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Adaptive Methods — Algorithms, Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the Ninth GAMM-Seminar Kiel, January 22–24, 1993

A. Auge, G. Lube, D. Weiß (auth.), Wolfgang Hackbusch, Gabriel Wittum (eds.)
·281 Pages
·10.449 MB

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Bridging Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering and Technology: Contributions from the Fall 2011 Seminar on Mathematical Sciences and Applications

Zhifu Xie (auth.), Bourama Toni, Keith Williamson, Nasser Ghariban, Dawit Haile, Zhifu Xie (eds.)
·156 Pages
·2.551 MB

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Geometry of Complex Domains; a seminar conducted by Professors Oswald Veblen and John Von Neumann, 1935-36.

Oswald Veblen, John von Neumann, notes by Abraham H. Taub and James Wallace Givens
·263 Pages
·14.14 MB

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War in the Tribal Zone: Expanding States and Indigenous Warfare (School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series)

Brian R. Ferguson, Neil L. Whitehead, Thomas S. Abler, Michael F. Brown, Eduardo Fernandez, R. A. L. H. Gunawardana, Ross Hassig, Robin Law, D. J. Mattingly, Andrew Strathern
·338 Pages
·15.472 MB

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Stochastic Approaches in Earthquake Engineering: U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar, May 6–7, 1987, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Koichiro Asano (auth.), Y. K. Lin, R. Minai (eds.)
·471 Pages
·21.493 MB

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Numerical Treatment of the Navier-Stokes Equations: Proceedings of the Fifth GAMM-Seminar, Kiel, January 20–22, 1989

Rainer Ansorge (auth.), Wolfgang Hackbusch, Rolf Rannacher (eds.)
·174 Pages
·7.335 MB

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Andean Studies: New Trends and Library Resources. Papers of the Forty-Fith Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquistion of Latin American Library Materials (University of California, Los Angeles. May 27-31, 2000)

César Rodríguez, (ed.); María Rostworowski; Enrique Marchena; Roberto Vergaray; Myra Appel; Rafael Tarragó; Sara Sánchez; Peter Stern; Darlene Waller; David Block; Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez; Geoff West; Virginia García; Mark Grover; Nelly González; Anne Barnhart-Park; James Barnhart-Park; Karen Lindvall-Larson; Efraín Kristal; Susan Shaw; Ramón Abad; Claire-Lise Bénaud; Elizabeth Steinhagen; Ana-María Cobos; Ángela Leal, (auths.)
·328 Pages
·18.024 MB

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