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CITY OF SPOKANE HEARING EXAMINER DECISION ON APPEAL OF REDACTION CF PUBLIC RECORDS Ro: Joshua Duke's Request for she June 2016 revision of "The Spokane Police Deparment Tactics Manual.” INTRODUCTION Is desion concems an pasa, suibmitiad aursuiant to Secion 6 6 of the Citys Public Records Request Palicy, challenging the redaction of a document produced in response to a public records request. BACKGROUND FACTS (Gn November 6, 2078, Mi. Joshua Dukes submited a public records request to the Sookate Police Department ("SPD"). See E-mail of MuskRock, 11-6-18, 8:29 PM. Mr Dukes requested a copy of the June 2016 revision ot The Spokane Pola Dapariment Defensive Tactics Manual the "Manual). See id (On Navember 13, 2018, Teri Pfister, the City Clerk, acknowledged that the city received Ia, Dukes’ PRA request on November 12, 2018. Sco E-mall of Pfister 11-19-18, Ms. Pistcr further acsed Mr. Dukes 2s Tolows, The responsive document focated hy Police Department staff is avaiable for your inspection and conying by accessing Your “My Request Center" account tiraugh the Ciy’s pablie records portal (GovGA), Some bvfarmatian in the document fas been determtied t0 bbe exempt from disclosure and has boon redacted, inctuded afso for inspentiorveanying Jhrough your "My Request Center account on the City’s utile recor request poral a7 ‘exemption lag which identifies the redacted infortalion and the reasans for and states relied upon for wittolding te iniornation. S20 i ‘The exemation Ig states that the terms describing defensive tactics, on pages 2-5 cf the Manuel, were redacted. See Index of Matenel Preduced ~ SPD Defensive Tactics Manual. In acidtion, the log states that the detailed descrinions of the defensive tactics. on pages 16-16 of the Manual, were redacted. Seg iu. This material was redacted based upon the PRA exemption for “specific inteligence information’ set for in ROW 42.£6.240(1), Sue & n Noveinber 30, 2016, Me. Pristar sent Mr. Dukes an e~nall copy of the vedlactad document, fallewing up on her pror correspondence. See E-mall of Pfister 11-30-18, 9:22 PM She also attached a copy of ti exernsion log. See i. (On December 10, 2018, Mr. Dunes abjected :0 the redactions made by the city. See E- rail of J, Dukes, 12-10-18. Specifically, Mr, Dukes contendad that the redactions violate the Public Records Act. See ic. He then requested! thatthe uty provide hin wich an unredacted cooy ofthe Manual, See a (On Desemner “8, 2078. Mr. Dukes achised that city that he was appealing the redations made by the city pursuant to Sacton 6.6 af the Cily's Public Recores Request paiiy. See E-mail of Dukes, 12-19-18. Mr Dukes explained: | am aeacating these redactions: unior ROW 42.56.030. The tifes of sections are not “snecifc® information ane are therefore not accoplabie for reduction. Ackdtionally, giver the choice to radact infomnstian that is clearly nat elkaved to be redacted, | contest the radaction ofall remaining information. See it ‘On December 27. 2018. the City Cleck’s office forwarded Mr. Dukes" appeal to the Hearing Examiner's Office for consideration, See E-mail of Fameworth 12-27-18, 12.25 PM. DOCUMENTS REVIEWED, To faciitate consideration af tie aooeal, the City Clark's office provided she Heating Examiner with copies of the ilginal public ‘records request and the folow up e-mail communications between the parties. The Heering Examner alsa reosived redacted and Unracacted copies of the SPD's Defense Tactics Manual, datec June 2016, along witt tre ciy's cexerotion log. The Hesring Exarniner reviewed all of the foregoing documents inthe procass of makng this decision, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS This appeal presents a discrete Isaue, namely whsther the City of Spokane prope:ty determined that portions of the SPD's Dafensive Tactes Manual were sxernpt fram disclosure tunder the Public Records Act Chapter 42.55 RCW (the "Act), Ae’ reviewing the documents in question and reviewing the applicable law, the Hearing Examinar concludes that the city properly redacted tne Manual oacause +t contains “spcafic inteligence information’ that ie ‘exempt from disclosure under tha Act. The Hearing Examiner reaches this conclusion far the Following reasons. ‘As the city deter ned, substantial perions of the Manual are exempt from disuiosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.240{ 1), Tht provision of the Public Records Act stales as follows The following investigative, faw enforcement, and crime vietin’ information Js exempt rom pubite inspection aad copying under this whapler: Specific intelfigence information ond specific investigative recon's complied by Investigative, law enforcement, 2nd oenolayy agentes, and stato agenvios vested wit resnonsibity ta discipline members of any profession the nondisclosure of which is ‘essential to effective Jai enforcement or for the protection of any person's right fo privacy... Spe ROW 42.56.240(1} (emphasis added). The Menusl was put together by the SPD to identify and describa specific tactics to be ‘employed by law enforcement affiers. Thus, ‘here is no question that the Manual was “complied by law enforcement wihin the ‘eaning of the exemption. The Hearing Examiner further concludes that the nondisclosure cf this “ype of information s ‘essential to effective ew ‘enforrament.” The Mlarual detals spaciic techniques utlized by law’ enforcement o't cers when Cantronting threatering situations The disclosure of this :ype cf information soul provide @ blueprint for arminal acters ta reset law enforcement cr even anticipate or counteract oalice tectics, Fivally. tha Hearing Examiner finds that the information in the Manual constitutes “spoeffc inteligence information’ within the meaning af the axemption, ‘There is no. statutory definition of *speciic intelligence informations However Wastingtor courts have looked ta bre common meaning of the statutory language, noting that infeligence" means “tha gathedrg or distibution of rformation, especially secret information,” ‘ar “ivormation about an enemy" ar “he evaluated conclusions drawn from such information” ‘See King County v. Shochan, 114 Min App. 325, 34¢, 87 P.3d 207 (2002), superseuind op other ‘grounds as recognized ky Zink v. City of Mesa, 4 Win App 2d 112. 125, 419 F.3d B47 (2018). ‘The Manua beth dantfies and describes specific defensive tactice thet may or can he deployed by cle officers, ir appropriate situations, The Manual describes :he practical application of the Identified techniques and tactics. Such approaches were undoubtedly developed a” refined based upon expetiences in the fe'c, where office's face a variety af challenging sittations, including violant behavior. ‘The Hearing Examiner concludes that the Manual embodies “specific Iteliganea information’ about row pole officers carry out their duties. ‘The Hearing Examiner did not find any Washington cases that expleily state that tactical manusl crested by the polca fs cxompt as "specific nteligence information.” However, there ate several cases that provide guidance on the matter by analogy. For example iivestigative questonnaires revealing how law enfercement officers evaluate informanis are ‘specific inteligence formation’ that is exempt from disclosure. See Haines Marche! v. Danarimant af Canections, 183 Wn. App. 855, 334 P.ad 98 (2044). If the method cgy of evaluating informants was shared, the abilty ofthe palloe to abtain reiable information would be compromised. See ic, Similarly, prison survellayce videos ars exempt from disclosure, because the disclosure of such videos would revaal camera angles and coverage, which cameras were operational ‘which cameras ware recording, and ather infarmation that would provide inmates withthe abaity 10 crounvent the secunty system. See Grarguist v. Degartawent of Canections, 177 Wn. Apa. 389, 313 P.3d 418 (2013) (hatsing thet prlson survellanca video recordings were exemps from disclosure); see alsa Fisher v. Deparknent of Garrections, 160 Wr. App. 722, 254 P.3d 824 (2011) sama). Other examples of "specific inteligence information’ might inciude things ike data compied by @ criminal justice agency for purpose of criminal rvestigation; reports of informants or investigators; and information idanifying confidential sources or Subjects in ‘organized crme investigations amang other matters. See Sheehan, 114 WnAge. at 237-28 (isting exaunples (rom other jurisdictions) ‘Thus, the Washington courts have repeatedly held that documents describing the tactics. techniques and approaches of law enfoccament canstiie "spacticinteligence infomation’ which ig rot eubject to disclosure Lrder tha Act, The Marual indudes a Ist of speoiic devensive tactics. ‘and describes hav and when such factice may be used by pole offizars. This nforation is not ualtaively diferent from the content of investigative cusstionnaires, pron survellance wceoe. ‘of date campilad for arimina investigations, fo name 3 few exarnples, In aach casc, the documents relate to specific methads developed and used by law enforcement -0 detect cririral actvily, he investigate crime, to apprehend parpetrators, and to otherwise do the job. In the Hearing Examiner's assessment, the disclosure of suc’ informator would Undermine the ability of the polls te efectively enforce the lv For this reason, iis exempl ftom alisclosure. Inthe appeal, Mr, Dukes contends that the tiles of sections are rot “specific” information” ‘and tharefora is not propery subject to redaction, See E-mall of Dukes, 12-19+18. The Hearing Examiner disagrees, The tites identfy each tactic by name. The selection of those particular tactics is te result of the SPO's evaluation of the techniques at ts disposal, Disclosure of the section tiles. would raveal which tactics the SPD faa determined should bo incomoratsd into police taining. Il wauld also provide a reader wih sufficient information to leam, from outside Saurcas, whal those tactios involve and ways ‘0 counteract chem. The Hearing Examiner coneludes thatthe redaction ofthe tiles to sectlans ofthe Manual was 2°oper. DECISION ‘The Hearing Examiner concludes that the redactions to the Spokane Poles Depantment Defensive Tsctics Manual justified under the circumstances of this casa. The redacted information is exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act, specifically pursuant to RCW 42.58 240(1) (specific inteligence irfornaxion}, AS a resull, the Heaving Examiner denies the appeal DATED this day of varvary, 2019, Ab 4 Brian MeGinn Gay of Spokane Hearing Exenviner NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL INDEPENDENT OF THIS DECISION Acconding ta Section 6.5.3 of tha City’s Public Record Requests Policy, any parson may obtain court review af denials of aublic reconls requests paint to RCW 42.56.550 at the conclusion of two 12) business days after the ital denial reyaralass of any internal administrate appeal

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