Top 1200 romano xvi PDF Book Page 48

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La esclavitud negroafricana en la historia de España Siglos XVI y XVII

Aurelia Martín Casares, Margarita García Barranco
·200 Pages
·1.761 MB

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Os Indígenas e as Justiças no Mundo Ibero-americano (séculos XVI-XIX)

Ângela Domingues, Maria Leônia Chaves de Resende & Pedro Cardim
·364 Pages
·7.272 MB

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La Iglesia en la economia de America Latina : siglos XVI al XIX

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (México)
·252 Pages
·54.516 MB

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Correlationen III (J/XVI–XXI. Wärme- und Wasserhaushalt Umweltfaktoren · Schlaf · Altern und Sterben · Konstitution und Vererbung)

R. Isenschmid (auth.), Professor Dr. Leo Adler, Privatdozent Dr. Julius Bauer, Professor Dr. W. Caspari, Professor Dr. U. Ebbecke, C. v. Economo, Professor Dr. Hermann Freund, Professor Dr. Curt Herbst, Dr. S. Hirsch, Geheimrat Professor Dr. A. Hoche, Privatdozent Dr. Hermann Hoffmann, Professor Dr. R. W. Hoffmann, Privatdozent Dr. R. Isenschmid, Professor Dr. A. Jodlbauer, Professor Dr. Otto Kestner, H. W. Knipping, Geheimrat Professor Dr. Eugen Korschelt, Professor Dr. Fritz Lenz, Professor Dr. F. Linke, Professor Dr. Erich Meyer, Geheimrat Professor Dr. Hans H. Meyer, Professor Dr. W. Nonnenbruch, Professor Dr. J. K. Parnas, Professor Dr. Ernst P. Pick, Professor Dr. Heinrich Schade, Professor Dr. J. H. Schultz, Professor Dr. Richard Siebeck, Dr. Rose Stoppel, Professor Dr. J. Strasburger (eds.)
·1205 Pages
·71.373 MB

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Cambourne New Settlement: Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement on the Clay Uplands of West Cambridgeshire (Wessex Archaeology Report)

Matt Leivers, Rachael Seager Smith, Chris J. Stevens, James Wright
·152 Pages
·3.353 MB

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