Sudipta Mukherjee
Sudipta was born in Kolkata and migrated to Bangalore, IT capital of india to assume the position of a senior research engineer in a renowned research lab. He is an Electronics engineer by education and a computer engineer/scientist by profession and passion. He graduated in 2004 with a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. He has been working with .NET Generics since they first appeared in .NET Framework 2.0
He has keen interest in Data structure, Algorithms, Text processing, Natural Language Processing ,Programming Language, Tools Development and Game Development.
His first book on data structure using C programming language has been recevied quite well. Parts of the book can be read on Google Books
The book also got translated to Simplified Chinese available from at
Sudipta is an active blogger and open source enthusiast. He mainly blogs about programming and related concepts at Inspired by several string processing methods in other languages, he created an Open Source string processing framework for .NET available for free use from
He lives in Bangalore with his wife. He can be reached via email to [email protected] and via twitter @samthecoder