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The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research (Study Skills)

Gordon Rugg, Marian Petre
·241 Pages
·0.843 MB

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Myriad Approaches to Death in Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror

Jenni A. Shearston
·101 Pages
·0.6 MB

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Bunch, Chris & Cole, Allan - Sten 4

Bunch, Chris [Bunch, Chris]
·0.8424 MB

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Bunch, Chris & Cole, Allan - Sten 3

Bunch, Chris [Bunch, Chris]
·0.6555 MB

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Wolff 1987 review of Allan Bloom

The Closing of the American Mind
·2.299 MB

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Modality in Typological Perspective [PhD Thesis]

Fabrice Dominique Nauze
·248 Pages
·1.864 MB

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Curves, Codes, and Cryptography [PhD thesis]

Christiane Pascale Peters
·213 Pages
·2.095 MB

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