ALU INSERTION POLYMORPHISMS IN ANATOLIAN TURKS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF THE MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY HAVVA D(cid:1)NÇ IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BILOGICAL SCIENCES SEPTEMBER 2003 Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences ____________________ Prof. Dr. Canan ÖZGEN Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. _____________________ Prof. Dr. Mesude (cid:1)(cid:2)CAN Head of the Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. __________________ Prof. Dr. (cid:1)nci TOGAN Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. (cid:1)nci TOGAN ____________________ Prof. Dr. I(cid:3)ık BÖKESOY ____________________ Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni ÖKTEM ____________________ Assist. Prof. (cid:1)rfan KANDEM(cid:1)R ____________________ Dr. Ay(cid:3)e ERGÜVEN ____________________ ABSTRACT ALU INSERTION POLYMORPHISMS IN ANATOLIAN TURKS D(cid:1)NÇ, Havva M. Sc., Department of Biological Sciences Supervisor: Prof. Dr. (cid:1)nci TOGAN September 2003, 99 pages In the present study; ten autosomal human-specific Alu insertion polymorphisms; ACE, APO, A25, B65, D1, FXIIIB, HS4.32, HS4.69, PV92 and TPA25 were analyzed in approximately 100 unrelated individuals from Anatolia. Alu insertion polymorphisms offer several advantages over other nuclear DNA polymorphisms for human evolution studies. The frequencies of the ten biallelic Alu insertions in Anatolians were calculated and all systems were found to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p>0.05). By combining the results of this study with results of previous studies done on worldwide populations, the genetic distance (Nei’s D ) between each pair of A iii populations was calculated and neighbor joining trees were constructed. In general, geographically closer populations were found to be also genetically similar. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed and Anatolia was found to be in the European cluster. As a result of PCA; it was concluded that FXIIIB, PV92 and ACE were the variables contributing the most to the explanation of the variation between the populations. Additionally; canonical variates analysis (CVA) concluded that the most discriminative markers for the groups of populations were PV92, D1, ACE and HS4.32. Pair-wise Fst values were also calculated between Anatolians and some of the populations for which the data was available. It was concluded that, Anatolians have non-significant pair-wise Fst values with Swiss and French Acadian populations. Lastly, heterozygosity vs. distance from centroid graph was constructed and it was found that Anatolians and India-Hindu had exactly the expected heterozygosity value predicted by the model of Harpending and Ward (1982). Keywords: Alu insertion polymorphisms, Anatolia, neighbor joining tree, principal component analysis, discriminant function analysis, Fst, heterozygosity vs. distance from centroid. iv ÖZ ANADOLU TÜRKLER(cid:1)’NDE ALU ARA-(cid:1)LAVE POL(cid:1)MORF(cid:1)Z(cid:1)MLER(cid:1) D(cid:1)NÇ, Havva Yüksek Lisans, Biyolojik Bilimler Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. (cid:1)nci TOGAN Eylül 2003, 99 sayfa Bu çalı(cid:3)mada on otozomal Alu ara-ilave polimorfizimleri (ACE, APO, A25, B65, D1, FXIIIB, HS4.32, HS4.69, PV92 and TPA25) Anadolu’dan birbiri ile akraba olmayan yakla(cid:3)ık 100 bireyde incelenmi(cid:3)tir. Alu ara-ilave polimorfizimlerinin insan evrimi çalı(cid:3)malarında, di(cid:4)er nükleer DNA polimorfizimlerine kıyasla birçok avantajı vardır. On Alu ilavelerinin Anadolu’daki frekansları hesaplanmı(cid:3) ve hepsi de Hardy- Weinberg (H-W) dengesinde bulunmu(cid:3)tur (p>0.05). Bu çalı(cid:3)manın sonuçlarını daha önce dünya çapında yapılan çalı(cid:3)maların sonuçları ile birle(cid:3)tirerek, her populasyon çifti arasındaki genetik uzaklık (Nei’nin D ) A v hesaplanmı(cid:3) ve kom(cid:3)u birle(cid:3)tirme a(cid:4)açları çizilmi(cid:3)tir. Genel olarak, co(cid:4)rafi olarak yakın populasyonların genetik olarak da benzer oldu(cid:4)u görülmü(cid:3)tür. Temel ö(cid:4)eler analizi uygulandı(cid:4)ında Anadolu’nun Avrupa grubunda oldu(cid:4)u bulunmu(cid:3)tur. Bu analiz sonucunda, FXIIIB, PV92 ve ACE de(cid:4)i(cid:3)kenlerinin populasyonlar arası varyasyonu açıklamada en çok katkısı olan de(cid:4)i(cid:3)kenler oldukları sonucu ortaya çıkmı(cid:3)tır. Ek olarak, ayrı(cid:3)ım fonksiyonu analizi sonucunda ise, populasyon grupları için en ayırt edici genetik i(cid:3)aretlerin PV92, D1, ACE ve HS4.32 oldukları görülmü(cid:3)tür. Anadolu ve verisi mevcut olan bazı populasyonlar arasında ikili Fst de(cid:4)erleri hesaplanmı(cid:3)tır. Sonuç olarak, (cid:1)sviçre ve Fransız Akadyan populasyonları ve Anadolu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamsız de(cid:4)erler elde edilmi(cid:3)tir. Son olarak, heterozigotluk ve merkezden uzaklık grafi(cid:4)i çizildi(cid:4)inde, Anadolu ve Hindistan-Hindu populasyonlarının heterozigotluk de(cid:4)erlerinin Harpending ve Ward (1982) modeline göre beklenen de(cid:4)erler oldukları gözlenmi(cid:3)tir. Anahtar kelimeler: Alu ara-ilave polimorfizmleri, Anadolu, kom(cid:3)u birle(cid:3)tirme a(cid:4)acı, temel ö(cid:4)eler analizi, ayrı(cid:3)ım fonksiyonu analizi, Fst, heterozigotluk ve merkezden uzaklık. vi To My Parents; Nazlı and Önder Dinç vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I want to express my appreciation to my dear supervisor Prof. Dr. (cid:1)nci TOGAN for guiding and understanding me so well, and for being more than a supervisor to me. I am also grateful to Assist. Prof. (cid:1)rfan KANDEM(cid:1)R who acted as my co-supervisor and helped a lot while doing the statistical analyses. I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Mark STONEKING for always replying immediately and supplying what I have asked for. I would like to thank my lab-mates; Evren, Emel, Ceren who were always with me with their helpful ideas and support when I was dealing with the problems in my experiments. And also thanks to Can, whose presence in the lab always supplied me positive energy. I am grateful to Seral who first taught me the techniques that I have used for this study. Thanks to Gülen for supplying me the valuable DNA isolation protocol and also Alper for not hesitating to drive me to the other end of Ankara. I am grateful to Damla who thought with me and discussed every problem in my experiments. viii I am thankful to (cid:2)ebnem for her precious effort to help me to collect samples and also to other friends who helped me in the sample collection. I would like to thank everyone who gave me samples without hesitating and made this study real. Thanks to Aydın for his support and taking care of the first bound copies of this thesis. Of course, I can’t deny the support of Kofona!! You are always giving me strength friends. Thank you! I am grateful to my parents; Nazlı and Önder Dinç, my sister; Ayten, my uncle (cid:1)lkay Gilanlıo(cid:4)lu and my whole family for their endless encouragement and support. What are the needs of a person while writing a thesis? Patience, support, priority, help, friendship, motivation, being loved, companionship, chocolate, coffee and etc. It is impossible to expect all of these from people around you, however I owned more than these during the preparation of this thesis. Banu, Aysun, Anıl and Aslı; you were exactly like angels and became an indispensable part of me. It wouldn’t be possible without you! THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH ME IN EVERY STEP... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................iii ÖZ.........................................................................................................................v DEDICATION......................................................................................................vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................xiii LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................xvi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1 1.1 Brief Review of Evolutionary History of Modern Human Being.............3 1.2 Specialty of Alu Insertion Polymorphisms...............................................5 1.3 The Objective of the Study......................................................................12 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS.......................................................................14 2.1 Materials.................................................................................................14 2.2 Methods..................................................................................................15 2.2.1 DNA Isolation...........................................................................15 DNA Isolation from Blood Samples...............................15 DNA Isolation from Buccal Samples: Method I..............16 DNA Isolation from Buccal Samples: Method II............16 2.2.2 Checking the Presence of DNA..................................................18 x