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Plurality, Dissent and Hegemony: Th e Story Behind Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law

Arafat Mazhar and Syed Zainuddin Moulvi
·47 Pages
·3.125 MB

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Design th!nking : the act or practice of using your mind to consider design

Gavin Ambrose; Paul Harris
·202 Pages
·9.375 MB

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Ingenieurpromotion — Starken und Qualitatssicherung: Beitrage eines gemeinsamen Symposiums von acatech, TU9, ARGE TU/TH und 4ING

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zäh (auth.), Prof. Dr. sc. tech. Dr. h. c. Horst Hippler (eds.)
·193 Pages
·11.74 MB

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Die Erosion der Demokratie: Beiträge von Michael Th. Greven zur kritischen Demokratietheorie

Friedbert W. Rüb, Veith Selk, Rieke Trimҫev
·226 Pages
·2.652 MB

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