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MOTION ANALYSIS AND IMAGE SEQUENCE PROCESSING THE KLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE VLSI, COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Consulting Editor Jonathan Allen Latest Titles Introduction to the Design of Transconductor-Capacitor Fjlte~, 1. E. Kardonlchik ISBN: 0-7923-9195-0 The Synthesis Approach to Digital System Design, P. Michel, U. Laulher, P. Duzy ISBN: 0-7923-9199-3 Fauit COI'ering Problems in ReconJigurable VLSI Systems, R.Libeskind-Hadas, N. Hassan, J. Cong, P. McKinley, C. L Liu ISBN: Q. 7923-9231-0 High Level Synthesis oJ ASICs Under Timing and Synchronization Constraints D.C. Ku, G. De Micheli ISBN: Q. 7923-9244-2 The SECD Microprocessor, A VeriJication Case Study, B.T. Graham ISBN: Q. 7923-9245-0 Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, S.D. Brown, R. J. Francis, 1. Rose, Z.G. Vranesic ISBN: 0-7923-9248-5 Anatomy ofA Silicon Compiler, R.W. Brodersen ISBN: Q. 7923-9249-3 Electronic CAD Frameworks, TJ. Barnes, D. Harrison, A.R. Newton, R.L Spickelmier ISBN: Q. 7923-9252-3 VHDL Jor Simulation, Synthesis and Formal Proofs oJH ardware, J. Mcrmel ISBN: Q. 7923-9253-1 Wavelet Theory and its Applications, R. K. Young ISBN: 0-7923-9271-X Digital mCMOS Integrated Circuit Design, S.H.K. Embabi, A. Bellaouar, M.I Elmasry ISBN: Q. 7923-9276-0 Design Automation for Timing-Dril'en Layout Synthesis, S. S. Sapalnekar, S. Kang ISBN: 0-7923-9281-7 Acoustical and Em'ironmental Robustness in Automatic Speech Recognition, A. Acero ISBN: Q. 7923-9284-1 Logic Synthesis and Optimization, T. Sasao ISBN: 0-7923-9308-2 Sigma Della M()(II/Iators: Nonlinear Decoding Algorithms and Stability Analysis, S. Hein, A. Zakhor ISBN: 0-7923-9309-0 High-Lel'el Synthesis for Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: The Cathedral-II Silicon Compiler J. Vanhoof, K. Van Rompaey, I. Boisens, G. Goosens, H. De Man ISBN; Q. 7923-9313-9 MOTION ANALYSIS AND IMAGE SEQUENCE PROCESSING edited by M. Ibrahim Sezan Eastman Kodak Company Reginald L Lagendijk Delfi University of Technology "~. SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC Library of Congrcss Cataloglng-in-Publlcatlon Data Motion analysis and image sequence processing / edited by M. Ibrahim Sezan, Reginald L Lagendijk. p. cm. -- (The Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science ; SECS 0220. VLBI, computer architecture and digital signal processing) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4613-6422-1 ISBN 978-1-4615-3236-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-3236-1 1. Image processing. 2. Motion perception (Vis ion) 1. Sezan, M. Ibrahim. Il. Lagendijk, Reginald L. III. Series: Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science ; SECS 0220. IV. Series: Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science. VLSI, computer architecture and digital signal processing. TA1632 . M68 1993 621 . 39 '9--dc20 92-46330 CIP Copyright © 1993 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1993 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 1993 AII rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photo-copying, record ing, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science +Business Media, LLC. Printed on acid-free paper. Contents List of Contributors vii Preface xi Chapter 1 Hierarchical Model-Based Motion Estimation P. Anandan, J.R. Bergen, KJ. Hanna and R. Hingomni 1 Chapter 2 An Estimation Theoretic Perspective on Image Processing and the Calculation of Optical Flow T.M. Chin, M.R. Luettgen, W.C. Karl and A.S. Willsky 23 Chapter 3 Estimation of 2-D Motion Fields from Image Sequences with Application to Motion-Compensated Processing E. Dubois and J. Konrad 53 Chapter 4 Edge-Based 3-D Camera Motion Estimation with Application to Video Coding A. Zakhor and F. Lad 89 Chapter 5 Motion Compensation: Visual Aspects, Accuracy, and Fundamental Limits B. Girod 125 Chapter 6 Motion Field Estimators and Their Application to Image Interpolation S. Tubaro and F. Rocca 153 Chapter 7 Subsampling of Digital Image Sequences Using Motion Information R.A.F. Bel/or, R.L. Lagelldijk and J. Biemond 189 vi Chapter 8 Image Sequence Coding Using Motion-Compensated Subband Decomposition A. Nicoulin, M. Mattavelli, W. Li, A. Basso, A. Popat, and M. [(unt 225 Fourth Chapter 9 Vector Quantization for Video Data Compression R.M. Mersereau, M.J. T. Smith, C.S. [(im, F. [(ossentini, and K.K. Truong 257 Chapter 10 Model-Based Image Sequence Coding M. Buck and N. Diehl 285 Chapter 11 Human Facial Motion Analysis and Synthesis with Applications to Model-Based Coding K. Aizawa, C.S. Choi, H. Harashima and T.s. Huang 317 Chapter 12 Motion Compensated Spatiotemporal Kalman Filter J. W. Woods and J. [(im 349 Chapter 13 Multiframe Wiener Restoration of Image Sequences M.K. Ozkan, M.l. Sezan, A. T. Erdem, and A.M. Tekalp 375 Chapter 14 3-D Median Stru~tures for Image Sequence Filtering and Coding T. Viera and Y. Neuvo 411 Chapter 15 Video Compression for Digital ATV Systems J.G. Apostolopoulos and J.S. Lim 447 Index 483 List of Contributors K. Aizawa C-S. Choi Electrical Engineering Department Dept. of Information Communication University of Tokyo Myong Ji University Tokyo, 113 Japan Kyunggido, 499-728, Korea P. Anandan N. Diehl David Sarnoff Research Center Daimler-Benz AG Princeton NJ 08543-5300, USA D-7900 Ulm, Germany J. G. Apostolopoulos E. Dubois Advanced Television Signal Proc. Group INRS-Telecommunications MIT Verdun, Canada H3E IH6 Cambridge MA 02139, USA A. T. Erdem A. Basso Eastman Kodak Company Signal Processing Laboratory Rochester NY 14650-1816, USA EPFL-Ecublens CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland B. Girod Academy of Media Arts Cologne R. A. F. Belfor W-5000 Koln 1, Germany Department of Electrical Engineering Delft University of Technology K. Hanna 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands David Sarnoff Research Center Princeton NJ 08543-5300, USA J. R. Bergen David Sarnoff Research Center H. Harashima Princeton NJ 08543-5300, USA Electrical Engineering Department University of Tokyo J. Biemond Tokyo, 113 Japan Department of Electrical Engineering Delft University of Technology R. Hingorani 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill NJ 08544, USA M. Buck Daimler-Benz AG T. S. Huang D-7900 Ulm, Germany Coordinated Science Laboratory University of Illinois T. M. Chin Urbana IL 61801, USA Rosenstiel School of Marine Science University of Miami Miami FL 33149, USA viii W. C. Karl J. Lim Laboratory for Information and Decision Advanced Television Signal Proc. Group Systems MIT MIT Cambridge MA 02139, USA Cambridge MA 02139, USA M. Luettgen C.S. Kim Laboratory for Information and Decision Department of Electrical Engineering Systems University of Washington MIT Seattle WA 98195, USA Cambridge MA 02139, USA J. Kim M. Mattavelli ECSE Department Signal Processing Laboratory Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute EPFL-Ecublens Troy NY 12180-3590, USA CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland J. Konrad R. M. Mersereau INRS-Telecommunications School of Electrical Engineering Verdun, Canada II3E 1H6 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA F. Kossentini School of Electrical Engineering Y. Neuvo Georgia Institute of Technology Signal Processing Laboratory Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA Tampere University of Technology SF-33101 Tampere, Finland M. Kunt Signal Processing Laboratory A. Nicoulin EPFL-Ecublens Signal Processing Laboratory CII-IOI5 Lausanne, Switzerland EPFL-Ecublens CII-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland R. L. Lagendijk Department of Electrical Engineering 1\-1. K. Ozkan Delft University of Technology Thomson Consumer Electronics 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands Indianapolis IN 46201-2598, USA F.Lari A. Popat Electrical Engineering Department The Media Laboratory University of California MIT Berkeley CA 94720, USA Cambridge MA 02139, USA W.Li F. Rocca Signal Processing Laboratory Dipartimento di Elettronica EPFL-Ecublens e Informazione CII-IOI5 Lausanne, Switzerland Politecnico di Milano 20133 Milano, Italy IX M. I. Sezan Eastman Kodak Company Rochester NY 14650-1816, USA M. J. T. Smith School of Electrical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA A. M. Tekalp Department of Electrical Engineering University of Rochester Rochester NY 14627, USA K. K. Truong Atlanta Signal Processors Atlanta GA 30332, USA S. Tubaro Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano 20133 Milano, Italy T. Viero Signal Processing Laboratory Tampere University of Technology SF-33101 Tampere, Finland A. Willsky Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems MIT Cambridge MA 02139, USA J. W. Woods ECSE Department Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy NY 12180-3590, USA A. Zakhor Electrical Engineering Department University of California Berkeley CA 94720, USA Preface An image or video sequence is a series of two-dimensional (2-D) images sequen tially ordered in time. Image sequences can be acquired, for instance, by video, motion picture, X-ray, or acoustic cameras, or they can be synthetically gen erated by sequentially ordering 2-D still images as in computer graphics and animation. The use of image sequences in areas such as entertainment, visual communications, multimedia, education, medicine, surveillance, remote control, and scientific research is constantly growing as the use of television and video systems are becoming more and more common. The boosted interest in digital video for both consumer and professional products, along with the availability of fast processors and memory at reasonable costs, has been a major driving force behind this growth. Before we elaborate on the two major terms that appear in the title of this book, namely motion analysis and image sequence processing, we like to place them in their proper contexts within the range of possible operations that involve image sequences. In this book, we choose to classify these operations into three major categories, namely (i) image sequence processing, (ii) image sequence analysis, and (iii) visualization. The interrelationship among these three categories is pictorially described in Figure 1 below in the form of an "image sequence triangle". Image sequence processing, which is essentially a sequence-in and sequence-out operation, refers to the operations of filtering, spatiotemporal interpolation and subsampling, and compression of image sequences, aimed at improving the (visual) image quality, conversion between different video formats, and bandwidth-efficient representation of image sequences, respectively. The second category is image sequence analysis, referring to those opera tions that generate some type of data from image sequences for the purpose of information retrieval or interpretation. Motion analysis is an important branch of image sequence analysis. It refers to estimation of the image motion (the pro jection of the 3-D motion onto the 2-D image plane, or optical flow), inference of the 3-D object motion, depth information, as well as the surface characteris tics of objects present in the actual 3-D scene. Motion information is utilized not only in various analysis tasks such as segmentation, pattern recognition and tracking, and scene interpretation, but is also instrumental in image sequence processing, as pointed out in Figure 1. The third category of operations that involves image sequences is visualization. It is concerned with generating image sequences on the basis of data which is not readily in the form of an image sequence. Computer graphics, virtual reality, and several emerging methods for scientific data visualization belong to this category. This book focuses on mo tion analysis and image sequence processing, and the use of motion analysis in developing efficient and powerful image sequence processing algorithms. At this point, one may raise the following questions: Since image sequences

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