Top 984 professor colin robson PDF Book Page 35

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The Sacred in Twentieth-Century Politics: Essays in Honour of Professor Stanley G. Payne

Robert Mallett, John Tortorice, Roger Griffin
·302 Pages
·2.856 MB

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Granular, Soft and Fuzzy Approaches for Intelligent Systems: Dedicated to Professor Ronald R. Yager

Janusz Kacprzyk, Dimitar Filev, Gleb Beliakov (eds.)
·255 Pages
·4.153 MB

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Tradition, Modernity, and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature: Essays in Honor of Professor Issa J. Boullata

Issa J. Boullata, Wael B. Hallaq, Kamal Abdel-Malek
·433 Pages
·16.08 MB

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Type-2 Fuzzy Logic and Systems: Dedicated to Professor Jerry Mendel for his Pioneering Contribution

Robert John,Hani Hagras,Oscar Castillo (eds.)
·152 Pages
·6.329 MB

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Advances in RAMS Engineering: In Honor of Professor Ajit Kumar Verma on His 60th Birthday

Durga Rao Karanki, Gopika Vinod, Srividya Ajit
·484 Pages
·14.188 MB

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