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Italia dall'alto. Storia dell'arte e del paesaggio. Ediz. illustrata

Maria Antonietta Crippa (editor)
·136 Pages
·37.547 MB

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Il rumore del tempo e altri scritti

Osip Mandel'stam, Daniela Rizzi (editor)
·0.893 MB

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Dignità del cristianesimo e indegnità dei cristiani

Nikolaj Berdjaev, G. Rimondi (editor)
·0.098 MB

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La letteratura italiana. Storia e testi. Opere

Ugo Foscolo, Franco Gavazzeni (editor)
·1102 Pages
·50.437 MB

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Il mondo dopo l'uomo. Tecnica e violenza

Günther Anders, Lisa Pizzighella (editor)
·1.156 MB

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Il mar delle Blatte e altre storie

Tommaso Landolfi, I. Landolfi (editor)
·84 Pages
·0.466 MB

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Por que o Brasil e Um Pais Atrasado

Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Braganca
·240 Pages
·4.08 MB

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E Anhang Namensliste Division Das Reich Unvollständig

UH51 / ed. E. A. Lumpe
·0.59 MB

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L'universale singolare. Saggi filosofici e politici 1965-1973

Jean Paul Sartre, Pier Aldo Rovatti (editor), Raoul Kirchmayr (editor)
·0.454 MB

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Opera aperta. Forma e indeterminazione nelle poetiche contemporanee. Nuova ediz.

Umberto Eco, Riccardo Fedriga (editor)
·2.431 MB

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«Non lasciar vivere la malefica». Le streghe nei trattati e nei processi (secoli XIV-XVII)

Dinora Corsi (editor), Matteo Duni (editor)
·268 Pages
·4.299 MB

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Productivity and Creativity: Studies in General and Descriptive Linguistics in Honor of E. M. Uhlenbeck

Mark Janse (editor); An Verlinden (editor)
·652 Pages
·20.315 MB

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L’Inquisizione romana, i giudici e gli eretici: Studi in onore di John Tedeschi

Andrea Del Col (editor), Anne Jacobson Schutte (editor)
·249 Pages
·2.138 MB

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La lengua, ¿patria común?: ideas e ideologías del español

José del Valle (editor)
·201 Pages
·0.615 MB

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A Political Companion to W. E. B. Du Bois

Bromell, Nicholas Knowles (editor)
·1.229 MB

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Cálculo e Álgebra Linear: Vetores no Plano e Funções de uma Variável

Wilfred Kaplan e Donald J. Lewis
·380 Pages
·21.503 MB

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The Magic City by E. Nesbit

Nesbit, E. (Edith), 1858-1924
·1.13 MB

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Scottish sketches by Amelia E. Barr

Barr, Amelia E., 1831-1919
·0.2 MB

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The Pioneer by Irving E. Cox

Cox, Irving E., 1917-2001
·0.34 MB

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Una guida per Bardi e Ladri

Il Canto e il Silenzio
·101 Pages
·55.636 MB

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