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High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2007 PDF

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High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2007 Michael Resch · Sabine Roller · Peter Lammers Toshiyuki Furui ·Martin Galle · Wolfgang Bez Editors High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2007 123 MichaelResch ToshiyukiFurui SabineRoller NECCorporation PeterLammers Nisshin-cho1-10 Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum 183-8501Tokyo,Japan Stuttgart(HLRS) [email protected] UniversitätStuttgart Nobelstraße19 WolfgangBez 70569Stuttgart,Germany MartinGalle [email protected] [email protected] NECHighPerformanceComputing [email protected] EuropeGmbH Prinzenallee11 40459Düsseldorf,Germany [email protected] [email protected] Frontcoverfigure:ImpressionoftheprojectedtidalcurrentpowerplanttobebuiltintheSouthKorean province ofWando.Picture duetoRENETEC,Jongseon Park, incooperation withInstitute ofFluid MechanicsandHydraulicMachinery,UniversityofStuttgart ISBN 978-3-540-74383-5 e-ISBN 978-3-540-74384-2 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-74384-2 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007936175 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):68Wxx,68W10,68U20,76-XX,86A05,86A10,70Fxx ©2008Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965,initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violations areliabletoprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneral descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. inthis publication does not imply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotective lawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:bytheeditorsusingaSpringerTEXmacropackage Production:LE-TEXJelonek,Schmidt&VöcklerGbR,Leipzig Coverdesign:WMXDesignGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper 987654321 springer.com Preface In2004theHighPerformanceComputingCenteroftheUniversityofStuttgart andNECestablishedtheTERAFLOPWorkbenchcollaboration.TheTERA- FLOP Workbench is a research & Service Project for which the following targets have been defined: • Make new science and engineering possible that requires TFLOP/s sus- tained application performance • Support the HLRS user community to achieve capability science by im- proving existing codes • Integrate different system architectures for simulation, pre- and post- processing, visualisation into a computational engineering workbench • Assess and demonstrate system capabilities for industry relevant applica- tions IntheTERAFLOPWorkbenchsignificanthardwareandhumanresources have been made available by both partners. The hardware provided within the TERAFLOP project consists of 8 nodes NEC SX-8 Vector Computers and a cluster of 200 Intel Xeon nodes. The complete NEC installation at HLRS comprises 72 nodes SX-8, two TX-7 (i.e. 32-way Itanium based SMP systems)whicharealsousedasfrontendfortheSXnodesandthepreviously described Xeon cluster. Six computer experts,who arededicated to advancedapplicationsupport anduserservices,arefunded overthe complete projectruntime.The support is carried out on the basis of small project groups working on specific ap- plications. These groups usually consist of application experts, in most cases members of the development team, and TERAFLOP workbench represen- tatives. This setup to combines detailed application know-how and physical backgroundwith computer science and engineering knowledgeand sound nu- merical mathematics expertise. The combination of these capabilities forms the basis for leading edge research and computational science. Following the above formulated targets, the cooperation was successful in achieving sustained application performance of more than 1 TFLOP/s for VI Preface morethan10applicationssofar.Thebestperformingapplicationisthehydro- dynamicscodeBEST,whichisbasedonthesolutionoftheLatticeBoltzmann equations. This application achieves a performance of 5.7 TFLOP/s on the 72 nodes SX-8. Also other hydrodynamics as well as oceanography and cli- matology applications are running highly efficient on the SX-8 architecture. The enhancement of applications and their adaptation to the SX-8 Vector architecture within the collaborationwill continue. On the other hand, the Teraflop Workbench project works on supporting future applications, looking at the requirements users ask for. In that con- text,we see anincreasinginterestin CoupledApplications,in whichdifferent codesareinteractingtosimulatecomplexsystemsofmultiplephysicalregimes. Examples for such couplings are Fluid-Structure or Ocean-Atmosphereinter- actions. The codes in these coupled applications may have completely dif- ferent requirements concerning the computer architecture which often results in the situation that they are running most efficient on different platforms. The efficient execution of coupled application requires a close integration of the different platforms. The platform integration and the support for cou- pled applications will become another important share in the TERAFLOP Workbench collaboration. WithintheframeworkoftheTERAFLOPWorkbenchcollaboration,semi- annual workshops are carried out in which researchers and computer experts come together to exchange their experiences. The workshop series started in 2004 with the 1st TERAFLOP Workshop in Stuttgart. In autumn 2005, the TERAFLOP Workshop Japan session was established with the 3rd TERA- FLOP Workshop in Tokyo. The following book presents contributions from the 6th TERAFLOP Workshop which was hosted by Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan in au- tumn 2006and the 7th Workshopin Stuttgart which was held in spring 2007 in Stuttgart. Focus is layed on current applications and future requirements, aswellasdevelopmentsofnextgenerationhardwarearchitecturesandinstal- lations. Starting with a section on geophysics and climate simulations, the suit- ability and necessity of vector systems is justified showing sustained teraflop performance.Earthquakesimulations basedonthe Spectral-ElementMethod demonstrate that the systhetic seismic waves computed by this numerical technique match with the observed seismic waves accurately. Further papers addresscloud-resolvingsimulationoftropicalcyclones,orthe question:What is the impact of small-scale phenomena on the large-scale ocean and climate modeling? Ensemble climate model simulation discribed in the closing paper in this section enable scientists to better distinguish the forced signal due to the increase of greenhouse gases from internal climat variability. A section on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) starts with a paper discussing the current capability of CFD and the maturity to reduce wind tunnel testings. Further papers in this section show simulations in applied Preface VII fields as aeronautics and flows in gas and steam turbines, as well as basic research and detailed performance analysis. The following section considers multi-scale and multi-physics simulations based on CFD. Current applications in aero-acoustics and the coupling of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) with acoustic perturbation equations (APE) start the section, followed by fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in such differ- ent aereas as tidal current turbines or the respiratory systems. The section is closed by a paper addressing the algorithmic and imlementation issues asso- ciated with FSI simulations on vector architecture. These examples show to usthetendencytocoupledapplicationsandtherequirementscomingupwith future simulation techniques. The section on chemistry and astrophysics combines simulation of pre- mixedswirlingflamesandsupernovasimulations.The commonbasisforboth applications is the combination of a hydrodynamic module with processes as chemicalkineticsormulti-floavour,multi-frequenceyneutrinotransportbased on the Boltzmann transport equation, respectively. A section on material science closes the applications part. Green chem- istry from supercomputers considers Car-Parrinello simulations of ionic liq- uids.Micromagneticsimulationsofmagneticrecordingmedia allownew head and media designs to be evaluated and optimized prior to fabrications. Thesesectionsshowthewiderangeofapplicationareasperformedoncur- rentvectorsystems.TheclosingsectiononFutureHighPerformanceSystems consider the potential of on-chip memory systems for future vector archi- tectures. A technical note describing the TSUBAME installation at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TiTech) closes the book. The papers presented in this book lay out the wide range of fields in which sustained performance can be achieved if engineering knowledge, nu- merical mathematics and computer science skills are brought together. With the advent of hybrid systems, the Teraflop workbench project will continue the support of leading edge computations for future applications. The editors would like to thank all authors and Springer for making this publication possible and wouldlike to express their hope that the entire high performance computing community will benefit from it. Stuttgart, Juli 2007 M. Resch, W. Bez S. Roller, M. Galle P. Lammers, T. Furui Contents Applications I Geophysics and Climate Simulations Sustained Performance of 10+ Teraflop/s in Simulation on Seismic Waves Using 507 Nodes of the Earth Simulator Seiji Tsuboi ..................................................... 3 Cloud-Resolving Simulation of Tropical Cyclones Toshiki Iwasaki, Masahiro Sawada ................................. 15 OPA9 – French Experiments on the Earth Simulator and Teraflop Workbench Tunings S. Masson, M.-A. Foujols, P. Klein, G. Madec, L. Hua, M. Levy, H. Sasaki, K. Takahashi, F. Svensson ................................ 25 TERAFLOP Computing and Ensemble Climate Model Simulations Henk A. Dijkstra................................................. 35 Applications II Computational Fluid Dynamics Current Capability of Unstructured-Grid CFD and a Consideration for the Next Step Kazuhiro Nakahashi .............................................. 45 Smart Suction – an Advanced Concept for Laminar Flow Control of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers Ralf Messing, Markus Kloker ...................................... 53 Supercomputing of Flows with Complex Physics and the Future Progress Satoru Yamamoto................................................ 61 X Contents Large-Scale Computations of Flow Around a Circular Cylinder Jan G. Wissink, Wolfgang Rodi.................................... 71 Performance Assessment and Parallelisation Issues of the CFD Code NSMB J¨org Ziefle, Dominik Obrist and Leonhard Kleiser .................... 83 Applications III Multiphysics Computational Fluid Dynamics High Performance Computing Towards Silent Flows E. Gr¨oschel1, D. Ko¨nig2, S. Koh, W. Schro¨der, M. Meinke............115 Fluid-Structure Interaction: Simulation of a Tidal Current Turbine Felix Lippold, Ivana Buntic´Ogor...................................137 Coupled Problems in Computational Modeling of the Respiratory System Lena Wiechert, Timon Rabczuk, Michael Gee, Robert Metzke, Wolfgang A. Wall.........................................................145 FSI Simulations on Vector Systems – Development of a Linear Iterative Solver (BLIS) Sunil R. Tiyyagura, Malte von Scheven .............................167 Applications IV Chemistry and Astrophysics Simulations of Premixed Swirling Flames Using a Hybrid Finite-Volume/Transported PDF Approach Stefan Lipp, Ulrich Maas .........................................181 Supernova Simulations with the Radiation Hydrodynamics Code PROMETHEUS/VERTEX B. Mu¨ller, A. Marek, K. Benkert, K. Kifonidis, H.-Th. Janka .........195 Applications V Material Science Green Chemistry from Supercomputers: Car–Parrinello Simulations of Emim-Chloroaluminates Ionic Liquids Barbara Kirchner, Ari P Seitsonen.................................213 Micromagnetic Simulations of Magnetic Recording Media Simon Greaves ..................................................229 Contents XI Future High Performance Systems The Potential of On-Chip Memory Systems for Future Vector Architectures Hiroaki Kobayashi, Akihiko Musa, Yoshiei Sato, Hiroyuki Takizawa, Koki Okabe .....................................................247 The Road to TSUBAME and Beyond Satoshi Matsuoka ................................................265 List of Contributors Benkert, K., 193 Metzke, R., 143 Dijkstra, H. A., 34 Mu¨ller, B., 193 Foujols, M.-A., 24 Musa, A., 247 Gee, M., 143 Nakahashi, K., 45 Greaves, S., 227 Obrist, D., 81 Hua, L., 24 Gro¨schel, E., 115 Iwasaki, T., 14 Ogor, I. B., 135 Janka, H.-Th., 193 Okabe, K., 247 Kifonidis, K., 193 Rabczuk, T., 143 Kirchner, B., 213 Rodi, W., 69 Klein, P., 24 Sasaki, H., 24 Kleiser, L., 81 Sato, Y., 247 Kloker, M., 52 Sawada, M., 14 Kobayashi,H., 247 Scheven, M. v., 166 Koh, S., 115 Seitsonen, A. P., 213 Ko¨nig, D., 115 Schro¨der, W., 115 Levy, M., 24 Svensson, F., 24 Lipp, S., 181 Takahashi, K., 24 Lippold, F., 135 Takizawa, H., 247 Maas, U., 181 Tiyyagura,S. R., 166 Madec, G., 24 Tsuboi, S., 3 Marek, A., 193 Wall, W. A., 143 Masson, S., 24 Wiechert, L., 143 Matsuoka, S., 264 Wissink, J. G., 69 Meinke, M., 115 Yamamoto, S., 60 Messing, R., 52 Ziefle, J., 81

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