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Characterization of composite materials PDF

295 Pages·2010·6.266 MB·English
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CHARACTERIZATION OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd ii 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION SERIES Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films Series Editors: C. Richard Brundle and Charles A. Evans, Jr. Series Titles Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization, C. Richard Brundle, Charles A. Evans, Jr., and Shaun Wilson Characterization of Metals and Alloys, Paul H. Holloway and P. N. Vaidyanathan Characterization of Ceramics, Ronald E. Loehman Characterization of Polymers, Ned J. Chou, Steven P. Kowalczyk, Ravi Saraf, and Ho-Ming Tong Characterization in Silicon Processing, Yale Strausser Characterization in Compound Semiconductor Processing, Yale Strausser Characterization of Integrated Circuit Packaging Materials, Thomas M. Moore and Robert G. McKenna Characterization of Catalytic Materials, Israel E. Wachs Characterization of Composite Materials, Hatsuo Ishida Characterization of Optical Materials, Gregory J. Exarhos Characterization of Tribological Materials, William A. Glaeser Characterization of Organic Thin Films, Abraham Ulman iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd iiii 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM CHARACTERIZATION OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS EDITOR Hatsuo Ishida SERIES EDITORS C. Richard Brundle and Charles A. Evans, Jr. MOMENTUM PRESS, LLC, NEW YORK iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd iiiiii 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM Characterization of Composite Materials Copyright © Momentum Press, LLC, 2010 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior permission of the publisher First published by Butterworth-Heinemann in 1993 Copyright © 1994, by Butterworth-Heinemann, a division of Reed-Elsevier, Inc. Reissued volume published in 2010 by Momentum Press®, LLC 222 East 46th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 www.momentumpress.net ISBN-13: 978-1-60650-191-7 (hard back, case bound) ISBN-10: 1-60650-191-7 (hard back, case bound) ISBN-13: 978-1-60650-193-1 (e-book) ISBN-10: 1-60650-193-3 (e-book) DOI forthcoming Interior design by Scribe, Inc. (www.scribenet.com) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in Taiwan ROC iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd iivv 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM Contents Preface to the Reissue of the Materials Characterization Series x Preface to Series xi Preface to the Reissue of Characterization of Composite Materials xii Preface xiii Acronyms xiv Contributors xv X-RAY PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY (XPS) AND ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (ESCA) 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Fundamental Principles: XPS and ESCA 2 1.3 Applications of XPS/ESCA to Composites 9 Fibers 10, Polymer Matrix Materials 13, Composites 14, Failure Modes 19 1.4 Summary 23 RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY 2.1 Introduction 26 2.2 Normal Raman Scattering 27 2.3 Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering 28 2.4 Polymer–Metal Composites 29 Adsorption of Polymer to Metal 29, Adhesive–Adherent Interactions 33 v iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd vv 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM 2.5 Polymer–Polymer Composites 38 Polymer–Polymer Interdiffusion 38, Surface Segregation in Polymer Blends 39 2.6 Fiber–Polymer Composites 39 Stress Transfer at Interfaces 39, Surface Structure of Carbon Materials 41 2.7 Summary 41 NMR IMAGING OF COMPOSITES 3.1 Introduction 44 Basis of NMR Imaging 45, Relaxation Parameters in NMR Imaging 46, Pulse Sequences for Generating Contrast in Imaging 47, Resolution in NMR Imaging 48, Utility of NMRI 49, Image Processing 49 3.2 Advanced Imaging Techniques 50 Chemical Shift Imaging 50 3.3 NMRI of Solids 52 Design Limitations of High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Composites 52, Interfacial Bond Quality and Defect Characteristics of Composites 53, NMR Imaging as a Composite Inspection Technique: Detection of Internal Voids 54, Detection of Nonuniform Dispersion of Filler 55, Aging of Composites 56, MRI as an Environmental Monitoring Technique 58, Adsorption of Liquids in Polymers 58, 1H Imaging of Solids 58, 13C Imaging of Solids 60 3.4 Conclusions 61 NMR STUDIES OF ISOTOPE-ENRICHED SPECIES AT INTERFACES 4.1 Introduction 64 4.2 Practical NMR Considerations 65 4.3 Surface Modifi ers 67 4.4 Conclusions 77 INVERSE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 5.1 Introduction 80 5.2 Characterizing Solid Surfaces 81 vi CONTENTS iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd vvii 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM 5.3 Inverse Gas Chromatography 81 IGC Versus Traditional Adsorption Methods 82, The Gas Chromatographic Adsorption Process 83, Chromatographic Peaks and the Adsorption Isotherm 85, Experimental Equipment 87 5.4 Applications of IGC 89 Infi nite Dilution IGC on Studies on Cellulose Materials 89, Adsorption Isotherm Studies on Cellulose Materials 90, Acid–Base Surface Properties of Materials 93, Thermodynamic Interaction Parameters for Polymer–Polymer and Polymer–Solute Systems 95, Presence of Contaminants on Fiber Surfaces 97, Measurement of Glass Transition Temperatures using IGC 98 5.5 Future Applications 99 Site Energy Distributions on Heterogeneous Solid Surfaces 99, Characterizing Organic Adsorbates on Particulate Surfaces 100, In Situ Column Reaction Studies 101 DIELECTRIC SPECTROSCOPY 6.1 Dielectric Spectroscopy of Composite Media 105 Dielectric Relaxation in Solids 105, Dielectric Properties of Heterogeneous Media 111 6.2 Dielectric Spectra of Composites: Examples 115 Nonpolymeric Composites 115, Polymeric Composites 117 6.3 Conclusion 123 IMAGING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS BY THE NEW SCANNING PROBE TECHNIQUES (STM/AFM) 7.1 Introduction to Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) 129 7.2 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 131 Introduction 131, Spectroscopy 134 7.3 Atomic Force Microscopy 136 Introduction 136, Dynamic Force Microscopy 138 7.4 Surface Modifi cations with STM/AFM 139 7.5 Related Scanning Techniques 140 Related Tunneling Techniques 140, Related Nontunneling Techniques 143 7.6 Applications to Polymer Composite Materials 143 7.7 The Future of SPM 144 CONTENTS vii iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd vviiii 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM ELASTIC AND VISCOELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITES 8.1 Viscoelastic Properties 148 8.2 Isotropic Multiphase Materials 152 8.3 Nonisotropic Multiphase Materials 173 8.4 Summary 178 INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY FOR COMPOSITES 9.1 Introduction 184 Introduction to Spectroscopy 184, Spectrometers 186 9.2 Transmission Spectroscopy 193 Introduction 193, Lambert–Beer’s Law 193, Another Derivation of Lambert–Beer’s Law 195, Reference Spectrum 196, Spectral Subtraction 197, Application Example 197 9.3 Attenuated Total Refl ectance Spectroscopy (ATR) 201 Total Refl ection 201, Attenuated Total Refl ection 202, Penetration Depth 205, Depth Profi les 208, Geometry of IRE 214, Application Example 214 9.4 Refl ection Absorption Spectroscopy (RAS) 217 Introduction 217, TO Modes, LO Modes, and Surface Modes 217, Refl ection and Absorption at Two Interfaces 220, Polarization Modulation RAS 222, Application Example 224 9.5 Grazing Angle Metal Overlayer ATR Spectroscopy 227 Introduction 227, Application Example 229 9.6 Refl ection Spectroscopy 231 Introduction 231, External Refl ection 231, Normal Incidence Specular Refl ection 232 9.7 Diffuse Refl ectance Infrared Fourier Transform (DRIFT) 235 Introduction 235, Diffuse Refl ectance 236, DRIFT Attachment 236, Diffuse Refl ectance Spectrum 236, Kubelka– Munk Theory 237, Problems 239, Solutions to the Problems 239, General Flow to Perform DRIFT 239, Application Example 241 9.8 Emission Spectroscopy 242 Introduction 242, Blackbody 243, Data Analysis 243, Quantifi cation 244, Application Example 245 9.9 Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) 246 Introduction 246, Modulation Frequency 248, Heat Transfer 249, Optical Absorption Length and Thermal Diffusion viii CONTENTS iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd vviiiiii 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM Length 249, Depth Profi les 250, Quantifi cation 251, Application Example 252 9.10 Infrared Microspectroscopy 254 Introduction 254, Spatial Resolution 255, Refl ection Mode 257, Mapping 258, Application Example 258 9.11 Appendix 258 Relationship between Optical Constants and Dielectric Constants 258, Spectral Simulation 261, Anisotropic Sample 261, About the Complex Representation 264, Symbols 265 Index 273 CONTENTS ix iimmoo--iisshhiiddaa--0000ffmm..iinndddd iixx 33//11//1100 22::0066 PPMM

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