values across a single model. When combined with craniofacial shape, feeding performance, and behavior (Strait variation in material properties of other connective tissues (e.g., etal.,2005;Rossetal.,2011;Rossetal.,2005). sutures (Reed et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2010; Rayfield, 2005)), FEAisacomputer-basedtechniqueusedtosolvethegovern- constraining conditions, and external forces, variation in bone ing field equations in continuum mechanics, such as the equa- material properties can produce significant variation in model tions of elasticity. It is widely used by engineers for structural behavior(Porroetal.,2011).Theimplicationsofthisvariationfor analysis, thermal analysis, fluid flow analysis, and electromag- our understanding of biological morphology through natural netic analysis. Initial applications of FEA to biological systems selectionareonlyjustbeginningtobeexplored. involved relatively simple geometric idealizations of human skeletal structures, such as the femur (Brekelmans et al., 1972; 1.2. Viewingmaterialpropertiesas‘‘random’’variables Rybicki et al., 1972). Subsequent improvements in technology enabled geometrically complex tissue structures to be digitally A parameter whose values are not known precisely due to reconstructedfromCTscans,openingthedoortotheapplication uncertaintyinmeasurementand/orotherfactorsisconsideredto ofFEAtoawidevarietyofbiologicalsystems,suchasmammalian bearandomorstochasticvariable.Ifthevariableiscontinuous,it skulls (Dumont et al., 2005), dinosaur skulls (Rayfield, 2004), may be mathematically modeled by a probability density func- alligatorskulls(Porroetal.,2011;Metzgeretal.,2005;Reedetal., tion, which mathematically defines the probability that the 2011), shark jaws (Wroe et al., 2008), seahorse snouts (Leysen variablewill have a specific value. It should be emphasized that etal.,2010),andbluecrablegs(Hechtetal.,2010). randomness in a variable does not require that the variable has One of the few finite element models of a biological system equal probability to take on any possible value between two validated by in vivo data is the macaque cranium model devel- extremes. Such a random variable is defined by a uniform oped by Strait et al. (2005) and Ross et al. (2005) to simulate distribution—which would be a rather poor representation of a feeding biomechanics. (This model was validated again with material property value. Instead, distributions such as Gaussian, additional in vivo data gathered from multiple individuals in lognormal,orWeibulldistributionhavebeenusedtomodelthe Ross et al. (2011). Other FE models validated with in vivo data natural variability observed in mechanical property values for include a rat ulna (Kotha et al., 2004) and an alligator cranium bothbiologicalandengineeredmaterials(McElhaneyetal.,1970; (Metzgeretal.,2005).)Itshouldbenotedthattherewasalarge Huesteetal.,2004).Comparatively,engineeredmaterialstendto levelofvariationintheinvivodatathatwasusedtovalidatethe have small coefficients of variation due to high levels of control macaque cranium model, and understanding from where that during the production process whereas biological materials can levelofvariationoriginatedisofparticularinterestinthisstudy. havefairlylargecoefficientsofvariationsforthereasonsalluded In their FE model the researchers varied the type of material toearlier. behavior (isotropic versus orthotropic) and the degree to which We also note that randomness does not necessarily imply a material property values vary spatially, i.e. non-homogeneity. lackoforderorstructure.Twoormorerandomvariablesmaybe Thiswasassessedbydividingthecraniumintonumerousregions, correlated,andthiscorrelationimposesameasureoforderonthe each of which could be assigned different material property randomness. For example, consider the Youngs moduli of an values with different levels of anisotropy. Results from this set orthotropicmaterial: E , E , and E . These moduli are defined as 3 2 1 of models were then compared to the range of strain values the maximum, intermediate, and minimum stiffnesses, respec- measured in vivo on different individuals and collected and tively,correspondingtothreeorthogonaldirectionscalledprinci- publishedbyvariousresearchers.Sincemostofthedatagathered pal material directions. From experimental data, normal fromthesimulationsfellwithinthedispersionoftheinvivodata, distributions for the moduli can be gathered and correlation the model was considered validated and to be efficient at coefficients between them can be determined to increase the predictingstressandstrainpatternsonthesurfaceofamacaque likelihood that E 4E 4E (Peterson and Dechow, 2003; Wang 3 2 1 craniumduringorofacialfunction. andDechow,2006). Despite such successes, some morphologists have concerns regarding the deterministic nature of finite element models 1.3. ProbabilisticanalysesinFEA (Grineet al.,2010).Thisistypicallynotasmuchanissueinthe engineering world, as considerable effort is expended by engi- Here we apply the techniques of probabilistic FEA to deter- neers to reduce variability in the performance of engineered minethevariability(orrandomness)invariousoutputvariables products by precise control of the product geometry, material inanFEmodelofacraniumduetorandomnessorvariabilityin property values, and environmental loading conditions (if possi- material property values. We note that in a conventional finite ble). However, this is not true in the biological world. Material element analysis, approximate solutions are found using differ- properties of naturally occurring biological structures, such as ential equations that are deterministic. Deterministic inputs bone,are inherentlyvariabledue to inter-individualvariationin include boundary conditions such as loads and constraints, sex,age,genetics,andenvironment(PetersonandDechow,2003; materialproperties,andgeometry.Deterministicoutputsinclude WangandDechow,2006;Zapataetal.,2010;Wangetal.,2010). quantitiessuchasdeformationofthespecimenandthestressand These variations can be manifested through varying degrees of strainfields.Inprobabilisticfiniteelementanalysis,therearetwo anisotropyandspatialnon-homogeneity(Melchers,1987).Aniso- types of techniques used to generate variability in outputs tropicmaterialpropertiesofbonearetypicallyaccountedforby resulting from the variability in inputs: non-statistical methods orthotropic material models, requiring nine independent elastic and statistical methods (Sudret and der Kiureghian, 2000; Kang, constants and three principal material directions which are 2005). Non-statistical methods involve perturbation techniques 244 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 by introducing analytical functional approximations of the regions and a significant effect on moderate-to-high strains for responsesaboutthemeaninput.Themethodiscomputationally homogeneous isotropic models. Second, it is hypothesized that efficient but requires significant mathematical extensions to theeffectofvariability inmaterialproperty values onthestress conventional FEA algorithms and has not been fully developed statewillincreaseasnon-homogeneityandanisotropyincreasein to encompass the breadth of problems that can currently be thematerial.Third,itishypothesizedthatifthefirsthypothesisis solved by conventional FEA tools. As a result, it is not found in true, then a significant contribution to variation in the in vivo mainstreamcommercialFEAtools. shearstrainvaluesreportedbyStraitetal.(2005)andRossetal. In the statistical approach, (which includes methods such as (2011)maybeattributedtovariationinmaterialpropertyvalues the Monte Carlo simulation), input parameters are randomized betweenindividuals.Finally,itishypothesizedthattheassump- accordingtoprescribedprobabilisticdistributions(Gaussian,log- tion of a constant coefficient of variation for all the material normal,etc.)andasamplingalgorithm.Eachsetofvaluesforthe propertieswillresultinthesametrendinthevariationinstresses randominputparametersproducesasetofresults(i.e.displace- and strains with respect to the degree of non-homogeneity and ment, strain, and stress fields) through deterministic FEA. Post- anisotropyasfoundwhenthecoefficientsofvariationformaterial processing across all results sets yields statistics for output propertiesarecalculatedfromempiricaldata. variables(i.e.suchasdeflectionatspecificnodes,maximumvon Thefirsttwohypothesesarebasedontheobservationthatthe Mises stress or strain, or von Mises stress or strain at specific macaquecraniofacialskeletonconsistspredominantlyofcortical locations in the mesh). The accuracy of output statistics can be bone (the total cranium volume was 39,359mm3, with 86.5% of improved with increased sampling. Statistical sampling techni- the cranium volume being cortical bone, 5.8% being teeth, and ques,suchasLatinHypercubeSampling,areoftenemployedover 7.7% being trabecular bone) and hence is similar to a single- direct Monte Carlo Simulations, to reduce the number of deter- material structure. In the linear elastic region of material beha- ministic FEA analyses required, and response surface modeling vior,thestressstateforahomogeneous,isotropicsingle-material approachescanalsobeusedtoreducecomputationalcosts. structureisindependentofYoung’smodulus,butthestrainstate The probabilistic design portion of ANSYS is an implementa- isdependentonit(TimoshenkoandGoodier,1970).Thevolume tion of the statistical approach (Reh et al., 2006). It takes into ofthecraniumwascalculatedusinganANSYSAPDLcommand,a account the natural variability in input variables by applying a different method for calculating volume than was used in predefinedstatisticaldistributiontothem.Theresultscanbeused Chamoli and Wroe (2011). Also, it should be noted that what toansweranumberofquestions,suchasiftheinputvariablesare ChamoliandWroe(2011)defineasheterogeneous,wedefineas likely to fall within a certain range, how large the range of the three region isotropic, which we consider to have a low level of outputparameterswillbe,andwhichinputvariablesarethemost non-homogeneity. Anisotropy and lack of homogeneity violate stronglycorrelatedtoeach,individualoutputvariable. the conditions for independence of the stress state on Young’s Probabilisticfiniteelementanalysisisnotnewtoengineers.Itis modulus. Thus, with increasing anisotropy and lack of homoge- widelyusedinreliability-basedapproachesthatpredicttheprob- neity, we expect increasing variability in bone stresses due to abilityofafailureofasystem(Melchers,1987;DerKiureghianand stochastic material property values, particularly with respect to Ke,1988;CesareandSues,1999;Lewis,1987).However,applica- Young’s modulus. These hypotheses were tested by comparing tions of probabilistic FEA to biological systems are limited to the theresultsoftheprobabilisticanalysestoeachother. biomedical field. Thacker et al. (2000) used probabilistic FEA to The third hypothesis could be falsified if variations in strain estimatethecontributiontoinjuryprobabilityof29materialsand due to variation in material property values are relatively small geometry-related parameters of a finite element model of the comparedtothelevelofvariationinstrainobservedinvivo.This lowercervicalspine.Nicolellaetal.(2001)alsousedprobabilistic would imply that variability due to material property values FEA ofa false hip joint todetermine the probabilityofshear and between individuals is secondary to variations in morphological fatigue failure given certain random variables, such as muscle structure and masticatory loads between individuals. This loading patterns and material properties of the cortical and hypothesis was tested by comparing the results of the probabil- trabecularbone.Oneprobabilisticanalysishasbeenusedtostudy istic analyses to the in vivo data. The fourth hypothesis will be themacaquezygomaticarch(Kupcziketal.,2007). testedbycomparingtheresultsof3modelsthathaveaconstant Because of the limited use of probabilistic finite element coefficientofvariationof0.2appliedtothem(models1,3,and5, analyses on non-human biological systems, one of the primary seeTable1)withtheresultsof3modelsthathavecoefficientsof purposes of this paper is to compare the results of probabilistic variation applied to them which were calculated from empirical analyses to the in vivo data used to validate these models. This data(models2,4,and6,seeTable1). comparison will help to determine whether or not variability in materialpropertiescontributessignificantlytostrainvariability. 2. Materialsandmethods 1.4. Thehypotheses 2.1. MacaqueFEmodel Four hypotheses are tested in this paper. First, it is hypothe- TheFEmodelofthemacaquecraniumusedinthisstudywas sized that variability in bone material property values between constructed by Strait et al. (2005). The macaque model, which individuals will have little effect on moderate-to-high stresses consistsof379,388elementsand131,293nodes,wasdeveloped Table1 Descriptionofthesixmodelsconstructedforthesimulations. Physicaldescription CV¼0.2forinput CVforinputvariablesbased Levelofnon- Levelof Numberof Numberof ofmodel variables onempiricaldata homogeneity anisotropy randominputvariables simulationsrun 3Region,isotropic Model1 Model2 Low Low 6 30 Multipleregion,isotropic Model3 Model4 High Low 38 39 Multipleregion,orthotropic Model5 Model6 High High 143 144 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 245 Fig.1. Locationstestedonthecraniumaredepictedinnavyblue.The34locationsarenumbered1to34.20ofthe34locationswerechosenbecausetheywerethesameas the20sitesanalyzedinRossetal.(2011)andtheother14siteswerechosentoextendthetotalnumberoflocationsbeingtestedtotheentireanteriorportionofthe cranium.(Forinterpretationofthereferencestocolorinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothewebversionofthisarticle.) in Algor, a commercial FEA program. However, the model was laterally (i.e. similar to the ‘‘wishboning’’ seen in mandibles importedinto ANSYS APDL13.0 ( usingthe (HylanderandJohnson,1994)).Thenodesontheocclusalsurface NASTRANfileformatsothatANSYS’sprobabilisticandsensitivity of the left M1 were also constrained in the superior–inferior analysis could be utilized. Subsequently, a number of modifica- directiontosimulatebitingdownonahardfooditem. tions were made to the model, but the muscle forces remained unchanged. For more information about the construction of the 2.2. ApplyingprobabilisticanalysistotheFEM model,pleaseseeStraitetal.(2005). FortheisotropicmaterialmodelstestedbyStraitetal.(2005), Atotalofsixmodelsofthemacaquecraniumwerecreatedand shearmodulus,G,Young’smodulus,E,andPoisson’sratio,n,were analyzed.Eachwasassignedauniquesetof(a)materialproper- all specified based on empirical data obtained by (Wang and ties and/or (b) CVs to the material properties. The analyses for Dechow, 2006). However, isotropy imposes a relationship eachmodelconsistedofanywherebetween30and144separate betweenthreeproperties(E,G,andn)givenbytheequation: deterministic FE simulations using the Probabilistic Design por- G¼E=ð2ð1þnÞÞ ð1Þ tionofANSYSAPDL13.0(seeTable1). The Probabilistic Design module requires three inputs: a Thus,foratrueisotropicmaterialmodelonlytwoofthethree macrocodethatdrivesANSYS,alistofinputvariables,andalist properties may be specified independently. In the ANSYS model of output variables. In Probabilistic Design, the macro code is for isotropic materials, the values of Young’s modulus and executed N number of times, resulting in N separate finite Poisson’s ratio published by Strait et al. (2005) were utilized element analyses. Each deterministic simulation involves a and the program calculated the shear modulus based on the unique set of input parameters that have been designated as isotropicrelationshipofEq.(1).Fororthotropicmaterialbehavior, random input variables. Statistics for each designated output nineelasticconstantsarerequired(E ,E ,E ,G ,G ,G ,n ,n , 1 2 3 12 13 23 12 13 variable are calculated using the set of N results obtained andn )whichoperateinthreeorthogonaldirections(directions 23 correspondingtotheNdeterministicsimulations. 1, 2, and 3) and on three planes (planes 12, 23, and 13), which In our analyses the random input variables were the set of define the principal material directions and planes within each material properties assigned to each model. Primary output cranialregion. variables were the minimum and maximum principal stresses When the model was constructed by Strait et al. (2005) the andstrainsandthevonMisesstressesandstrains,exportedfrom teethweremodeledaspartofthecorticalbone.Forpurposesof thesetofnodalsolutionsat34sitesonthecranium(alldepicted thisexperiment,theteethwereseparatedfromthecorticalbone inFig.1).Theotheroutputvariablesweree , e , and g normal along the gum line. Because the model was meshed before the x y xy andshearstrainsateachsite,wherethesestrainsarebasedona teethwereseparated,itwasnotpossibletoseparateouttheroots local xyz coordinate system at each of the 34 sites. Each local of the teeth or the periodontal ligament (PDL) from the coordinatesystemhaditsoriginlocatedatthenodebeingtested corticalbone. andthelocalxyplanewastangenttothesurfaceofthecranium. Tosimulatethemechanicsofbiting,anaxisofrotationwasset Forhalfofthesimulations,materialpropertyvalues(theinput upatthetemporomandibularjoint(TMJ)byconstrainingasingle variables) were randomized using Gaussian distributions with nodeatoneTMJinallthreecoordinatedirectionsandconstrain- mean values obtained from empirical data (Wang and Dechow, ingasinglenodeattheotherTMJagainstanterior–posteriorand superior–inferiormotion.However,thenodewasnotconstrained against medial lateral motion, allowing the cranium to deform 1Engineeringshearstrainistwicethetensorshearstrain. 246 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 2006) and CVs of 0.20. In the other half of the simulations, materialproperties(Table2).Inmodel1theinputvariableswere material property values were randomized using Gaussian dis- randomizedwithaCVof0.2andaGaussiandistribution.Inmodel tributionswithmeanvaluesobtainedfromempiricaldata(Wang 2theinputvariableswererandomizedwiththeirexperimentally and Dechow, 2006) and standard deviations based on empirical determined standard deviations and a Gaussian distribution data (Wang and Dechow, 2006). A truncated Gaussian distribu- (WangandDechow,2006). tionwasassignedtoPoisson’sratiosoitneverexceeded0.4999. (Values larger than 0.5 violate fundamental thermodynamic principlesandarenotallowedinthetheoryofelasticity.) 2.4.2. Models3and4:regionalisotropicmaterialproperties AMonteCarlosimulationwithLatinhypercubesamplingwas In models 3 and 4 the cranium was divided into 35 distinct used as a method of choosing the values for the random inputs regions,increasingnon-homogeneityfrommodels1and2.Each (OlssonandSandberg,2002).WhenLatinhypercubesamplingis region was assigned its own distinct set of isotropic material used in conjunction with a Monte Carlo simulation, an accurate propertieswhicharedefinedinTable3.Similartomodels1and2, statistical distribution can be obtained while running fewer material properties were randomized with a CV of 20% and a simulations. (For more information about Monte Carlo simula- Gaussian distribution in model 3 and all the material properties tions with Latin hypercube sampling and how it is used in FEA, wererandomizedwiththeirexperimentallydeterminedstandard please refer to Olsson and Sandberg (2002)) The minimum deviationsandaGaussiandistributioninmodel4. number of simulations that needed to be run, N, were N¼nþ1 wherenisthenumberofinputvariables.Ncannotbelessthan30 inordertopermitanormaldistributionfortheoutputvariables. 2.4.3. Models5and6:regionalorthotropicmaterialproperties Because of this, 30 simulations were used to randomize input Formodels5and6,themacaquecraniumwasdividedintothe parameters for models 1 and 2, 39 simulations were used in same regions as in Models 3 and 4. However, each region was models3and4,and144simulationswereusedinmodels5and6 assigned its own set of orthotropic material properties, thus (see Table 1). The minimumnumber of simulationswas used in increasing anisotropy. Exceptions to this were the teeth, trabe- eachMonteCarlosimulationbecauserunningatotalofover400 cular bone, nasal septum, and neural and basicranial regions, FEAsimulationsbacktobackcanbecostlyintermsofcomputer which were modeled isotropically as in models 3 and 4. The time and memory. After the analyses were completed, postpro- orthotropic material properties are given in Table 4. Similar to cessinginANSYSprovidedthevaluesoftheoutputparametersfor models3and4,materialpropertieswererandomizedwithaCV each simulation and statistical analyses were conducted to of20%andaGaussiandistributioninmodel5andallthematerial calculatethemaximumshearstrainonthesurfaceofthecranium properties were randomized with their experimentally deter- ateachsiteforcomparisontoinvivodata(Rossetal.,2011). mined standard deviations and a Gaussian distribution in model6. 2.3. Comparingtheresultstoinvivodata When the material properties were experimentally deter- mined (Wang and Dechow, 2006), the nomenclature was stan- Simulationresultswerecomparedtotheinvivodatagathered dardized such that E 4E 4E , G 4G 4G , and on macaquesand compiledin Straitet al.(2005) and Ross et al. 3 2 1 13 23 12 v 4v 4v . In general, the material properties tend to be (2011).Graphswereconstructedwiththepublishedinvivodata 12 23 13 positivelycorrelatedtooneanother,soalargerE tendstoresult fromnineteendifferentregionsofthemacaquecranium(Fig.2). 3 inalargerE andE .Thereexistsnoexactmathematicalfunction The mean of experimental averages from in vivo shear strain is 2 1 thatdefinestherelationshipsbetweeneachmaterialproperty,so depicted by the dotted black line and the dispersion (maximum correlation coefficients relating the material properties to each range defined by the meansþtwo standard deviations for each other were calculated from empirical data (see Table 5). These experiment)isdepictedbythegrayareas.Maximumshearstrains correlationcoefficientswerespecifiedintheANSYSProbabilistic werecalculatedfromthefiniteelementmodelateachsiteusing Designmodule. strain data extracted in terms of 34 site—specific local xyz coordinate systems. Each local coordinate system had its origin atthenodelocatedatthecenterofeachstraingagelocationand itsxyplanelaidtangenttothesurfaceofthecranium.Maximum 2.4.4. Allmodels shearstrainatthesitewascalculatedusingtheformula: Comparisons of results between models 1 and 3 and models 2 and 4 provide two assessments of the effect of increasing non- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi g ¼ ðE (cid:2)E Þ2þg2 ð2Þ homogeneity in the skull that has on the various biomechanical max x y xy responses. Comparisons of results between models 3 and 5 and where x, y, and z are coordinates of the site-specific coordinate models4and6providetwoassessmentsoftheeffectthatincreasing systemandex,ey,andgxyarenormalstraininthex-direction,normal anisotropy in the skull has on various biomechanical responses. straininthey-direction,andtheengineeringshearstrain1inthexy Finally,comparisonsbetweenmodels1and 2,3and 4,and5and plane, respectively. This enabled the maximum shear strainin the 6 provide an assessment of the effect of assuming constant plane of the surface to be calculated and any contributions to coefficientofvariationforallmaterialpropertyvalues,versususing maximumshearstrainduetoout-of-planestrainstobediscarded. coefficientsofvariationsgleanedfromexperimentaldata. This was necessary since strains measured by strain gages in the For models 1, 3, and 5, the coefficients of variation were in vivo experiments do not account for any strain components calculatedatsamplinglocationswithmodest-to-highmagnitude involvingthedirectionnormaltotheplaneofthestraingage. principal compressive, principal tensile, and von Mises stresses and strains (Table 6 and Fig. 3). (‘‘Modest-to-high magnitude’’ 2.4. Themodels meansstrainswithamagnitudegreaterthan250meandstresses of greater than 3MPa.) The coefficients of variation depict the 2.4.1. Models1and2:simpleisotropicmaterialproperties magnitudesbywhichtheaveragesandstandarddeviationsofthe In models 1 and 2 (see Table 1 for model descriptions) the stressesandstrainsatthesevariouslocationsacrossthecranium macaque cranium was divided into three distinct materials – were affected relative to each other when a 20% variation was trabecularbone,corticalbone,andteeth–consistingofisotropic appliedtothematerialproperties. M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 247 Fig.2. Resultsfromtheprobabilisticanalysescomparedtotheinvivodata.Thegrayareadepictsthedispersionoftheinvivodata,andtheerrorbarsdepictthe95% confidenceinterval(þ/(cid:2)2standarddeviations)oftheshearstrainatthevariouslocationsacrossthecranium(a)comparisonbetweenmodels1and2(3region,isotropic materialproperties),(b)comparisonbetweenmodels3and4(multipleregion,isotropicmaterialproperties),and(c)comparisonbetweenmodels5and6(multipleregion, orthotropic). 3. Results Inmodel1,theprincipalandvonMisesstrainsaresignificantly more affected by variation in material properties than are the 3.1. Models1,3,and5 principalandvonMisesstresses,asisseenbythelargercoefficients ofvariationforthestrains(seeTable6andFig.3).Asthematerial Models 1, 3, and 5 provide a unique opportunity to see how propertiesvarywithacoefficientofvariationof0.2,modest-to-high variabilityinstressesandstrainsareaffectedbynon-homogene- magnitude strains vary consistently with an average coefficient of ityandanisotropywhenstandardvariabilityinmaterialproper- variation of 0.210,whereas the modest-to-highmagnitude stresses tiesisapplied. varyconsistentlywithacoefficientofvariationofonly0.016. 248 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 Table2 Asnon-homogeneityincreasesfrommodel1to3(seeFig.4), Meanmaterialpropertyvaluesusedformodels1and2(threeregionisotropic). variation in the strains decreases from 0.210 to 0.180, but the The standard deviations in the table were used to randomize the material variationinstrainsislessconsistent,asisdenotedbytheincrease propertiesinmodel2;aCVof0.2wasusedtorandomizethemeanvaluesof in the standard deviation of the coefficients of variation from thematerialpropertiesformodel1. 0.007 to 0.047. Variation in the stresses, however, increases Region Modulusofelasticity(MPa) Poisson’sratio greatlyfrom0.016to0.106,andlikethestrains,thevariationin stressesislessconsistentinmodel3thaninmodel1. Avg. Standarddeviation Avg. Standarddeviation Finally,asanisotropyincreasesfrommodel3to5(seeFig.5), Corticalbone 17,060 2760 0.28 0.10 variationinboththestressesandstrainsdecreases. Teeth 70,000 14,000 0.30 0.06 Trabecularbone 637 127 0.28 0.056 3.2. Models2,4,and6 In model 2 the strains vary consistently with a coefficient of variationof0.165whilethestressesvaryconsistentlyatalower levelof0.025. Asnon-homogeneity increasesfrommodel2to 4 Table3 (seeFig.4),thelevelofvariationinstrainsincreasesgreatlyfrom Meanmaterialpropertyvaluesusedformodels3and4(multipleregionisotropic). 0.165 to 0.560 and the strains vary much less consistently. The The standard deviations in the table were used to randomize the material propertiesinmodel4;aCVof0.2wasusedtorandomizethemeanvaluesof level of variation in the stresses also increases and the stresses thematerialpropertiesformodel3. vary less consistently, but not to the level of variation in the strains(seeTable6). Region Modulusofelasticity(MPa) Poisson’sratio Asanisotropyincreases(seeFig.5),theaveragecoefficientof Avg. Standard Avg. Standard variation in the strains decreases to 0.369 and the strains vary deviation deviation moreconsistentlythantheydidinmodel2.However,thelevels ofvariationarestillveryinconsistent(meaningthecoefficientsof Premaxilla 18,500 1700 0.18 0.07 variation have a large standard deviation), indicated by the P3–M1alveolus 16,700 3000 0.24 0.13 averagecoefficientsofvariation,whichhaveastandarddeviation M2–M3alveolus 20,600 4400 0.24 0.07 Anteriorpalate 15,300 4200 0.36 0.11 of 0.183. The variation in stresses again increases, this time to Posteriorpalate 18,800 7900 0.26 0.17 0.150,butthestressesvarymoreconsistently. Dorsalrostrum 19,900 3100 0.21 0.13 Lateralrostrum 18,100 5400 0.24 0.09 3.3. Comparingthemodelstoinvivodata Rootofzygoma 17,900 3000 0.30 0.06 Anteriorzygomaticarch 20,800 8300 0.28 0.12 Posteriorzygomaticarch 12,500 900 0.27 0.20 Results from the probabilistic analyses are compared to the Medialorbitalwall 14,600 8900 0.40 0.11 in vivo data in Fig. 4. When validating a craniofacial FE model, Postorbitalbar 19,800 8200 0.22 0.14 validation is typically achieved by comparing strains on the Frontaltorus 13,100 4200 0.24 0.18 model to in vivo or ex vivo strain data. Ideally, the in vivo or Glabella 14,400 2900 0.14 0.10 Frontalsquama 14,900 7800 0.27 0.14 exvivodatawouldhavecomefromthesameindividualwhowas Neuro-andbasicrania 17,300 5000 0.28 0.14 used to create the FE model, and the material properties and Septum 13,194 3800 0.28 0.14 muscle forces applied to the FE model would have been taken Teeth 70,000 20,300 0.30 0.15 fromthat same individualas well.Validationof themodels was Trabbone 637 185 0.28 0.14 considered to be good at most locations on the cranium (where Table4 Meanmaterialpropertyvaluesusedformodels5and6(multipleregionorthotropic).Thestandarddeviationsinthetablewereusedtorandomizethematerialproperties inmodel6;aCVof0.2wasusedtorandomizethemeanvaluesofthematerialpropertiesformodel5.Theteeth,trabecularbone,septum,andneuro-andbasicranium wereallgiventheisotropicmaterialpropertiesassignedinmodels3and4forbothmodels5and6. Region Modulusofelasticity(MPa) Shearmodulus(MPa) Poisson’sratio E1 E2 E3 G12 G23 G13 n12 n23 n13 Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Avg. Std. dev. dev. dev. dev. dev. dev. dev. dev. dev. Premaxilla 10,000 1400 13,900 3900 18,500 1700 4400 1100 5200 1000 7300 1900 0.29 0.16 0.18 0.07 0.15 0.15 P3M1alveolus 9900 3900 12,100 4000 16,700 3000 4300 1700 5800 2400 7400 2100 0.33 0.21 0.24 0.13 0.17 0.11 M2M3alveolus 12,600 3900 15,400 4000 20,600 4400 4900 1500 6400 2400 7900 2600 0.35 0.13 0.24 0.07 0.22 0.16 Anteriorpalate 7500 1400 8800 1500 15,300 4200 2600 400 2800 400 3600 900 0.41 0.06 0.36 0.11 0.26 0.11 Posteriorpalate 6400 1000 7500 1500 18,800 7900 2200 400 2500 400 3300 900 0.48 0.08 0.26 0.17 0.23 0.13 Dorsalrostrum 12,200 2100 14,000 2100 19,900 3100 5000 900 6900 1800 8900 2900 0.32 0.14 0.21 0.13 0.14 0.06 Lateralrostrum 11,500 5300 14,400 5400 18,100 5400 4700 2500 5300 2100 7300 3100 0.37 0.13 0.24 0.09 0.15 0.13 Rootofzyg.arch 8900 2900 10,900 4400 17,900 3000 3700 1700 5300 1200 8600 3300 0.53 0.15 0.3 0.06 0.18 0.12 Anteriorzyg.arch 8600 4700 12,400 5700 20,800 8300 4200 1900 4600 1500 8600 2800 0.39 0.19 0.28 0.12 0.22 0.17 Posteriorzyg. 8200 2700 10,000 2900 12,500 900 3100 1100 3800 1100 4900 1600 0.34 0.10 0.27 0.20 0.24 0.19 arch Medorbitalwall 7100 4400 11,500 6500 14,600 8900 3600 2000 4200 2400 9000 5900 0.46 0.12 0.40 0.11 0.23 0.16 Postorbitalbar 11,300 3600 13,100 3300 19,800 8200 4400 1500 6400 2200 8000 2500 0.44 0.07 0.22 0.14 0.15 0.13 Frontaltorus 10,200 2900 11,200 3100 13,100 4200 4300 1400 5100 1900 6000 1800 0.32 0.20 0.24 0.18 0.19 0.08 Glabella 9200 2300 9700 2100 14,400 2900 3300 900 4800 1400 5100 1200 0.46 0.08 0.14 0.10 0.21 0.09 Frontalsquama 7900 3800 11,000 5000 14,900 7800 3400 1500 4300 2300 7100 3500 0.49 0.12 0.27 0.14 0.18 0.18 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 249 Table5 Coefficientsofcorrelation(R)fororthotropicmaterialproperties,calculatedusingdatatakenfromWangandDechow(2006).E1/E2representsthecoefficientofcorrelation betweenE1andE2,G12/G31thecoefficientofcorrelationbetweenG12andG31,etc. Region E1/E2 E2/E3 E1/E3 G12/G31 G31/G23 G12/G23 m12/m13 m13/m23 m12/m13 Vault 0.900 0.910 0.830 0.829 0.579 0.529 0.273 0.423 0.440 Circumorbital 0.916 0.903 0.796 0.816 0.685 0.807 0.412 0.530 0.465 Zygomaticarch 0.904 0.881 0.801 0.747 0.545 0.687 0.642 0.512 0.279 Muzzle 0.933 0.925 0.946 0.681 0.319 0.312 0.600 0.383 0.708 Alveolus 0.564 0.724 0.579 0.798 0.564 0.402 0.177 0.283 0.306 Intraorbital 0.915 0.909 0.883 0.918 0.563 0.608 0.146 0.665 0.094 Palatine 0.704 0.585 0.159 0.889 0.439 0.623 0.842 0.208 0.328 Table6 ThecoefficientsofvariationfortheminimumandmaximumprincipalandvonMisesstressesandstrainswerecalculatedformodest-to-highmagnitudestresses(greater than3MPa)andmicrostrains(greaterthan250me)ateachofthe34sitesacrossthecranium.Thecoefficientsofvariationwereaveragedandthestandarddeviationswere calculatedtoconveythemagnitudetowhichthestressesandstrainsvariedatthevarioussitesacrossthecraniumandhowpredictablethislevelofvariationis. Model Averagecoefficientsofvariation Strains Stresses InputvariableswithCV¼0.2 (1)3Region,isotropic 0.21070.007 0.01670.009 (3)Multipleregions,isotropic 0.16970.028 0.10470.043 (5)Multipleregions,orthotropic 0.14470.042 0.08170.025 Inputvariableswithstandarddeviationsbased (2)3Region,isotropic 0.16570.011 0.02570.017 onempiricaldata (4)Multipleregions,isotropic 0.56070.334 0.12470.043 (6)Multipleregions,orthotropic 0.36970.183 0.15070.038 the FEA results fell within the experimental range) but poor in materials properties are independent could be false, i.e. muscles some locations (i.e. the left and right orbital roofs). As non- forces, morphology, and material properties could be positively homogeneity and anisotropy increased from models 1 and 2 to correlated. models 3 and 4 to models 5 and 6 (see Figs. 4 and 5), the FEA results þ/(cid:2)2 standard deviations include or nearly include the averagefromtheinvivodata.Whenthecraniumismodeledwith the highest level of simplicity (model 1, where anisotropy and 4. Discussion non-homogeneity are low and no empirical data is used to calculatethestandarddeviations)theaverageinvivoshearstrain 4.1. Comparingmodels1,3,and5andmodels2,4,and6 iswithintherangeornearlywithintherangeoftheFEAresults foronly10outofthe20locations.However,whenthemacaque Inallcaseswhenacoefficientofvariationof0.2isappliedto craniumismodeledwiththehighestlevelofaccuracy(model6), the material properties (models 1, 3, and 5), there is less the average in vivo shear strain is within or nearly within the variabilityintheshearstrainthanwhenacoefficientofvariation rangeoftheFEAresultsfor18outofthe20locations. calculated from empirical data is applied. Therefore, applying a Thisimpliesthatmodel6isamorerealisticmodelthanmodel coefficient of variation of 0.2 to the material properties under- 1,andthatmodelingwithahigherlevelofaccuracywillgivethe estimatesthevariabilityintheshearstrainsacrossthecraniumin modelerabetterchanceofhavinginsilicoresultsthatwillmatch theFEmodel.Thisconclusionisfurthersupportedbytheresults theinvivoresults.Thisalsoimpliesthatwhenmodelingsimplis- inTable 6 and Fig. 3, wherethe variability in theminimumand tically,amodelthatappearstobeinvalidcouldactuallybevalid maximumprincipalandvonMisesstressesandstrainsisalways whenuncertaintyinmaterialpropertiesisaccountedfor. lower when a coefficient of variation of 0.2 is applied to the WhenempiricaldataareusedtocalculatetheCVsformaterial material properties compared to when a coefficient of variation properties and the cranium is modeled simplistically (model 2), calculated from empirical data is applied. When the cranium is thevariabilityintheshearstrainsisminimal.Alargenumberof modeled most simply, i.e. consisting of three isotropic homoge- the average shear strains also fall within the dispersion of the neousmaterials(models1and2),thevariabilityinthemoderate- in vivo data. As non-homogeneity increases (model 4), the to-highminimumandmaximumprincipalandvonMisesstresses magnitude of the shear strains remains consistent but the andstrainsarelessthanwhenthecraniumismodeledwiththe variability in the shear strains increases greatly. Finally, as highest level of accuracy (see models 5 and 6 in Table 6 and anisotropyincreases(model6),themagnitudeoftheshearstrains Fig.3).Therefore,itshouldbeunderstoodthatwhenthecranium changes at multiple locations across the cranium and the varia- ismodeledasconsistingofthreehomogeneousisotropicmateri- bilityintheshearstrainsincreases. als,thelevelofvariabilityduetouncertaintyinmaterialproperty When comparing the variability in the in vivo data to the valuesinthestressesandstrainsisminimized.Whenthecranium variabilityintheFEAresults,thevariabilityintheFEAresultsputs ismodeledwithgreatermaterialcomplexitybyreducingthelevel a lower bound on the total variability of in vivo data, assuming ofhomogeneity(model4),theaccuracyofthemodelremainsthe variability in the in vivo data due to muscle forces, morphology, same but the level of variability in stresses and strains due to and material properties are all independent. Considering that uncertainty in material property values increases (Table 6 and therearesomelocationswherethevariabilityintheFEAresults Fig.3). exceedsthevariabilityintheinvivodata,thiscouldimplythereis Models 2, 4, and 6 show that when the variation in material an error with the data set, an error with the model, or that the properties is known, variability in both stresses and strains assumption that variability in muscle forces, morphology, and increasesgreatlyasnon-homogeneityandanisotropyincrease. 250 M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 Fig.3. Coefficientsofvariationplottedagainsttheaveragemicrostrainsandstressesformodels1,3,and5.Theaveragecoefficientofvariationforthemodest-to-high magnitudemicrostrainsandstresses(microstrainsgreaterthan250andstressesgreaterthan3MPa)canbefoundinTable6.Thebluediamondsrepresenttensilestrains/ stresses,theredsquaresrepresentthecompressivestrains/stresses,andthegreentrianglesrepresentvonMisesstrains/stresses.(Forinterpretationofthereferencesto colorinthisfigurelegend,thereaderisreferredtothewebversionofthisarticle.) 4.2. Testingthehypotheses individuals, some of the variation in the data could be due to variation in material properties and/or geometry of the cortical The first hypothesis, that uncertainty in material property bonebetweenindividuals. values will have little effect on high stresses and a large effect When the material properties were varied with standard in high strains for homogeneous isotropic models, is fully sup- deviations calculated from empirical data, the level of variation portedbymodels1and2,asseenbytheaveragecoefficientsof in modest-to-high magnitude stresses and strains differs greatly variation reported in Table 5. For model 1 in which isotropic fromwhena 20%variationisappliedto thematerialproperties. material properties were randomized with CV¼0.2, the average Models1,3,and5suggestthat,ifallmaterialpropertyvaluesofa CV for all stress measures at all sampling sites is only 0.016, system have about the same level of randomness, variability in whereas the average coefficient of variation for modest to high materialpropertyvaluescausesvariabilityinprincipalstressesto strains measures 0.210. In model 3, which used CVs of isotropic increase and variability in principal strains to decrease as non- materialpropertyvaluesbasedonempiricaldata,theaverageCV homogeneityandanisotropyincrease.However,thevariabilityin forstresswas0.025andtheaverageCVforstrainwas0.16. materialpropertyvaluesisnotconstantinmacaquecrania.Since The second hypothesis is supported by the probabilistic the trends in variability in the stresses and strains differ from analysis results since, as non-homogeneity and anisotropy models1,3,and5tomodels2,4,and6(seeTable6),thisleadsus increase,theCVformodest-to-highmagnitudestressesincreases to conclude that the assumption of constant material property (seeTable6).Thethirdhypothesismaybesupportedthroughthe variability produces inaccurate trends in variability in stresses results of this experiment. The error bars in Fig. 2 depict a 95% andstrainswithrespecttohowtheskullismodeledintermsof confidenceintervalcalculatedfromtheprobabilisticanalyses.All homogeneityandanisotropy. modelshavealarge95%confidenceinterval,whichsupportsthe Therefore, if a probabilistic analysis is to be carried out to conclusionthatvariationinmaterialpropertiescausessignificant determine how variability in the material properties of bone variationinmaximumshearstrainonthesurfaceofthecranium. affect stress and strain, a knowledge of the actual biological Therefore, since the in vivo data were gathered from multiple variability in material property values is required. This nullifies M.A.Berthaumeetal./JournalofTheoreticalBiology300(2012)242–253 251 Fig.4. Invivodataplottedagainstsimulationresultsdepictinghowshearstrainvariesasnon-homogeneityincreasesfrommodel1to3andfrommodel2to4. thefourthhypothesis,andimpliesthatifsuchknowledgeofthe 2003). To date, there is no consensus as to what macroscopic variability in material property values is not known, trends in mechanics quantities are correlated with these deformations. If variability in stresses and strains cannot be trusted as being microstructuraldeformationsandboneremodelingarecorrelated correct. to strain, then one would expect bone remodeling to be highly sensitivetovariationinmaterialproperties,sincesuchvariability causesalargelevelofvariationinmoderate-to-highmicrostrains. 5. Conclusion If cellular deformations are correlated to stress, then one would expect bone remodeling to be fairly insensitive to variations in Ideally, an FE model of an individual’s cranium would be material properties, since we found moderate-to-high stress to constructed in which information pertaining to the material haverelativelylowvariationduetovariationinmaterialproperty properties and muscle forces of that individual’s cranium were values. previouslygathered,andinwhichinvivoorexvivodataonthat Of course, stress and strain are continuum mechanics con- individualthatcouldbeusedtovalidatethemodel.However,in cepts, and the current investigation is focused on macro-level practice this standard is difficult to achieve, and therefore an mechanics,whiletheactualmechanicalsignaturetowhichbone understandingofhowmuchvariationinFEmodelresultsisdue responds is at the hierarchical level of the bone matrix that tolackofaccurateindividual-specificdataisneeded.Ourresults directly affects cellular response (You et al., 2001; Cowin, 1999; indicatethatlargevariationsinmodest-to-highstrainsandlower Cowinetal.,1995;Pavalkoetal.,2003).However,littleisknown variations in modest-to-high stresses occur due to variation in aboutvariationinmicroscalematerialpropertiesinbonetissues material property values. More work is needed to quantify how in three dimensions and how this variation may affect cellular variation in morphology between individuals and variation in response. loads (due to both intra and inter-individual variation) affect Finally, we note that our data suggest that it is incorrect to moderate-to-highstressesandstrainsincraniofacialFEmodels. assume that variability in muscle forces, morphology, materials Also, the high sensitivity of modest-to-high strain versus the properties, and other ‘‘cranial variables’’ are independent (the lowsensitivityof modest-to-highstressesdue to randomnessin error bars for the in silico results in Fig. 2 cover a much larger material property values across individuals may have implica- spread than the error bars for the in vivo results). The fact that tions in terms of bone remodeling. It is generally accepted that positive correlations between these quantities would result in boneremodelingoccursasaresultsofdeformationsthatoccurat less variability in stress and strain than if these quantities were a microstructural level (Burra et al., 2010; Bonivtch et al., 2007; independent has evolutionary implications. Evolution could be Youetal.,2001;Cowin,1999;Cowinetal.,1995;Pavalkoetal., producingarobustsystem—onewhosemechanicalperformance