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Te-tao ching: a new translation based on the recently discovered Ma-wang-tui texts

Tzu, Lao; Henricks, Robert G (Translator)
·1.712 MB

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Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 9th International IPCO Conference Cambridge, MA, USA, May 27–29, 2002 Proceedings

Satoru Iwata (auth.), William J. Cook, Andreas S. Schulz (eds.)
·498 Pages
·5.815 MB

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Legends of Ma-ui—a demi god of Polynesia, and of his mother Hina by Westervelt

Westervelt, W. D. (William Drake), 1849-1939
·0.93 MB

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Panduan Pembelajaran dan Asesmen Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA)

Susanti Sufyadi , Lambas, Tjaturigsih Rosdiana, Fauzan Amin Nur Rochim, Sandra Novrika, Setiyo Iswoyo, Yayuk Hartini, Marsaria Primadonna, Rizal Listyo Mahardhika
·76 Pages
·4.6404 MB

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四川省志. 大事纪述(下册) /Si chuan sheng zhi. Da shi ji shu

·270 Pages
·24.681 MB

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