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FYOu Know You’re From. the North, When. ..:: - : ee Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 LA AABDA volume #99, Issue #10, Thursday, January 22nd, 2008 bi-weekly student news~ paper of, by and for the students of Laurentian University. Lambda is funded through a direct student levy by the mem- bers of the Students’ General Association. SCE 301 Student Centre Laurentian University Sudbury, ON, P3E 26 (705) 673-6548 Email: tu [email protected] or [email protected] Write to Us But please remember to Include your Tull name and student number. Articles and letters submitted lacking this Informa- tlon will not be con- Sldered for print Please keep articles toa maximum of 700 words. Lambda reserves the right to edit for content con- Sidered sexist, racist homophobic, hetero: Sexist or for length. Letters of a harrass— Ing or slanderous manner will be dealt with by the proper authorities E-mailed Sudmissions I you are emailing us 2 submission for the paper, please ensure that the attached fite Is saved as TEXT oF Word, because we cannot transfer other Tiles (o Mac format As well, please ensure all sudmissions have your name and stu- dent number because articles submittea lacking this Intorma- tlon will not be con- sidered for print. LAMBDA Page 2 ASK Alli: The In-House Advice Guru A.Gulde tor Parents ‘s0ms as hough you are reaching a adloscons with ADHD and ha fami ott here ite is becoming stesstul es. Not ony wil ‘is ye of heapy fa you might need sar exsonng help your san, but might aso help 0 oar All (utsie resources. However what are deepen your knowedge regarding Yout Your existing resources? Do youhave a sons condion, Supoor sytem in at ik ar. Futhermore providing this fends counssers, or other otolession- type of resiment for your son may really He, Lam no usualy ona aa? Somstines having sippot et. help n decreasing your ox pesonal verte mo nese winds of newspaper works in place can ep 10 ease svesstul evel ol sess, Having this la tot ouumns, but nave read youl few Sacre cosurtoaghout our Krgeledge in ers ft ype env fics anc found tem qe Interesting. ves. ices avaiable to your son may help you Snyway, ama sogle mater stending “Trying to jgale being sje to become mere ined nthe form of ‘sthool ona partie bass. Mj teenage rather ard alee atensing univers can teatnen that Ne recelves inthe choo Sonhas ADHO and he's curenty stug- be. challange lor any patent. Hewaver, oteover you might aloe abe Ue sing in school Ta nding very Nard boing he patent ofa specalnoods child izz som ofthe methods win your to cape wit his cease and iso con can defy make ti chalonge far ou home, Conte on my ow sa. realy want more daunting Aside tom any cuppor ‘Whatover course of acon you Fie succeedbut| eal ke /Maveno systems you might already ave: choso wih ou the beet of ck. in foal sis or knowledge to be abloto place, You migh want ¥o conde aking _sason to he appestons | have ivan ‘wok him, Tearit give upmystusefurtber wth your sels echel about he" ner nave alo rowded you vith some les ight now iam almost fished. The suggestion fe bringin a counsel. useful webata tha! may serve aul School ns suggetiedrngigin 2 Acoaeiagto Dolman and Fronkin. __reeputens. Morgover, Ihave tad some Counselorto te schel nee him, but| (1998) werking mlensvely wih adlos- phone numbers for ou to contact yu fam net sur fis wilwork De you cents Wha sufer rom ADHD win he chose. mou aga ‘Sit mete sana ene! Sccelsposctstowe ben sapet Of of Student Lie Scluoneormerctecrtasyecr Laan A {5 woteeg tough abe soon 756508 Room L210 ‘Seedpeer eae ao you his ray not mea at. ‘Suabury Family Service Homever, what research i ay ‘29629 end word of encouragerant. lam 82 lage tat canted wih any fool ‘a at Lauronban students ae geting medeaton tht he use fang em ‘wuzamantalnelp.n Somuen fem hese aries From whal_ combined testments have mors astg youre eaying 'ga he inpression tial eflecs (Dean 4 Fark, 108). WwW.Shelse.uN-peysefpeychotherta Soware a coursgoous woman ende States suchas fay educaton omiteg parol o your son. Not only aboutADHD, acaamle never, swomumantaleath.eom [3 yu tying 0 mplove ile Tor yourell_ india couneling, grosanerk. 8 land him by pursuing sn education out tamiy sessions ao allvory cica in. _All ubmiaslons are kept tity com: iso youseam to stow acecero nerest helping acolesent students cope wih fidantia. Send al questions to In your son's eduction. You are conan ADHD on along-term basi (unan & 1) upging very ul schesue ng ow Frankin, 1098, Bret salon fooueed So sof woud tks ta commenten”” therapy prone a postive approach ‘nd gan bs usetl en working wih | would ike fo take hs opportunity t> fear ‘Amy Houle UC sth floor ‘thank the following people) depart Dave Green- UC 4th lor Usa Moore Ue 7h oor iments for thelr generosity to our Angel Michael (Dex) Brown -UC 6th flee Terri Walton - UC rth floor ‘Tree. fe wasa huge success We pro” Ben gulka- UC roth fcar Emme McKenzie SSR Bat ‘ide fad, clthing toys ee forts Myles Page - SSR Mist Jay Sprowl SSR Bist families Qs children in the sudbury Jeremie Careau & Geof Dlegel-SsR shane Nagel & Natalie Simpson - SSR tea. lam sure twas 2 beter nor Bard {heseae fora he recpients ‘Tanya Bicard- SSR Band ley Ann Zoulas- Stand Thank youre: ‘Matt ay SSR et Residents of University College and Judy Cramer ‘Are Bascom SSR ard Single Student Residences Leona Cauzen Natale Beauchamp at Faker Jeanne Rows ‘And especialy Armande Martin who Denti Dube Prevort Helene Arlo ‘Coordinated this very speci project. Joseeyne Meileur wash cely Jeanne Houle Colette Bruner Paulet Laortune ‘da Boucher due Blan Residence Manager Renee Charente -Cce department Tracy Oo” Forenaes University College & Single Student Nationa Corporate Housekeeping Trans ro esdences art Dubeau 8 Kat Brassard-UCand Rabin Crowder - UC 3rd floor Lost and Found Double the power of your degree Gifts certificates found, January 14, 2004. ‘ Please call 523-1024 to identify and claim. (Maelo Megtem Clg: MIRVOl am relale} Leave a message with phone number and ‘To post a message, an up-coming event, lost or found, or to simply give a ‘shout out, email [email protected], along with your name and student number, and welll | re excuse gladly post it for you. (As long as your| International Marketing Program pale et aie corey aaa fame and student number are provide | “sw swuccy nocnnes, on rg ro ne Eagan 4, your name can be with-held at your on ee Sie chiang oreeaieaason "BY owner Classifieds continued on page 3. Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 LAMBDA Page 3 Ee a ueeee THE SGA/AGE IS SEEKING A CHIEF RETURNING OFFICER (CRO) FOR THE 2004 ELECTION PERIOD JOB DESCRIPTION: ‘Oversee the election process from prior 4o the nomination petiod rough 4o the presentation and submission of a final election Feport fo the Board of the SGA/AGE. Ithis is a paid position. puries: rte elections committee forgarize biting of al poll clerks ansure that the election is well advertised both in the call for hpominations and in the voting petiod. RO has the authority 4 set and impose fhes and/or disciplinary actor fon candidates who have inactions ofthe S84/AGE election policy FORO is responsible fo ensure that the SGA election runs in a lawful and ery Fashion INTERESTED INDVIDUALS ARE ASKED TO SUBMIT A LETTER OF INTEREST TO THE SGA/AGE BOARD VIA TANNY'S LAUGHREN. ]BMISSIONS CAN BE SENT VIA FAX TO 672-8555, EMAIL TO ;[email protected] OR DELIVERED IN PERSON TO THE SGA "FICE AT SOE 212. EADLINE FOR SUBMISSION 18 MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 2004, Letter From your Editor washroom ). ‘Show us your student ‘card, and you'l'be on your way to a fabulous evening on January 31st. One ticket per person, and hurry, bacause ‘everyone likes free stuf, so quaranteed, hey won't be here for long! {As forthe rest of my shpeel, | ust hope everyone's ‘semasier runs smoothly. Don't mn forget to relax and kick back, Editor in Chief eo a | ope evryones pe teed ant foc we, tm gonna Koop ha ono shortand svea Ht want ole a Laurea ftidents know fate ama hs 8 Charity Bal chee fo sive avoy Taro purchased a table because Wo afoot enating te fund to Miso La Pals causeto good ignore, Gover’ te ting. Yu want oe, come up othe Temoda fo, cata n SO 201 rt ret ote Lads and always remember that no ‘matter how stressed out you get, ‘someone out there, has tiple the amount. Ths isthe shartost semester of the year, and before yyou know it, summer will be here, | guaranty it! And by the way, if you have any ideas on how to make Ie a ile less aggravating and stressful, wile f0 us because we ‘want to know and we want to share it with the rest of the freaked aut students. So email us at lambda @laurentian.ca. So, ‘good luck everyone and don't forget to breathe! Lambda Classifieds Employment Opportunities "The Lambda Board of Directors is currently looking for ‘An ASSISTANT EDITOR IN CHIEF JAs an Assistant Editor in Chief, you will represent [Laurentian students with their events, ideas and opinions to Ithe Laurentian community and the community at large. You wil also ensure coverage for events, sports and university happenings by soliciting and nurturing the writing staff [The position of Assistant Editor in Chief will commence Jmarch 15%, 2004, at which time, you will begin training lunder the supervision of the Lambda Editar in Chief. You will assist in collecting, writing, and editing news from the [campus of Laurentian University and news of local, regional, rational or international nature of interest to the student lbedy. You will also be required to learn the responsibilities involved in producing and publishing Lambda publications. This is a paid position, As Assistant Editor in Chief, you will be governed by the. [Lambda Board of Directors ta monitor the operations of the paper as well as ensuring that the Assistant Editor in Chief Is performing in a fiscally responsible manner and adhering [to the constitution of the paper. [The successful ndidare shou! the riba Good writing and communication skills ‘A working knowledge of computers ‘Be outgoing ard open-minded ‘an ability to multitask Good time management shills in onder to meet deadlines Be a full time SGA/AGE student [1+ is assumed that the Assistant Editor in Chief, if success ful will go on to the position of Editor in Chief of Lambda Publications for the 2004-2005 school term. Application deadline is February 13, 2004 © 4:00p.m. Please forward resume to Erika Mieto, Chair of Lambda Board of Directors 935 Romsey Lake Read, SCE 212 (SGA OFFICE), Sudbury ON PSE 2c6 ‘or email president®soa.laurentian co Double the power of y at 46) 6766522, 00 3237, D worn, 50 Below Zero: By Taryn Verde have al ead or stenea fo Rober Munscns 50 Below Zero. When I wes oun, 0 below was a terpsratre ‘hat wine seyond elevable, something that coud aly exist, 1 sly books, {ising in Sudbury all ay te, neve aan the merc ry op prety lw aa now he ue meaning af What Means to Bune up. I seems that one af the most ak Sout esues for Canadians is he westhe- Wo have such a Yast and averse coun the weathar at tires can bo guts lngredctaal. We chen remember ha tnes when or pr fents bundle us up so much hat wo looked no tro ‘Maretmalow Man ova saris, You wore una to bend {ny of Your ons and ookrg. ovr our shoul rete 8 “ul upper-becy twist since you fur hood blocked your side ew Basialy, you Tel over you wers as Repsless a5 2 {ure ons back, Bul rating seemed to sop us ror Skating, sing, making snow fors, and making snowmen We adjusted well tothe weather maybe becaute we Were aimays moving and maybe because temperatures never ‘ropped as iow as they did te past two weeks. ‘When | wes young, lonoe thought hat hero was a such hing a iy bolon weather ang that it ever dks (that col, we Would ale, Wl at woek surly Proved me wrong, wih windshielss tomperaturesreachod 8 chilly “48 dogrecs Celalus. Mast cays I thought my fr ‘ers hac serausly led iielos and my foe to bloeks Of ce. Coming ino tho schoo em auside only aliminates {he windshied factor, because the inside of Laurentian = not any warmer and lam not re only ane who belies this tebe rus, Bofore wring tis are, | asked He opr= iors of a aw fallow Lauran students asta whore they feel that te coldest places inthe schocl are. Tho results 26 88 fol: “The SGA Lounge. am thre studying a the tno. Its an joebox. And | know itis easy to say go study some ‘ohare alse, but | ike # thre and 0 do mary oar fees Ing stdemts. t's no as loud asthe Great Hal or Science Cat so homewerk can be easly dove, bul 18 also a place where you ean socaze wih ends oF get help wih homework and no: worry about whethor you ae whispor resins ze: wn gg pron Easy for ON days - Essential for DFF OGG Free Stuff! Life Within Laurentian Univeristy ad LAMBDA ing too loud. When | read up thers, | have to wear my ‘its, and am sil at warm, Then | realized that here ers haters aleng the sido under the windows and out of fcusiy | pul my hands aver them and NO heat was being released. | even opened a lid on ono of ho radiators oping to fd eal inside oun an the heat, converierty itwas a big hls The Great Hal and Science Ca. You woud ink thatthe places you go lo eat would be waim considering ‘here ls fooe cotkeng whieh usually generat heat. Maybe the heal is purpasely tured off 0 rst you wl deberatly buy their everriced not food o Koop you warn (Classtoom Buing 1st Fear Computer Room vay tine | walk by | se peapointhore wearing parkas. Usually compurer rooms afe saunas, but because tis ‘computer tom fight besde a set of doors toga csi, 1 you ype, your Figs tum to ice cubes. Why cat SSomeane close the dors fo tha computer rom, and nce ‘agin, hy ean Laurentian jack up he heat? ‘The Bowing Ally. Walking down the Bowing Ally ‘makes me laugh ris pratbly the coldest lace at Laurentian All the university nas todo is fod and we'l have an awesome door skating rink. we can Fave hock ty tourmamente between classes 10 enjoy the atempte to arm te shits as gusts of warm at poor outa ‘stout thre places along tho alway, however hey only ‘warm about one te onthe ground, | have seen peopl, including mysel, standing on tat one le beneath the heat wave in order ie warm up just enough to make tf the nox tls 18 of to way down th Pall Cassone. Some elastooms are 0 Not you can't breatne, wns ners cause severe hypothermia bythe end athe clase. Do you realy thnk wa can concentate mths kine of ereronment? F my nands ar frozon it makes it hard {take netee nai have fo bundle up tke the the set. The students get reeze ball ta very funny how anywnare thee are effons ts tasty wat ought the main purpose ofa univray cto accemmodto be atx dons whe aay money fo come fe lars really hae fo Tear ye st foo wowed Mat your thar fa Hem frome Al ne stents want lor ameone to turn up the ‘he heat rom the aleady vam tReedhoo. Sprand the wart “he deep eeze mat be ove fora whl, but kis sti very old curses, and traugh mest of us are used to Such ea emgerature, esi ike t lean a freon flemaronment sen Ine gree vith he wor | teat Twain, A gaat gest deal has baen std about the ‘vest, bu vary is has aver been cons Sol atk, ‘ora wii tako to am up the oat inthis lacs? “Twonty years trom now you willbe more dlaappoln- ‘2d by the things you en't do than by th ones you "did, So tnvow otf the bowines. Sal away hom the ‘ete harbor. Cateh the trade winds In your sll. Explore, ream. Discover.” Make the Official-Language Monitor Program work for you! Looking for an opportunity to work in another province? Need v0 improve your French shill? Spend a year in Quebec or New Brunswick! Wepre necting en Tnenagexoeenoe fea Imontoret tga ou wi ‘he the Motor Program Hen @ Ontario | “Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 Gravel CUES Bedbs GHE INGEPNEG LAMBDA Travel CUTS guarantees to beat any available iternet airfares for travel within Canada! SGA/AGE President president@® sga.laurentian.ca gk eae att LAURENTIAN UNIVERSITY | Awe itera ica ine Suet ora pecans wage pci “aruary Bt D060 Lamba ao. Wo ug hie Woda Gea a © Sie dace. Sie eee Sa nenee na Movie No Longer Economically a 1 ‘what the SGA/AGE wil be upto for Do-able! second semester. Well, with January ‘clan iomson Rett cr rmeinve almost under our bet, the SGA execu tive and staf are ready for ancthar ‘great semester. During the first week back at schoo! you might have Snd snow resi oven #2 raveprenensble messages | lat aril, etoctes on That toeson aero wore cammuncatngomeger. oremere Inert word caught us inthe Bowing Ale wih the ee cco Infamous popcom machine burning up ‘Suen ou conmuntas nat ‘tray gorathe that good old butar scott Some 500 of fee Se seeshoccete, See rears nt maaan ia Sele Beeoer Soe ‘Seutays, wd Sunday afer ite realy downing anc max ‘our members stil have not gotten around {o visting our office to pick up thelr SGA Handbook — so we were out giving hese to our students, as well as some Molson promotion material, student saver carcs, {and coupons. Ifyou stil don't have a handbook/agenda...please come vist our office, they are FREE, and we would hate to have to discard the extras at the fend of the yeer! (On Saturday January 318t the SGA/AGE will be hosting our fourth annual Charly Ball. This year's theme is BLACK AND WHITE - which means you can wear what ever your lite heart dosires — as long as your out is black andior white. So far ticket sales have been great, with over 250 tickets sold for the event, However, tickets are limited £0 von hough fm ony Page 5 “Down the Road with the SGA/AGE” buy your ticket at the SGAVAGE offica ASAP! Ticket Prices - $20.00 a ticket - $128 a table of 8 ($16 each) Tho SGA/AGE is currently seeking a student to il the position of Chief Returning Officer (CRO). to oversee this yoar's SGA electon, An advertisement is fea- {ured in this elon of Lambda, and YES. this is a PAID POSITION ~ which looks great on your resume. For more informa tion please see Tannys Laughren at the ‘SGA office. Deadline for application for this position is Monday January 26, 2004. Speaking of elections, the SGAJAGE General Elections ara com- ing up fast! If you are interested in run- ning for a position with the SGA/AGE please come visit us at our office, we ‘would be pleased to let you know ‘what's involved with the various posi- tions ~ SGA Executives, SGA Senators, and SGA Commissioners (All Positions are Open to Contest by SGA MEMBERS). Personally speaking, my time here with the SGA as President has been an invaluable experience, land if given the opportunity again, | wouldn't change one thing ‘Over the past year | have had ‘he opportunity to meet so many peo- ple (including students, staff and faculty here at Laurentian) be involved in the planning process for students, and ‘most Importantly make a difference for ‘our students by speaking on their behalf, | would recommend a pesition with the SGA to anyone interested in dotting more involved with our school and making a difference, Also, below you wil ind a copy of the schedule for the SGA Board meetings. Al Board meetings are open to every member of the SGA/AGE, Our meetings are held in room L-239 (next to the Student Centre) on Wednesday ‘evenings and commence at Spm sharp. So please feel free to come and attend ‘one of our meetings. ‘SCHEDULED SGA BOARD MEETINGS January 28th, 2004 February 11th, 2004 March 3rd, 2004 March 17th, 2004 March 31st, 2004 April 7th, 2004 25, ean remem nt 09 eng Sop shor Sunanywennge ‘sas have. Find grace trough simpy ont oast poses, tertow movies ram Your library sometime. They Contain ae many grea los 2 Your local video store for ess te feaure are clttornd ad raw ‘Sum arn he heat com. Set a course for adventure Train now for a rewarding and high-paying career as a Marine Engineer or Navigation Officer money and longer ecowtng ‘2x Gecasian Close in Owen Sound Ota ou tres ea Marine co-op programs boet x progresiv mix ‘airing spbondtaeing and academic suds Canaan shipping congas supper tice oor by provcng variety oland yn coastal placemets lor cadet ark tr, whch conten to emponME {non gration With a woos shortage o aipe afc, you futur ob presets ve ont For more information: Call today: (519) 376-0840, ext 2069 Ir [email protected] swwmarinetralning.ca Blox st a rod oon ‘Se aie yl and n ‘rich 1 ot ave thermos My pease cot Stetlod sextet an Ssmalecsized cnt han ro reponse. s peg Iaefer lessor verity take a sager sg order's Gating smaterbeveape, ely taal te sweetness of Upon efccton rvehesiess ie eumpton es waste, an its aren ep tp Ser you wll los ited by commerciale loys and stan gee ae ‘he wappnga ef he ward sre ot tose sy indveing vs © GEORGIAN “Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 LAMBDA Page 6 White Cowbell Oklahoma Meet the Band White Cowbell Oklahoma Cencerro Blanco By Chas Anselmo ‘Guest Column tor teeing to We Ase ‘Olah Tee xz ing instantly comes to mind, what Is olds now. However, his isnot {bad thing. In the case ofthis album, itis great thing, Once again, Wied and true rock’ is finally re-emerging to reclaim ts crown in the music industry and in ‘my opinion, White Cowl ‘Oslahoma is anoter band tha is trying to relay this message. ‘Once you listen to this band, their influence shine ‘through but they utilize thes influences tac straightforward rock songs. Remember not every song has to make you think. Music can stil be tun and relevant despite what other critics wil tll you and this album accomplishes that Listening to this alour wil act as your own personal heater when the weather is as miserable as it has been. Just listening tot, reminds me of siting on the dock ona lake vith a cooler at my side {fled with a fow beverages) and the sun shining down on me, Yes, itis a summer party album and yes, it's nownere near summer around here but hey, every litle bithelps. Cencerro Blanco is an album for those of you about to rock Finally, for thos interested, Whita Cowal (Oklahoma wil bein the Greater Sudbury area atthe end of January. From what | have been tcl, their jive show is something to experience so l encourage everyone to get out to the TTowmehouse on January 30th, 2004 and experiance the White Conbell Oktahoma, Allman Brothers Band, and | wil feven say the Supersuckers can be heard on Cencerro Blanco out White Cowell Oklahoma manage totum those sounds inte the There are @ number of ‘great tracks that stand aut. “San Antone” and “Ole Glory” are f your Work in the Global Village | @isternstiona Project Management 8 12 month posteraduetecertfeate program inintemational develonment at Humber Colege ‘managing resources fr aversoas Irtemetanal developer. ard rec. a (46) 675.6822, et 3228, ‘crema pot meokchumber ca D wownen NAME: 7300 HOLLIS WAYNE GENTRY IV INSTRUMENT: Coutle Nock Guta, Choqus Emoaset RAP SHEET: Driving wshou Brsinstem, Fale 1 Appear (42) Mogal Consumption ofa Banned Substance (Faces) reckon Helis has smal prosler with dental cleanliness. When e wes just a boy his mama led ta piek'om up by his grad oot and ue his furs sot ol paar to clam af tha plugs inthe Nova. Me Gerty was removed fom the ight otade (he wae 27 athe be) afer he spied some fan tastcal eosermy to his th wie Das}-Sue. Shes, say he wuz us eh alt the. Only ine this boy's rel nappy is he b-manthy propane canon competion slagod out at he shine shack. Parle Jimny says he's Justa right bt misunderstood NAME: CLEM INSTRUMENT: Sustocaster Gute, Fling, Crystal RAP SHEET: Using he O'son tine as @ Human ‘shold During Armes Robbery Iii there were some mennarof pura contest, Clara probaby win. Seam Clem he ny one \whos face wasn't aflced by mama's cea math Dmiokin dueng Per pregnancy (and labour fr tat rater. Clam wes pear al the songs in he Ball nd has been know to vii a moseine marin the fe tate of Now tex tor insertion Funny ing Is every tee comes bac ho ain got ra maney a can never romeo doi atin’ except smokin’ peyote wih a buneh af funny look felas wear lakes clethos.Clm’srasemark fl goes back lo in yn to get Mara’ attonton cur einer. See? Even the purdyenes gos their crass te Boar Sometimes he pleasures te cess. Go fager NAME: SGT. ROCK INSTRUMENT: Lead Vocal, Systematic Deling of Backgjound Segre RAP SHEET: Caste by ne US. Army [Aer the Sarge was clshonourably seared rom the Army, he made a bee line for Glens Bay, ‘keshoma to rendes-voue wih to ret of he Bel As the Colores ight hand, the Saiges man respanety swale the Coys up a overy ‘momnn to make em ery. Hes stil under Federal Suvllance as 2 result ofa warehouse ul of ck tt launchers, C4, and Beta porno vigeos He ‘vu iin shotgun when he cope chased aor Janes Brown (he Godfather of Sout you didnt iron). He got of (you get ma) ater 2 17 her eal eaviy earch, but rot wh ulti = coupe ofp arawer dance aes torn James, He's come in puny roar st evory year at re Ultimate Fighing Championshios.. ever donk fore NAME: JESSUP H. CHRIST INSTRUMENT: Telecaster Guitar Nokes Ass Graton FRAP SHEET: Penie Dunkng na Prt Glas, Irascant exmanue of Ass up hs anaes ebro ote Sage temomber tar canes Ths bey gota meal @ ‘eres puotestipin problem. Him ar the Sa hen know fo mmerae tna ale burger {at pet glases,sometmos even heated up hair 2 Hes Southwesiem Okaromas reigning char Bonin te Annual Dolphin Boating CCharpenships. eu sop skewer’ the Ss |veckon he'd move up he sanding a ie quicker opleasur ho recon that ve under te ron porch ofthe shack Hele om In wh is woos Tuo and ras hi way wth the poor unexpeting creates of ha ‘woods. Keep sami hem, bt tay se lake 2 me uy NAME: MUDFALP WILLIAMSON, INSTRUMENT: Owns, Gongs, ie Cowbell, FRAP SHEET: Broshing and e-entenng Cause he Forgot is Walt Mut’ one of the ony members of he Bel win let jo dun the Gayigpt hours. He builds 500 nercepower goats ler the Moar tagets Tutbo Deal Chatenge down in Corpus Chit His sgn aint qe right yt se once those poo ile Mexeagets um over th engine, be niroghycee eights up those ite heroes up ike Une <oeso's christmas Wee. Noth lke the sel of Sold midgets nthe mornin, reckon That's the co of hing tat acks wth Ya: Ihe victims tamos have been putin’ apt togather to got id of Mui, £0 hes hooked backup wit the boys o play the drums. uno ou you, btm & ite nereus about he propane gong he ul Thursday, January 22nd. 2004 LAMBDA Page 7 Huntington Concert Series to Present Penderecki String Quartet he Huntngton Coneort Series is Penderects Sting Guaret. Quaritin residence at Wid Laurer University fr bver teen years, the group has siabished an intematonal outing edule that sees them perorm gab y. Even since Octobe. toi concerts have taken mem to Albera, Bish Inthe new yaar Thay have aver a oven CDs to tei creat neluang a recent highly-acela two Bran sing Ot ane Sudbury community i to fact that ofthe quartet mersoers. wolnst Jeremy Seabury Mato Ko bor ofthe Sudbury Youth Orehesta and the Sudbury Symphony Orenents His the concer a orrathat oa homecoming fo Jeremy Furtnar musica studios took him othe University of Toronto and re Stato University of New York at Stony Brook, where he received hs Doctorate in Perormance. Dr. Bal is curenty Aristin Residence al Wid Laurer University where he tesches vin and amber use, The ony Canaeian born member ofthe quar, has an active caresr as aso ‘wel Raving perirme wth such tnsembas as the Toronte Symphony ‘he Kitenoner Wateroe Symphony. ang CBC Vancouver Orchastrs, »2 Sudbury partormanco wilincude ‘ing quartets by both Bartok and [] Secthaven and il ala feature 2 co ‘boraton wh artone Dr Haber Hal, faculy member a: Laurentian Unversity, who wl perform tne Samuel Barber work “Dover Bese" with he ‘quart Hal wl also perform a selec jon a enirasing songs by Chares Ives, ny angered by hin for this anes an te four wn is beng Sponsored by Wire Laurier Univers ty The tur w [Ramis Io the concerts $10 ‘orStuems and $8 for Seniors Complete Tour Schedule Hunteville Wed, January 21, 2008 ® pm ~ Trinity United Church ‘Timmins ~ Thursday, January 22,2008 8 pm ~ St Matthaw's Cathodral North Bay — Friday, January 23.2008 8 2 pm— Lester B. Pearson Civic Cente For further information, contact Or. Robert Hall, 673-4126, oxt 218, VISIT our display booth LEARN something NEW ENTER to WIN a 41,500 scholarship award* campus prizes great giveaways Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 4 mah | Think About Grad School At Wester OPEN HOUSE ‘The University of Western Ontario The Great Hall, Somerville House Saturday, February 7th, 2004 9:30 am to 2:00 pm LAMBDA Monday, January 18, at 12:15 pm. Larentan Universy President Juan ioodseorh wil presant, on toa ofa group of sents. 2 Aonaton of $200 tothe Resary Cb of ‘Sudbury. This centibuton wg foward the eon oration of Coeovado Nation Park in Cots Rea Fling the presentation, Dr Ann Gale Laurentian Unversity earth snences pater, wilgve a PowerPoint presentation on Corcovado nd the fil the student took t hs area in 2002. Members o! the media are imvedteatend ths precertaton which wil eke placa at the Holiday nn. an Brady Stet Suan. ‘Garcovaco itional Pat siento a Costa Ress OSA Perirsula nono ofthe coun- ls poorest arvas lis of onormous bog February 4th Day of Celebrac ‘By Chas Anselmo VP issues 03, what you s0e above is an intenion- aly misspelled ‘word. No, Id not ‘mise that word ke have inthe numer- us pieces of work hhave submited to professors here at Laurentian were many mistakes aways appear. So what's the deal hen you ‘might ask? Well, the Canadian Federation of Students has desig nated February 4th, 2004 as a Day (tAction and Celebration, Fr the fst me in years he studont ‘movement across Ontaro actually has something to feel good about After years of lobbying, students across the province wil enjoy a Tullon reeze forthe next two years. Yes, we know that this isa smal ‘ctor but & vitory noneth: “The Federations hard wore has paid oft Italso provides us ‘wth great opportunity to raise awareness inthe communiy o! the ther struggles facing students when attempring to access a post. secondary education. When gwen the opportunity to sway public opi fon, we must take fll advantage of i Thus, there ts. lis both @ Day ft Acton and Celebration, which then equals the Day of Galena. {pester rn Pasepatng Grau Progen sud vival apne are yao RA and foil vale because tis the ae Fomrant of Paci lowland topical rainforest in CConral America, and because eectouram f the best and perhaps ony bass for sustainable development inthe area In an efor to protect this tweatened lang, a group of biology, geoga- Dy anc envionment! earth sciences students from Laurentian University orgazes a ls tip tothe area in February 2008 and undertook sores of fundraising actos. ‘though te Gosta ican government is ‘commitod te park, adverse econami cand tors provert it rom deteating the required resources to ensue is adequate protection ard tmanagemont, Poachers ang trophy hunter ae Foal frosts tothe parks ecology ye park pals tion . ee ee wnat would the day be without a tree lunch? Yes, there wll be a tree Kraft Dinner lunch ofred to any fone interested. Grest epportunty to save a few dollars ard get informed on the student movement in Ontario. Other events are slowly taking shape at the same time, Another evertin the planning stage 'Sa forum on scosestity to poet Secondary education. AS | men: tioned, 11s sin the planning stage 0 stay tuned for mor int. $30 mark February 3, 2004 ‘on your calendars asthe Day of Cobraction and jin in with the rst ofthe student movement. The tug je has ended but February 4 is a day wan wa can take fe to reflect fon past victories and plan ahead Fer any actions formation oro get imohed, please comact (Chas Anselm, Vice President: Student Issues al the SGA Office or by phone at 673-6547 of emai al _pissues Bag aurenten ca Page 8 Costa Rica National Park to Benefit from Support of Laurentian University Students have no radios to al for back or coordinate operations. Sena Biolog Satin, wal 0 pane research andthe ony place where tours can Stay inthe park, can barely operate for lack of ‘lect “he Rotary Cb of San Pesto 8 CCuridabat in Costa Fiea ane th Rotary (Cub of Sudbury launched the Coreavazo National Pare project in 2003. Tha pojct wll poly adios fo he park patos and soar pa fs and a backvo generator at Sirona Biological Slaton. These wil increase th salety ane ec: tvoness ofthe park parol, anc sustain the abe ‘yf tourats and researeners to eccess th pak Ecotourism isa key clement i the satagy to ote the park because tredveos hunting pros: Ste by making srimale more vakabe lve fan cea, Laurentian University sheping the tary Clu of Sudbury i this iniematona to. Since the laureh of he projec, the tao Roly Cubs have alsa over $12,000. Malhing hnd- Ing tom The Rotary Foundaton and Rota, Dist! 7010 wil rng he ttl to $26 000 US. A socond group of Laurontan Univers students We undertake afl tro in February 2008 10 see the fished project. “The Feary Cub of Sucbury, part of @ ‘service organization spanning the gabe, received is charern February 1024. As well as boing Inthe community, the Sudbury cu supports hhumantaian and envonmenta projects in Por, India and other counties. {oars and erry wor ofa ar fo ‘ales in teracy athe ie rte berg tan, ities aan acne see Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 LAMBDA The Amiable Librarian This column is based upon remarks on the Compliments / Questions / Suggestions sheets located near the ext of the JN. Desmarais Library ‘as woll as on Input from library staff as they react fo student concerns. If you would like to get in ‘touch with the Amiable Librarian, email Lambda@laurentianca Uuestion: The other day | was in Poulton's Independent Grocer al the Four Comers and "when | took a break from my shopping | noticed large mural on the wall featuring the JN, Desmarais Libra. Holy smack!! My qudstion fo you Aiale Librarian, is did you know about this? Surprised rnswer: The Amiable Libraian dd not, but thanks for sharing this strange yet mportant information Luestion: Thanks for extending your hous. Wat tok you so long? wer: The Amiable Librarian appreciates your ‘comment. As you know, the library is now open unt 11 pm. Sundays through Thursdays and 5 ‘bm. Fridays and Saturdays, That's an extra hour dur- ing the week, and an extra SIX houts on Sundays. The library took as long ast did to make the change (actualy started in December with exams), because it underestimated how unbelievably popula was with students. You'd think with so much library Information available online, and a new proxy server that allows people to work from hare, tks would want Yodo ust that. But apparently not. The ibrary has Tumed into a beshive ct activity this year that shows no signs of slowing down, jestion: The Research Office just received a to an issue ofthe American Joumal of Bioethics (MIT pross) with what seam as though ‘they would be usolularces fr the Flesearch Ethics Board. Does the Liorary have ths joumal or access to It-or can we get insttutonal access? Gaby Miler newer, Yes, the library has access to this jour- nal. There are two ways to find i. Fist, you can goto the Catalogue, type in te Journal's te, scroll down 1 search fas a periodical tile, and Free, confidential health advice from people who are actually qualified to give it. se what comes uo (Os iyou thik tat your journal is available electronically, there is a Second way which is immoa: surably more fun. You can go te a new library prod lst, Ebsco AZ (which sisted under New Electronic Subscriptions onthe library's home page} and type in your tile again. Ifyou do that you wil nd that ne ‘American Joumal of Bcethics is aiso avilable through Project Muse from 2002 to the present, as well as from the Ontario Scholars Portal (OSF) forthe same perod (of course this should not surprise anyone sincs the OSP incorporates Projecl Muse's holdings ino ts date base). ‘There are even some issues in Ebsco's own ‘Academic Searen Premier fram 2001 ta 12 months ago. Sinoa this journal only started in 2001, you have @ complete run. electronically. Luestion: I have to search for articles in Dr Hawkins’ second yoar class in Ontario archaol- ‘ogy on ane ofthe folowing tops: Late Archale (Northeast North America) Early Woodland {Northeast North America); Mortuary archaaology or ‘momuary customs: Glacial Kame; Meadowood: or Archaic oametery. Tere is not much in Academic ‘Search Premier. wnere should | look? ‘Anonymous fee Ths Atm Dei wa overs Aierine site seca nn eR ORANE wart Ninety a a eee eee aes ihe jote ier yee SR egies ae Reece aes van snreanal Inds, Roy opps tte om UR fa ea Pt ete oer a She es Bee EARS ae in et Sagal un lngateearmpiny rede er eee bine poe cee easel are tGe ait canes ee tou peiedal fete cesons eel ae feo eee crease Par eat Soe chet eee Re eeee erct Marntnarorts el ee pe este me nianeree ees yet eee el Sava ree Page 9 Viva la Riviera Maya with Ulysses Travel Guides Latest Edition! he completly updated and T ravised ft eon of tha Uyeses “Travel Gude Cancin Fiera ‘maya ($1995) he booksrvas rs ‘month iving more and more readers tolesover he nteatonal tourer atspot where divas aways ‘urs. "Me authors of the Uyssos Travel Gude Cancin - Pera Maya have provided the mas up-to de and owedgesbi wavel acs ‘ha wil alow te reader 0 tke ful advantage ‘fal that Canc has llr, ied to provide tho st cultural infomaion ‘ne to daw a complete histo ‘oti! ard arst pont, Uyssos ‘Travel Guides atest edon oer he ‘opportu o tan kee wy the het ‘nd eoul af tha Yacatan Seni, ‘opie and ireaaures. both past snd Prosont [ryone interested I his teion wi ‘joy czcovering the vast asor br Cancin, created especialy or ‘ourom andwil be swept aay by the oteus ahe-send beaches, dein Toca vilges, busting markets and sae Mexican cole Imagricont Fi 7 ‘sti guid explores the {stad of Cozumel-—a coube diving par- Bise—ranqul sla Mores and want Paya dal Carmen, the ausioneo Inve io toss themselves ine boauty and vtiety oe underwater and = rostal words which are the togon's patos assets " Nia included inthis gilda ‘co setecton ofthe best notes, Fesiourantsant igre, oil fastes and budgets rovough descrip ‘ions of al ho sighs ard beaches, "eluding ecubs ving, snorkeling, 2a Ingand sing 2s wel as a &-pago andy Engi Spanish glossary. ‘The Uyssos Travel Gulde CGanein andthe Rivets Maya ie an valuable tal to help the adventures fi tus fo unearth the marvels of [cient end madera Mexico This and other val Guides 10 avalabo nal ine bockstore, ‘They can aso bo ordered by Internet at ‘worm lyecesguides com or toltes by aling 177-542-7247. Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 TTY: s to registered nurses www llealthyOntario.com @ Ontario ‘Thursday, January 22nd, 2004 LAMBDA Page 10 With Internet Use Lower in Rural Areas, is there a Need for Special Rural Programs? i ‘Guest Column feck sere Cot etd i oe Grete tt cece ry tt ces ody ae Canna Bussts Const re! ard Snt Town Gane aye Buln ton by Wc Sgh (ost Jann 6200 sya ra. Yount ‘Sn rl pel ue nr ror niin vereoe eal! Gena ot tne that inoy acs Notte Howson ito tenia culo ce, eet ss even when peat btu cis op eed th fr linn ere new sl) Thy te en astg (ot oor aos hgh ‘Shou kytarng coves And ay pore (Gaara nomest cont 248 ooafop oy S00 Wow peop Seen ot ceteris eee ESP eS teeter St a, amy, an inte har pS wth tet ard hand Ot rough be og aes win ey peop, se Ga say a al pesto nestle ess at eos me imaher wore, Rent tan ca and onogaphe rion Gang sveragoesculy undress e sioaty forte eaters ot runl race Te Now Pl Cony 20" suc sn showed eee sere scent of hours wih an art wa ae honed contuny had 1% vews So he So what's going on? Were rot Suto yo! Bul ero te a Taw sto fe tlcuty Tents te pesos 91, he aces stor, the support story, and tne applies pity sion Ard ther ere’ the Inexoraole regres of marke-aiven technology sory. As a Missing a Piece of Your Degree? a \ Complete through Onli oC Education Courses ) Take a course to complete yourdegreey fit your timetable, or accelerate your studies. ‘We offer yearfound registration with expert __acadimic support. Choose from over 850 courses in Arts & Sciences, Business, ‘Applied Studies, and Social Sciences / Study at your own pace, on your own time, and at your freferred Idcation, Contact us today. for more infortfation audyou7 athabascau.ca 1.866.566.9677 Athabasca University Al Online. Anywhere. Anytime. 4 foront stories call for ditorent reactions, here are the broad outines ofthese stories ‘According o the peope story, there are characterises of inidual rural people ether than ‘398, eduction, ana income tha incline rural 280 ple against using the net. They might be into pending quality time wih fiends and neighbours, for example Or they might have lass tolerance for the 200-2-day junk mall massages Da! we uroan folks all need to deke past. dokes that got harder {5 ne low-lre sencers gat smarter and smart. ‘ecordng othe facies story, rural areas ‘are no a8 tad. The CAP site program has pro vided funcing for puble acoass, Bul some tural {reas stil lag, The New Aural Eoosomy’s comm nications Sto prof fr 2003 showed that wheal ign shad publicly avalableItarrat ‘ec655, oly 43% of the low-egpaciy sles had Some public Iniemet he support story says the ‘much help avaiable for rural pacple to learn the ‘elevant skis, A taderal Prince Edward Island pro- ‘gram last summer providing two tree home on- hur Intemet-access training sessions forthe eld- ely succeeded so well that it sold out without adverisng, There's certainly an unmet demand for hele The applcablly story pasts fewer goals rural pao- lo have that would require net access. Maybe rural folks don’ need to check out vegetarian Vietnamese restaurants, Czechoslovakian operas, ‘or shiatsu massage parlours forthe coming wook- ‘end as do urbanites, But the final story isthe inexorable ‘advance of Internet technology. ust a8 how every house has electiciy. a retrigerator, and a tele- phone; so everyone in rural areas will get access {othe Internet. Why budget for his and spand ‘money on itwhen i's going to happsn anyway? Unfortunately ine Singh article coos not Provide enough information to work ou the reative Importance of diferent gaps. I'does not report. regression coefcients, just the direction ofthe relationships. The details of definition anc the ‘lua equation are, unusually for Slats Canin a forhoaming document that is nat yt avaiable, Rural advocates oftn think thal omon- strating a defi thats purely rural and not other wise explained is an argument fr special ural programs I's academicaly interesting that there's | purely rural gap, But what really mattors is how rch ofthe gap is aurely rural | think the more Importart gaps are likely those forthe poor and for the loss educated. It wa worked on reducing soeoes problems for hese two groups we'd be doing most rural areas qute a favour Dr, Derek Wilkinson, 2 sociology professor at Laurentian University is the Director of the Institute of Northern Ontario Research and Development. He can be reached at dwilin- ‘sondlaurentan.ea BOWLING FuM_DRAISER ‘Help support Laurentian Students for Literacy! ‘Over 75 eniversty volutes ae pce nS elementary schools end Genera House (a omens shley herein Sudbury providing one-to-one loin. opis homewert aby, and eadingccle rics almost 180 eed chile ech yar To help suport ou program nd chile in Sudbury, come to our Bowling Func, i Tickets are only $10 (includes 3 hours of bowling & shoe rental)! ‘Wee Hliay Lanes, 2120 Regent Street South ‘When: Friday, Jarry 30 fom 90pm ass DOZENS of prizes to be given away throughout the night from our sponsors ‘and one door prize to be drawn! Buy your tickets at the SGA office or by contacting Lorna Bona at 560-2076 Door prize: One weekend car rental (donated by Enterprise Rent-A-Car Suabury) }

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