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Algebraic Topology: Proceedings, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, August 1977 PDF

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Preview Algebraic Topology: Proceedings, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, August 1977

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited yb .A Dold dna .B nnamkcE 673 ciarbeglA ygolopoT of British University Columbia, Proceedings, ,revuocnaV August 7791 Edited yb .P Hoffman, .R Piccinini dna .D evrejS MMIiIIIIIIIIIJ ETHICS ETH-BIB 00100000870703 galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg New York 1978 Editors Peter Hoffman University of Waterloo Department of Pure Mathematics Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1 Canada Renzo A. Piccinini Memorial University of Newfoundland Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science St. John's, Nfld, A1B 3X7 Canada Denis Sjerve University of British Columbia Department of Mathematics Vancouver, B. C., V6T lW5 Canada Library of Congress Catalogln| is Pubiicati,,a D|ts Main entry under title: Algebraic topology. (Lecture notes in mathematies ; 675) Proceedings of a workshop a~d conference held July 25-Aug. 12, 1977, and sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Congress. Bibliography: .p Includes index. .i Algebraic topology- -Congres ses. .I Hof fman, Peter, 1941- II. Piecinini, Renzo A., 1933- III. Sjerve~ Denis, 19~I- IV. Canadian Mathematical Congress (Society) .V Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Berlin) ; 673. QAS.L28 no. 675 QA612 510'.8s 51~'.2 78-13254 AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 18H10, 55R20, 55D10, 55D15, 55 D99, 55 F10, 55 F15, 55 F35, 55 F50,55 G 35,55 H15,57A65 ISBN 3-540-08930-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-38?-08930-6 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work si tcejbus ot .thgirypoc llA rights era ,devreser rehtehw eht elohw or part of eht lairetam si ,denrecnoc yllacificeps those fo ,noitalsnart -er ,gnitnirp esu-er of ,snoitartsulli ,gnitsacdaorb noitcudorper yb gniypocotohp enihcam or ralimis ,snaem dna egarots ni data .sknab rednU § 45 fo eht namreG Copyright waL erehw copies era edam rof rehto naht etavirp ,esu a eef si elbayap ot eht ,rehsilbup eht tnuoma fo eht eef ot eb denimreted yb tnemeerga with eht .rehsilbup © yb galreV-regnirpS nilreB grebledieH 8791 detnirP ni ynamreG gnitnirP dna :gnidnib Beltz ,kcurdtesffO .rtsgreB/hcabsmeH 012345-0413/1412 FOREWORD From .July 25 to August 12,1977, the Canadian Mathematical Society spon- sored a Workshop and Conference in Algebraic Topology at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver. The Workshop, which involved the active participation of Graduate Students, consisted of a series of informal lectures devoted to the presentation of new theories and of background material related to talks to be delivered later on; furthermore, during this part of the meeting, there were discussions about the research work being conducted by Graduate Students. The speakers of the Workshop were: E.Campbell*, A.Dold, R.Douglas, S.Feder, P.Heath, P.Hoffman, R.Kane, J. McCleary*, C.Morgan*, L.Renner* and C~Watkiss. The lecturers of the Conference proper were: R.Body, P.Booth, A.Dold, R.Douglas, S.Feder, H.Glover, P.Heath, P.Hilton, R.Kane, A.Liulevicius, G.Mislin, S.Segal, L.Siebenmann, F.Sigrist, D,Sjerve, V.Snaith, J.Stasheff, U.Suter, M. Tangora and C.Watkiss. The articles printed in these Proceedings are based on talks given during the Conference; we observe that not all the talks are represented here since some speakers elected not to submit a paper. The published papers have been divided into four areas: A. Rational Homotopy Theory; B. Cohomology Theories; Bundle Theory; C. Homotopy Theory; Nilpotent Spaces; Localization; .D Group Cohomology; Actions. The general index has been prepared so as to make this division clear. In each area the articles appear in alphabetical order by the name of the author or first author. The list of addresses of all contributors and the names of all participants are given at the end of this volume. .P Hoffman R. Piccinini D. Sjerve *Graduate Students CONTENTS A. RATIONAL HOMOTOPY THEORY .R Douglas: The Uniqueness of Coproduct Decompositions for Algebras Over a Field ..... 1 J. Stasheff: Rational Homotopy-Obstruction and Perturbation Theory .................... 7 .B COHOMOLOGY THEORIES: BUNDLE THEORY A. Dold: Geometric Cobordism and the Fixed Point Transfer ......................... 32 H. Glover, .B Homer and .G Mislin: Immersions in Manifolds of Positive Weights .............................. 88 .R Kane: BP Homology and Finite H-Spaces ........................................... 93 .F Sigrist and U. Suter (with the collaboration of P.J. Erard): On Immersions CP n ~---~R 4n-2~(n) ...................................... 106 .F Sigrist and .U Suter: On the Exponent and the Order of the Groups ~(X) ....................... I16 V. Snaith: Stable Decompositions of Classifying Spaces with Applications to Algebraic Cobordism Theories ..................................................... 123 C. HOMOTOPY THEORY; NILPOTENT SPACES; LOCALIZATION .P Booth, .P Heath and R. Piccinini: Fibre Preserving Maps and Functional Spaces ............................ 158 .P Booth, .P Heath and .R Piccinini: Characterizing Universal Fibrations .................................... 168 .P Hilton: On Orbit Sets for Group Actions and Localization ....................... 185 .P Hilton, .G Mislin, J. Roitberg and .R Steiner: On Free Maps and Free Homotopies Into Nilpotent Spaces ................. 202 .G Mislin: Conditions for Finite Domination for Certain Complexes ................. 219 J. Segal: An Introduction to Shape Theory ........................................ 225 M. Tangora: Generating Curtis Tables ............................................... 243 VJ .D GROUP COHOMOLOGY; ACTIONS A.Liulevicius: Flag Manifolds and Homotopy Rigidity of Linear Actions .................. 254 D.Sjerve: Generalized Homological Reduction Theorems .............................. 262 ADDRESSES OF CONTRIBUTORS .................................................... 276 PARTICIPANTS ................................................................. 278 THE UNIQUENESS OF COPRODUCT DECOMPOSITIONS FOR ALGEBRAS OVER A FIELD f by Roy Douglas .1 Introduction Coproduct decompositions of various types of graded F-algebras will be considered, where F is an arbitrary fixed field. The main result will be a "unique factorlzatlon • " ,T for such decompositions. For some of these types of algebras, the coproduct is just the appropriate type of tensor product. We will consider various categories of F-algebras and their associated commutative semigroups of isomorphism classes of objects (where the binary semigroup operation is induced by coproduct). The "unique factorization" results will then be expressed by the statements that the above semigroups are free commutative semigroups. Examples of suitable categories of F-algebras are the following: )i( the category of all connected, finitely generated, associative, commutative, (graded) F-algebras. )2( the category of all connected, finitely generated, associative, graded-commutative, (graded) F-algebras. )3( the category of all connected, finitely generated, (graded) Lie algebras over .F The discussion below proves the "unique factorization" assertion in examples )i( and (2), )i( being a corollary of (2). Moreover, this discussion may be generalized to give "unique factorization" results for many other types of graded algebras, including example (3). * Research partly supported by the National Research Council of Canada. f The content of this address is the result of joint work with .R .A Body. In case F is a perfect field, this result is demonstrated in 2 . In case F has characteristic zero, certain (large and interesting) classes of F-homotopy types of topological spaces satisfy a unique decomposition property with respect to direct product. This is demonstrated for two such classes of F-homotopy types in 2 and 3 , respectively. All these results, somewhat reminiscent of the Krull-Schmidt theorem, are proved by a study of the conjugacy properties of certain linear algebraic groups of automorphisms. .2 Unique Factorization for Coproduct~ Let F be an arbitrary field. ~(F) (resp., A(F)) will denote the category whose objects are all associative, graded-commutative (resp., strictly commutative), connected, finitely generated F-algebras, and whose morphisms are all degree preserving F-algebra homomorphisms. For brevity, the objects of ~(F) will be referred to as F-algebras. The graded-commutative (resp., commutative) tensor product is the coproduct in ~(F) (resp., A(F)). The isomorphism classes of objects of Q(F)(resp., A(F))form a commutative semigroup ~(F)(resp., ~(F)), where the binary operation is induced by O (the unit is the "zero object" F). The unique factorization of F-algebras (with respect to ~ ) is expressed by: Theorem .i m(F) is a free commutative semigroup. By doubling the gradation degrees we obtain the following Corollary. ~(F) is a free commutative semigroup. Before proving Theorem ,i several useful observations will be recorded. Let A be an F-algebra. A is non-trivial if A ~ F. We say a non-trivial A is irreducible if A is not the tensor product of two non-trivial F-algebras. Definition. A finite set {el, ..., e n} of (graded) F-algebra endomorphisms of A, will be called a splitting (of A) if the following conditions are satisfied: )i( e. . .e = .e , i = i, ... , n (Idempotent) 1 l l (2) .e . e. = 0 , i # j (Orthogonal) . z j (O is the trivial endomorphism, which factors through the zero object.) (3) Each F-algebra, Image (ek) , is irreducible, k = i, ... , n (4) The canonical msihprom n (~ Image(ek) ÷ A k=l is an isomorphism in ~(F). Two splittings of A, {e I .... , en) and {fl' ... , fn ) are said to be equivalent if, for some permutation u, the F-algebras Image(ei) and Image(fa(i) ) are isomorphic, i=l, ... , n. -I - If ~ is an automorphism of A, then {e I , ... , e n} and {~.el.~ , . . . ~ c~.e .C~ n are equivalent splittings. Proposition 2. If {el, ... e } and {fl fm } are splittings of an F-algebra A and ei.f. = f~.ei,j for all i = i, ..., n and j = i, ... , m, 3 then these splittings are equivalent. ( Thus, n = m . ) (The proof of this proposition is elementary; for details see 2 , Lemma 2.) Theorem 1 follows easily from Proposition 2 and the following lemma. Lemma 3. If {el, ... , e n} and {fl ..... fm } are splittings of an F-algebra A, then there exists an automorphism ~:A ÷ A such that a.e..a-l.f.= f..~.e..a -I 1 j j 1 for all i = 1, ... , n and j = 1, ... , m. 3. Proof of Lemma 3. Let End(A) be the semigroup of all endomorphisms of F-algebra A, and let Aut(A) be the group of invertible elements of End(A). Since A = ¢ A i is finitely generated as an F-algebra, there is an i~0 such that A is generated (as an F-algebra) by the finite dimensional F-vector subspace V = ~ A i The restriction, End(A) + HomF(V,V), and its restriction Aut(A) ÷ GLF(V ) are injective, representing End(A) and Aut(A) as sets of square matrices with coefficients in F. End(A) is the set of zeros of an obvious set of linear and quadratic polynomials (in the entries of the matrices) with coefficients in F. Let K be an algebraic closure of F and let W = V ~ K. The above set of polynomials (with coefficients in F) then defines a variety E in the K-affine space HomK(W,W ). Moreover, E is a closed set in the Zariski F-topology on HomK(W,W ). (See 4 for definitions.) Of course, End(A) is the set of F-rational points of E. Similarly, Aut(A) is the set of F2rational points in the affine algebraic group G = E ~ GLK(W ). There is a finite, purely inseparable extension field L of F F( ~ L #- K), such that E and G are defined over .L (In case F is perfect, L = F.) Now consider the splitting {el, --- , e }n C )A(dnE for F-algebra .A n Let A k = Image(ek) , a sub-F-algebra of ,A with ~ A k = .A K=l= ~ ~ kP @ ln~k kP A p = A k and V = A k n n = E Pk=P k=l Z ~ Z k=l k=l kp LTN i(cid:127)l ( Pi Thus, W = = A i ~ K ) , where the n-fold tensor product n Z Pi ~% F i=l is constructed over K. For each i=l,2,...,n and each t e F , the automorphism ~(t)~Aut(A)#" GLF(V ) n is defined to be scalar multiplication by t s on a direct summand ~ Aj pj j=l = of V , where s = Z Pj- j~i X I • : K* ÷ G is a one parameter subgroup of G, where Xi is defined similarly in terms of such an eigenspace decomposition of W. Let S be the subgroup of G generated by (~i(t) Ite K , i = 1 ..... n}. Then S is an L-split torus of G. ( cf. 4~, p.200.) Observe that (el, ... , en}~E, where ~ is the K-Zariski closure of S in E. In fact, e i E Xi(K* ) m E, since K is an infinite field. Thus, there is a maximal L-split torus Te~G , such that (e I .... ,~n}~Te~E. Similarly, there is a maximal L-split torus TfCG, such that (fl' "'"fn}~'f GE" Using an unpublished result of Borel and Tits 5 it follows that there is an L-rational point ~ E G(L) such that 8 • T e • ~-i = Tf )*( In case F is a perfect field, we have L = F, and B e G(F) = Aut )A( is the required automorphism ~ of Lemma .3 This follows from the fact that the closure of a torus is a commutative set of endomorphisms, and the fact that conjugation by B is a homeomorphism. In case F is not perfect, a finite iteration of the Frobenius morphism takes L into F: ~S(L) ~F. Let a = ¢s(8) e G(F) = Aut(A) and observe that ~S(ei) = e i c End(A)~ E. Notice ~S(Te) is dense in Te, since F is infinite. (Recall that finite fields are perfect.) Thus, (e I ..... en}~S(Te). Similarly, {fl' ... , fm}~ ~S(Tf). Again, cS(Te) and ~s(Tf) are each commutative sets of endomorphisms. Applying ~s to )*( we obtain • CS(Te) a -I = CS(Tf) which implies the conclusion of Lemma 3. Q.E .D.

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