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Escort - Volume 40 Number 8 - August 2021

·84 Pages
·115.9005 MB

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Computer Animation and Simulation 2000: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Interlaken, Switzerland, August 21–22, 2000

Scott A. King, Richard E. Parent (auth.), Prof. Dr. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Dr. Daniel Thalmann, Dr. Bruno Arnaldi (eds.)
·206 Pages
·16.087 MB

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Algebraic Topology: Proceedings, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, August 1977

Roy Douglas (auth.), Peter Hoffman, Renzo A. Piccinini, Denis Sjerve (eds.)
·280 Pages
·3.041 MB

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New Acquistitions...United States Department of State...August 1993

United States Department of State
·6 Pages
·1.9 MB

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»Das Letzte Wort der Kunst«: Heinrich Heine und Robert Schumann zum 150. Todesjahr

Joseph A. Kruse, Marianne Tilch, Ulrike Groos, Bernhard R. Appel (eds.)
·495 Pages
·46.498 MB

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