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Development of an Experimental Phased-Array Feed System and Algorithms for Radio Astronomy PDF

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Preview Development of an Experimental Phased-Array Feed System and Algorithms for Radio Astronomy

BBrriigghhaamm YYoouunngg UUnniivveerrssiittyy BBYYUU SScchhoollaarrssAArrcchhiivvee Theses and Dissertations 2011-07-11 DDeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff aann EExxppeerriimmeennttaall PPhhaasseedd--AArrrraayy FFeeeedd SSyysstteemm aanndd AAllggoorriitthhmmss ffoorr RRaaddiioo AAssttrroonnoommyy Jonathan Charles Landon Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons BBYYUU SScchhoollaarrssAArrcchhiivvee CCiittaattiioonn Landon, Jonathan Charles, "Development of an Experimental Phased-Array Feed System and Algorithms for Radio Astronomy" (2011). Theses and Dissertations. 2794. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/2794 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. DevelopmentofanExperimentalPhasedArrayFeedSystem andAlgorithmsforRadioAstronomy JonathanC.Landon Adissertationsubmittedtothefacultyof BrighamYoungUniversity inpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeof DoctorofPhilosophy BrianD.Jeffs,Chair KarlF.Warnick DavidG.Long MichaelD.Rice WynnC.Stirling DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering BrighamYoungUniversity August2011 Copyright©2011JonathanC.Landon AllRightsReserved ABSTRACT DevelopmentofanExperimentalPhasedArrayFeedSystem andAlgorithmsforRadioAstronomy JonathanC.Landon DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering,BYU DoctorofPhilosophy Phased array feeds (PAFs) are a promising new technology for astronomical radio tele- scopes. While PAFs have been used in other fields, the demanding sensitivity and calibration requirements in astronomy present unique new challenges. This dissertation presents some of the first astronomical PAF results demonstrating the lowest noise temperature and highest sensitivity at the time (66 Kelvin and 3.3m2/K, respectively), obtained using a narrowband (425 kHz band- width)prototypearrayof19linearco-polarizedL-banddipolesmountedatthefocusoftheGreen Bank 20 Meter Telescope at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Green Bank, WestVirginia. Resultsincludespectrallinedetectionofhydroxyl(OH)sourcesW49NandW3OH, and some of the first radio camera images made using a PAF,including an image of the Cygnus X region. A novel array Y-factor technique for measuring the isotropic noise response of the array is shown along with experimental measurements for this PAF. Statistically optimal beamformers (Maximum SNR and MVDR) are used throughout the work. Radio-frequency interference (RFI) mitigationisdemonstratedexperimentallyusingspatialcancelationwiththePAF. Improved RFI mitigation is achieved in the challenging cases of low interference-to-noise ratio (INR) and moving interference by combining subspace projection (SP) beamforming with a polynomial model to track a rank 1 subspace. Limiting factors in SP are investigated including sample estimation error, subspace smearing, noise bias, and spectral scooping; each of these fac- torsisovercomewiththepolynomialmodelandprewhitening. Numericaloptimizationleadstothe polynomial subspace projection (PSP) method, and least-squares fitting to the series of dominant eigenvectors over a series of short term integrations (STIs) leads to the eigenvector polynomial subspaceprojection(EPSP)method. Expressionsforthegradient,Hessian,andJacobianaregiven for use in numerical optimization. Results are given for simulated and experimental data, demon- stratingdeeperbeampatternnullsby6to30dB. To increase the system bandwidth toward the hundreds of MHz bandwidth required by astronomers for a fully science-ready instrument, an FPGA digital backend is introduced using a 64-input analog-to-digital converter running at 50 Msamp/sec and the ROACH processing board developed at the University of California, Berkeley. International efforts to develop digital back ends for large antenna arrays are considered, and a road map is proposed for development of a hardware correlator/beamformer at BYU using three ROACH boards communicating over 10 gigabitEthernet. Keywords: phased array feeds, radio astronomy, isotropic noise response, array Y-factor method, interference canceling, adaptive array processing, adaptive beamforming, subspace projection, subspacetracking,covarianceestimation,CASPER,ROACH,FPGA,astronomicalbackends ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am deeply grateful for the generous support of Professors Brian Jeffs and Karl Warnick who gave me the opportunity to do exciting research in exciting locations. More than just guiding myresearch,theyencouragedmetobelieveinmyself. FortheseexperimentalresultsIamindebted tostudents,faculty,andstaffatBrighamYoungUniversity(BYU),theNationalRadioAstronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia (NRAO-GB), and the University of California, Berke- ley. At BYU, Drs. Jeffs and Warnick directed the research. James Nagel laid the foundation of this work, designing the original downconverter boxes and 7-element array feed. As a student at theUniversityofUtah,Jamesgrantedgenerousaccesstotheanechoicchambercriticallyimportant to this work. My thanks to Micah Lillrose for the software correlator and digital back end; Jacob Waldron for array construction, hot/cold ground screen construction, and early planning for the GreenBank20MeterTelescopetests;JiyoungSonforhelpwithexperiments,DavidJonesforhis mutual coupling work, Alan Stemmons who stayed up through the night to prepare for the initial FEB mounting, Michael Elmer for his dish tipping work and experimental help, Vikas Asthana for his help during the anechoic chamber tests and CASPER development, David Carter who correlatedmuchofthe2008data,andTaylorWebbforhisinsights. At NRAO-GB, I am grateful for Roger Norrod’s mentoring through my time as a summer student and for his involvement in all of our experiments at the observatory. Drs. Rick Fisher and RichardBradleydidthefirstPAFworkatNRAOinthemid-1990’s,openingthewayforthiswork. Dr. Fisher was also extremely helpful during the planning and execution of these experiments, providing valuable insights from an astronomer’s perspective as well as pointing of the telescope itself. Thanks to technicians Bill Shank, Bob Simon, Ken Ward, and Dave Woody for their many hours preparing for and helping with experiments; Pete Chestnut, Bob Anderson, Mike Hedrick, andGaryAndersonfortheirhelpinconstructingpartsoftheexperimentalplatformandpreparing fortheoutdoorantennarangetest. At UC Berkeley, I am grateful to the late Professor Don Backer for sponsoring me for a six month visiting studentship and for his kindness and belief in me; Dr. Aaron Parsons and Jason ManleyfortheirmanyhoursteachingmeabouttheCASPERtoolsandbasicLinuxusage;Dr.Dan Wertheimer,MattDexter,andDaveMacMahonfortheirfriendshipandassistanceinmanagingthe PAPER correlator. Jack Hickish at Oxford has provided tremendous assistance getting the x64adc working, providing several example designs and the yellow-block interface itself (with help from DaveGeorgeattheKarooArrayTelescope). This dissertation is for my dad who decided that instead of finishing his dissertation he would move to Salt Lake City, get another Masters degree, and work late supporting his family. He has kept my car running so I could focus on school. And it is for my mom who has been very supportive of the adventures along the way – research trips to Green Bank, West Virginia; Berkeley,California;TheNetherlands;andPuertoRico. Thankyou!

Phased array feeds (PAFs) are a promising new technology for ends for large antenna arrays are considered, and a road map is proposed for Thanks to technicians Bill Shank, Bob Simon, Ken Ward, and Dave Woody for their many He has kept my car running so I could focus on school. And it is
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