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Language, Politics and Society: The New Languages Department: Festschrift in honour of Professor D E Ager

Sue Wright, Linda Hantrais, Jolyon Howorth (Editors)
·167 Pages
·0.837 MB

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Actuarial Science: Advances in the Statistical Sciences Festschrift in Honor of Professor V.M. Josh’s 70th Birthday Volume VI

James C. Hickman (auth.), Ian B. MacNeill, Gary J. Umphrey, Beda S. C. Chan, Serge B. Provost (eds.)
·257 Pages
·5.337 MB

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Geometry and analysis on complex manifolds : festschrift for Professor S. Kobayashi's 60th birthday

Shoshichi Kobayashi; Toshiki Mabuchi; JunjiroМ„ Noguchi; Takushiro Ochiai (eds.)
·259 Pages
·101.708 MB

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A Tribute to the Legend of Professor C. R. Rao: The Centenary Volume

Arijit Chaudhuri, Sat N. Gupta, Rajkumar Roychoudhury
·34.301 MB

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The Islamic Scholarly Tradition. Studies in History, Law, and Thought in Honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook

Asad Q. Ahmed, Behnam Sadeghi, Michael Bonner (eds.)
·414 Pages
·4.812 MB

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