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by  Hao Sun
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Preview Map-guided Hyperspectral Image Superpixel Segmentation Using Proportion Maps

MAP-GUIDEDHYPERSPECTRALIMAGESUPERPIXELSEGMENTATIONUSING PROPORTIONMAPS HaoSun* andAlinaZare† DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,UniversityofMissouri* DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,UniversityofFlorida† 7 ABSTRACT 2. METHOD 1 0 A map-guided superpixel segmentation method for hyper- Theproposedmap-guidedhyperspectralunmixing-basedsu- 2 spectralimageryisdevelopedandintroduced. Theproposed perpixel segmentation algorithm has three stages. Stage one n approachdevelopsahyperspectral-appropriateversionofthe consistsofobtaininganinitialsuperpixelsegmentationresult a J SLIC superpixel segmentation algorithm, leverages map in- using a modified version of SLIC [5]. Stage two consists formation to guide segmentation, and incorporates the semi- of applying the semi-supervised Partial Membership Latent 6 supervised Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation Dirichlet Allocation (sPM-LDA) to obtain unmixing results ] (sPM-LDA) to obtain a final superpixel segmentation. The [6]. Finally, stage three obtains a final superpixel segmenta- V proposed method is applied to two real hyperspectral data tionbyclusteringtheproportionvectorsfromstagetwo. C sets and quantitative cluster validity metrics indicate that . the proposed approach outperforms existing hyperspectral s 2.1. Stage1: Map-GuidedHyperspectralSLIC c superpixelsegmentationmethods. [ To perform an initial superpixel segmentation, we extend Index Terms— Hyperspectral, superpixel, SLIC, Open- 1 StreetMap, partial membership, latent dirichlet allocation, Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) [5] to hyperspec- v tral imagery. Previously in the literature, dimensionality clustervalidity,segmentation 5 reduction was applied to HSI prior to allow for application 4 of SLIC [7]. In this paper, we develop a new approach for 7 1. INTRODUCTION extending SLIC to HSI. In our method, no dimensionality 1 0 reduction is applied. Instead, the full spectral information . Many effective superpixel image segmentation algorithms is used (as opposed to the Lab features used in SLIC origi- 1 0 have been developed in the literature for gray-scale or RGB nally)incombinationwithspatialinformation. Theproposed 7 imagery. However,veryfewoftheseapproachesaredirectly hyperspectral SLIC (HSLIC) is iterative: (1) initial cluster 1 applicable to hyperspectral imagery. In [1], the ultrametric centers are obtained with a regular spatial sampling of the v: contourmap(UCM)algorithmwasextendedtohyperspectral image where the cluster centers are vectors in which spec- i imagery (HSI) through the use of principal component anal- tralinformationisconcatenatedwithspatialcoordinates; (2) X ysis to reduce the image dimensionality to three dimension then,eachpixelisassignedtoanearestclustercenterusinga r suchthatUCMcanbedirectlyapplied. Thenormalizedcuts distance measure that includes a spectral and a spatial term; a algorithm has also been extended for hyperspectral imagery and (3) cluster centers are then updated to be equal to the [2]. In [3], a hyperspectral superpixel algorithm was devel- average of all pixels assigned to the cluster. This process is opedusingagraph-basedapproachthatreliedonthesumof iterateduntiltheconvergence. squareddifferencesbetweenneighboringpixels. The superpixel segmentation approach proposed here differs from existing hyperspectral superpixel segmentation methodsprimarilyintwoways:(1)theproposedmethoduses proportionmapsobtainedthroughunmixingasadimensionality- reducedversionoftheimagescene;and(2)themethodrelies on map data (specifically, data from crowdsourced Open- StreetMap[4])toguidetheunmixingandsegmentation. TheauthorswishtothanktheNationalGeospatial-IntelligenceAgency Fig. 1. OpenStreetMap polygons overlaid on the Pavia Uni- forsupportofthisresearchundertheprojectentitled“NIP:FunctionsofMul- versityHSIimage. tipleInstancesforHyperspectralAnalysis.” Toleveragemapinformation,ourmap-guidedSLICalgo- work,weusethepolygonlabelsobtainedfromOSMtopro- rithm merges superpixels that intersect with a common map vide partial labels to the sPM-LDA approach. For example, element. Forexample,fromOpenStreetMap(OSM),mapel- superpixelsobtainedthroughmerginginstage1thatoverlap ementssuchasroadsandbuildingprofilescanbeobtained,as withbuildingpolygonsaregivenapartiallabelof“building.” showninFig. 1. Thesemapelementscanberoughlyaligned to the hyperspectral imagery using a affine transformation. 2.3. Stage3: FinalSuperpixelSegmentation In our implementation, this transformation is obtained us- K-means clustering is applied to the proportion vectors that ing manual selection of corresponding points. However, ap- are obtained in Stage 1. Then, connected components anal- proachessuchasmapconflationcanbeusedaswell[8].After ysisisappliedtorelabeleachspatialclusterasanindividual alignment,thesuperpixelsobtainedusinghyperspectralSLIC superpixel. Finally, a “clean-up” post-processing is done to methoddescribedabovewhichoverlapwithsharedmappoly- mergesmalldisjointsegmentsintothelargestneighboringsu- gons are merged into one superpixel. The full map-guided perpixel. Specifically,ifthenumberofpixelsinasuperpixel hyperspectralSLICissummarizedinAlgorithm1. is less than a prescribed threshold, those pixels are merged intothelargestneighboringsuperpixel. Algorithm 1 Map-Guided Hyperspectral SLIC Superpixel Segmentation Input: HSIData,K(numberofsuperpixels),m(scalingfac- 3. EXPERIMENTALRESULTS tor) 1: Initialize cluster centers {ck}Kk=1 by sampling pixels at Otwuorrperaolphoysepderssuppecetrrpailxedlatsaegsmetes.ntaTthioenfimrsetthdoatdaissetapwpalisedcotlo- regulargridsteps. 2: Perturb{ck}Kk=1 inann×nneighborhoodtothelowest l(eRcOteSdISby)atthUeRnievfleerscittiyveofOPpatvicisa,SIytasltyeminIJmualygi2n0g0S2p.eTchtreoimmeatgeer gradientposition. contains340×610pixelsandconsistsof103bands[9]. 3: Repeat DuringthehyperspectralSLICapplication,K =500and 4: foreachck do m = 20. During unmixing using sPM-LDA, the number of 5: Calculatethespectraldistanceofpixelxi andck over allbandsλ: d =(cid:80)B (cid:107)x (λ)−c (λ)(cid:107)2 endmembers was set to 6, λ = 1, α = 0.3, (cid:15) = 5% and spectral λ=1 i k 2 T =200andtheblueroofbuildingandredroofbuildingwere 6: Calculatethespatialdistanceofpixelxiandck: (cid:112) partiallylabeledusingthesemi-supervisedapproachoutlined d = (a −a )2+(b −b )2 where a,b spatial xi ck xi ck in [10]. During the final stage, K = 6 was used during K- arepixelcoordinates. meansclustering. Fig. 2showstheresultsreturnedfromhy- 7: Assigneachpixeltoackina2S×2Ssquareneighbor- perspectralSLIC,theextracteddatafromOSMandthefinal hood based on the minimum spectral and spatial dis- tance: d =d + md segmentationresult. UnmixingresultsareshowninFig. 3. xi,ck spectral S spatial 8: endfor 9: Updateclustercentersasthemeanofallpixelsassigned tothecluster. 10: Untilstoppingcriterionisreached. 11: Alignmapdatatoimagery 12: forEachMapPolygondo 13: Mergeallsuperpixelsthatoverlapwiththispolygon 14: endfor 2.2. Stage2: UnmixingwithSemi-supervisedPM-LDA (a) (b) (c) Afterobtainingthemap-guidedSLICsuperpixels,thehyper- Fig. 2. Superpixels on Pavia University: (a)Superpixels spectral is unmixed to obtain proportion maps. These pro- from SLIC; (b)Buildings extracted from OpenStreetMap; portionmapsareusedasadimensionalityreducedversionof (c)Superpixelsbymap-guidedhyperspectralSLIC theimagerywhicharethenusedtoobtainthefinalsuperpixel segmentation. Inthiswork, weusethesemi-supervisedpar- tialmembershiplatentDirichletallocation(sPM-LDA)toun- The proposed superpixel segmentation results as shown mixtheinputimageryandobtainproportionmaps.sPM-LDA in Fig. 4 are compared with four other methods: hyper- is described in [6]. sPM-LDA uses an input superpixel seg- spectral SLIC (HSLIC) (Sec.2.1), map-guided hyperspec- mentation to guide unmixing. Also, sPM-LDA can leverage tral SLIC (HSLIC+OSM) (Sec.2.1), hyperspectral normal- partiallabelinformationtoimproveunmixingresults. Inthis ized cuts (HNC) [2], and hyperspectal ultra contour map (a) Painted metal (b) Redroof (c) Baresoil (a) HSLIC (b) HSLIC+OSM (c) HNC sheets (d) HUCM (e) PM-LDA (f) sPM-LDA (d) Asphalt (e) Shadow (f) Vegetation Fig.4. SuperpixelSegmentationresultsonPaviaUniversity Fig. 3. Estimated proportion maps using semi-supervised PM-LDAonPaviaUniversity for these three indices. As shown in Table 1, the proposed methodoutperformsthecomparisonapproaches. (HUCM)[1] and a PM-LDA based superpixel segmentation Dunn Davies-Bouldin Silhouette (which is the same as the proposed method except without HSLIC 0.033±0.01 16.569±0.61 −0.836±0.03 finalpost-processingasdescribedinSec.2.3). HSLIC+OSM 0.040±0.00 16.119±0.79 −0.795±0.03 ExaminingFig. 4,itcanbeseenthathyperspectralSLIC HNC 0.049±0.02 11.445±0.66 −0.724±0.05 andhyperspectralSLIC+OSMbothreturnoversegmentedre- HUCM 0.038±0.01 19.296±0.94 −0.750±0.03 sults. ResultsfromHNCandHUCMdonotoversegmentbut PM-LDA 0.061±0.01 10.995±0.83 −0.7056±0.05 Proposedmethod 0.095±0.01 8.712±0.73 -0.561±0.05 oftencrossdistinctboundariesintheimageryresultinginin- correctsuperpixelsegmentation. ThePM-LDAbasedsuper- Table 1. Dunn, Davies-Bouldin, Silhouette index results ± pixel segmentation (without postprocessing) includes many standarddeviationonPaviaUniversity. verysmallsuperpixels(sosmallthattheyappearlikenoise). In comparison, our proposed approach can segment the im- The proposed approach was also applied to the MUUFL agery into semantically meaningful superpixels with regions Gulfporthyperspectraldata[14].Thisimagewascollectedby associatedwithmappolygonsremainingintact. theCASI-1500hyperspectralimageroverthecampusofthe Toquantitativelyevaluatethesuperpixelsegmentationre- University of Southern Mississippi-Gulfport in Long Beach, sults, the Dunn [11], Davies-Bouldin (DB) [12], Silhouette MississippiinNovember2010. Theimageisconsistingof72 indices[13]areusedtomeasuretheperformance. Clusterva- bandswiththewavelengthrangeof375to1050nm. liditymeasuresarequantitativemethodstoevaluateclustering DuringthehyperspectralSLICapplication,K =500and results based on intra-cluster compactness and inter-cluster m = 20. During unmixing using sPM-LDA, the number of separability. Inourevaluation,eachsuperpixelwastreatedas endmembers was set to 7, λ = 1, α = 0.3, (cid:15) = 10% and adistinctcluster. Thus,goodclustervaliditymeasurevalues T = 200 and the grey roof buildings were partially labeled indicate that the spectral signatures within a superpixel are usingthesemi-supervisedapproachoutlinedin[10]. During similartoeachbutdistinctfromothersuperpixels.Thebigger thefinalstage,K = 7wasusedduringK-meansclustering. Dunn,SilhouetteindicesandthesmallerDBindexwillindi- Thesuperpixelsegmentationresultsfortheproposedmethod cate a better partition of the image. We run each algorithm andcomparisonalgorithmsareshowninFig. 5. for10times,andcalculatethemeansandstandarddeviations The results obtained over the MUUFL Gulfport data are 4. CONCLUSION A new map-guided unmixing-based hyperspectral image su- perpixel segmentation method is proposed. The proposed methodobtainssuperpixelsegmentationresultsthatleverage any available map-information and produces a superpixel segmentationwithsemanticallymeaningfulsegments. 5. REFERENCES (a) HSLIC (b) HSLIC+OSM [1] M. Sethi, Y. Yan, A. Rangarajan, R. Vatsavai, and S. Ranka, “Scalablemachinelearningapproachesforneighborhoodclas- sificationusingveryhighresolutionremotesensingimagery,” in Proc. of the 21th ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge DiscoveryandDataMining.ACM,2015,pp.2069–2078. [2] D.B. Gillis and J.H. Bowles, “Hyperspectral image segmen- tationusingspatial-spectralgraphs,” inSPIEDefense, Secu- rity, and Sensing. Int. Soci. for Optics and Photonics, 2012, pp.83901Q–83901Q. 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