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V Acknowledgment Professor El-Dessouky dedicates this book to the memory of his parents. Also ... PDF

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Preview V Acknowledgment Professor El-Dessouky dedicates this book to the memory of his parents. Also ...

V Acknowledgment Professor El-Dessouky dedicates this book to the memory of his parents. Also, he dedicates the book to his family, Fatma, Sarah, Sameh, and Sanyia. Professor Ettouney dedicates this book to his parents, Mohamed and Fatma, his brothers Sayed, Mohamed, and Osama, his family, Kareema, Osama, and May, and his friends Reem, Kareem, and Amira. VII Preface Industrial desalination of sea and brackish water is becoming an essential part in providing sustainable sources of fresh water for a larger number of communities around the world. Desalination is a main source of fresh water in the Gulf countries, a number of the Caribbean and Mediterranean Islands, and several municipalities in a large number of countries. As the industry expands there is a pressing need to have a clearly and well-written textbook that focuses on desalination fundamentals and other industrial aspects. The book would serve a large sector of the desalination community that includes process engineers, designers, students, and researchers. Fundamentals of the desalination process are based on physical principles that include mass and energy conservation, mass, momentum, and heat transfer, and thermodynamics. The authors firmly believe that good understanding of these fundamentals is necessary to analyze or evaluate the performance for any of the existing and known desalination processes. Moreover, understanding the fundamentals would allow for critical evaluation of novel schemes or devising new schemes. Other aspects included in the book are the historical background of the desalination process, developments during the second half of the twentieth century, recent trends, and future challenges. The book focuses on the processes widely used in industry, which include the multistage flash desalination and reverse osmosis. Also, other desalination processes with attractive features and high potential are considered. The book includes a large number of solved examples, which are explained in simple and careful matter that allow the reader to follow and understand the development. The data used in development of the examples and case studies are extracted from existing desalination plants. Also, the examples represent practical situations for design and performance evaluation of desalination plants. The book also includes comparison of model predictions against results reported in literature as well as available experimental and industrial data. Although, this textbook will target the desalination community, which may include practicing engineers, designers, developers, graduate students, and researchers, however, the contents can be used by engineers in other industrial disciplines. Several industries include similar unit operation processes, i.e., evaporators, condensers, flashing units, membrane separation, and chemical treatment. Examples of such industries include wastewater treatment, food, petroleum, petrochemical, power generation, and pulp and paper. Process fundamentals and design procedures of such unit processes follow the same procedures given in this textbook. It should be stressed that this is the first textbook on desalination that can be used for undergraduate and graduate instruction. Although, there are a number of books on desalination, most are of the editorial type with research and development articles, which are not suitable for educational purposes. Other books are descriptive and have introductory material. VIII This textbook includes sections on thermal desalination, membrane desalination, associated processes, and process economics. The thermal desalination part is focused on the single effect evaporation process, the multiple effect evaporation, and the multistage flash desalination. It should be noted that complete and full description and development is made for each thermal desalination process. Because of the similarities among various thermal desalination processes, this implied repeating some parts of the process elements and model equations. As a result, the reader would find it simple to study each process separately without having to search various sections for some common features or equations. This is except for the correlations and equations for water physical properties, thermodynamic losses, and heat transfer coefficients. Another major feature of the analysis provided in this textbook is the inclusion of the performance charts for each process. This data is found necessary to provide the reader with practical limits on process operation and performance. In Chapter 2, the single effect evaporation with submerged evaporator is discussed. The development includes process description, mathematical model, and performance evaluation. This is followed by discussion of various types of evaporators. It should be stressed that coverage of this material is essential to develop the theoretical and physical backgrounds necessary to understand the thermal multiple effect processes. Chapter 3 includes analysis of the single effect evaporation process combined with various types of heat pumps. These include mechanical, thermal, adsorption, and absorption vapor compression. The analysis includes description of processes, mathematical models, and solved examples. In addition, comparison is made between model predictions and industrial data for the single effect mechanical vapor compression system. Chapter 4 includes the multiple effect evaporation processes. The Chapter starts with description of different process layouts. This is followed by analysis of the forward feed system, which includes process developments, description, detailed models, and case studies. The last part of the Chapter includes similar treatment for the parallel feed configurations. The Chapter also includes performance evaluation of both configurations, comparison with field data, future challenges and trends. In Chapter 6, the analysis of the multistage flash desalination starts with coverage of process developments. This is followed by process synthesis, which starts with the single stage flashing and proceeds to the multistage configuration. In Section 6.5, details of the conventional brine circulation multistage flashing process is given and it includes process description, model assumptions, equations, solution method, and a number of solved examples. The development then focuses on analysis of performance evaluation as a function of the parameters that have the strongest effect on the unit product cost. These parameters includes the heat transfer area for evaporators and condensers. IX dimensions of the flashing or evaporation stages, capacity and dimensions of the ejectors, size and load of pumping units, and other associated processes. The remainder of Chapter 6 covers other possible layouts for the multistage flash desalination process, which includes the once through system, the brine mixing process, and the thermal vapor compression configuration. All of the thermal desalination processes can be combined with vapor compression heat pumps, which includes thermo-compressors or steam jet ejectors, mechanical vapor compression, adsorption vapor compression, absorption vapor compression, and chemical vapor compression. The main objective for using vapor compression heat pumps is to improve the process efficiency and utilization of low grade energy that commonly discarded into the environment. This approach conserves on the system energy and reduces the amount of fossil fuels that upon combustion generates green house gases and other pollutants. The analysis of the heat pumps focuses on description of the elements forming each heat pump, mathematical and empirical models, solution procedure, and performance analysis. The remaining sections on the combined systems of thermal desalination and vapor compression focus on development integrated mathematical models for the system, operating regimes, performance evaluation, and comparison against systems with no vapor compression and field data. The vapor compression desalination systems are given in Chapters 3 and 5, which covers the single and the multiple effect evaporation. Section 6.5 gives model and analysis of the multistage flash desalination combined with thermal vapor compression system. Chapters 7 and 8 include the reverse osmosis membrane desalination process. Chapter 7 starts with a brief description of various membrane separation process, separation mechanism, and recent trends. Also, description is given for membrane modules, process layout, and staging of modules. The reverse osmosis models include simple and short cut techniques as well as more detailed models. The analysis of membrane systems focus on determination the required feed pressure and membrane area to provide the desired permeate or fresh water flow rate. Chapter 8 covers elements of feed pre treatment, membrane biofouling, and membrane cleaning. In Chapter 9, a number of associated processes are analyzed, which includes the venting, steam jet ejectors, wire mesh mist eliminator, and orifices in the MSF process. The chapter includes description of various unit process, fundamental models as well as fitting correlations. In addition, a number of examples are solved for each system. Desalination economics are covered in chapter 10 and it includes elements of economic analysis and a number of case studies. The necessary elements to perform economic analysis of desalination processes include process capital and amortization, operating and maintenance cost, energy cost, and inflation effects. X The case studies include examples for various thermal and membrane desalination systems. In addition, all case studies include comparison with available cost data from literature studies and existing desalination plants. The book contents are suitable for instructing training courses for practicing engineers. The courses could be introductory, intermediate, or advanced. The introductory level training course would cover the first chapter, and sections in all other chapters on description of desalination process, associated unit processes, and performance evaluation. As for the intermediate or advanced training courses it should include a number of the solved examples and case studies. These may include design problems on the multistage flash desalination, the multiple effect evaporation with/without thermal or mechanical vapor compression, the single effect evaporation with mechanical vapor compression, and the reverse osmosis. The difference between the intermediate and advanced training courses comes in coverage of the descriptive part and the type of design problems and analysis. Using the book for instruction of an undergraduate course depends on the level of instruction, where a simple freshmen or sophomore course would include most of the descriptive part and simple problems that include basic material and energy balances and evaluation of the stream physical properties. On the other hand, a desalination course being taught on the junior or senior levels would allow for more detailed design in addition to the process description section. Finally, the teaching material for a graduate course should involve a larger number of the design problems for various desalination processes. In the graduate course, many of the descriptive part should be assigned for reading ahead of the class period and its coverage should be instructed in an interactive discussion between students and instructor. The book includes a comprehensive computer package. The computer package is written in visual basic. The package allows for flow sheet as well as design displays. The results of the package are displayed on the screen and are also written to text files. The screen displays as well as the text files can be printed. The flow sheet display includes the unit processes forming the desired desalination process. Upon completion of the calculations each unit process in the flow sheet becomes active, where pressing a specific unit process gives a small display with the stream properties of the unit. The design display gives more a comprehensive list of the design parameters, i.e., thermal conductivity of the evaporator/condenser tubes, fouling factors, etc. Completion of the design calculations gives the major design results, i.e., heat transfer areas, properties of outlet streams, and thermal performance ratio. Hisham T. El-Dessouky ([email protected]) Hisham M. Ettouney ([email protected]) XI Symbols A Area, m^. BPE Boiling point elevation, ^C Cp Specific heat at constant pressure, kJ/kg ^C. Cr Compression ratio defined as pressure of compressed vapor to pressure of entrained vapor, d Vapor flow rate formed in flashing boxes, kg/s. D Vapor flow rate formed by flashing or boiling, kg/s. Er Expansion ratio defined as pressure of compressed vapor to pressure of entrained vapor, h Heat transfer coefficient, kW/m^ ^C. H Enthalpy of liquid water, kJ/kg. H" Enthalpy of vapor phase, kJ/kg. k Thermal conductivity, kW/m ^C. L Length, m. LMTD Logarithmic temperature difference, ^C. M Mass flow rate, kg/s. M2 Mass of adsorbing solids, kg. P Pressure, kPa. PR Performance ratio, dimensionless. AP Pressure drop, kPa. Q Heat transfer rate, kJ/s. r Tube radius, m. R Universal gas constant, kJ/kg°C. Rf Fouling resistance, m^ oC/kW Rs Load ratio, mass flow rate of motive steam to mass flow rate of entrained vapor. s Salt concentration, mg/i. sA Specific heat transfer area, m2/(kg/s). sMpw Specific cooling water flow rate, dimensionless. T Temperature, ^C. AT Temperature drop, ^C. U Overall heat transfer coefficient, kW/m^ ^C. V Vapor specific volume, m^/kg. V Vapor velocity, m/s w Entrainment ratio, mass flow rate of entrained vapor to mass flow rate of motive steam. Xj^C Mass fraction of non-condensable gases. X Salinity, ppm. XII Z Length, m. Greek Letters a Adsorption capacity, kg water/kg zeolite ^ efficiency. X Latent heat, kJ/kg. P Density, kg/m^ 8 Void fraction Y Compressibility ratio. Subscripts b Brine. c Condenser. cw Cooling water. d Distillate product. e Evaporator ev Entrained vapor. f Feed seawater i Inlet stream or inner diameter m Motive steam. n Nozzle. 0 Outlet stream or outer diameter. P Demister. s Compressed vapor or heating steam. t Throat of the ejector nozzle. V Formed vapor. w Tube wall. z Solid bed. Chapter 1 Introduction 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Objectives The main objective of this chapter is to give an overview of various desalination processes, developments, and the needs for industrial desalination. This is made through discussion of the following topics: - Water resources - Classification of salt water - History of industrial desalination - Definition and classification of industrial desalination processes - Market status for desalination processes 1.1 Resources and Need for Water Desalination The earth contains about 1.4x10^ km^ of water, which covers approximately 70% of the planet surface area; the percentage of salt water in this large amount is 97.5%. The remaining 2.5% is fresh water with 80% of this amount frozen in the icecaps or combined as soil moisture. Both forms are not easily accessible for human use. The remaining quantity, about 0.5%, is believed to be adequate to support all life on Earth. Unfortunately, this water is not distributed evenly throughout the plant and it is not available in sufficient quantities either when or where it is needed. Table 1 gives a summary for distribution of various water resources across the globe. The global daily average of rainfall is 2xl0ll m^. This amount is poorly distributed across the globe. The solar energy is the main driver for formation of fresh water from oceans. The thermal energy absorbed by the earth surface generates sufficient temperature gradients that drive water evaporation from the large surfaces of ocean water. The water vapor rises through the ambient air and forms a cloud cover at various elevations. The clouds are formed of fine water droplets with an average diameter of 10 |im. The clouds are transported over land, where precipitation takes place. The form of precipitation depends on the surrounding air temperature. Snow is formed in clod climates and higher elevations; while, rain is formed in warmer climates and lower elevations. On the other hand, mixtures of ice, snow, and rain are formed during spring time of clod climates. Precipitation depends on the wind direction and speed, which have fixed patterns that varies subject to location and seasonal temperature variations. Also, precipitation is affected by geographical conditions, i.e., presence of mountains, flat land, as well as local ambient conditions, i.e., temperature, and humidity. The wind pattern, geographical forms, and ambient conditions generates zones of constant water precipitation, monsoon seasons, and areas of very low precipitation. 1.1 Resources and Need for Water Desalination Precipitated water forms lakes, rivers, underground surface water, deep aquifers, or massive flood areas. These forms could be seasonal or permanent. For example, rapid increase in the ambient temperature during the spring season could result in the melting of large amounts of winter snow over a short period of time. Such events are experience in several regions in Europe, Russia, and the US. Also, the monsoon rain in the Indian content results in precipitation of large amounts of water over a very short period of time. Both forms of water precipitation give rise to destruction of property and loss of life. Permanent rivers form the life line to several regions around the globe, where it transports water from high precipitant area to dessert land. The best example for this situation is the river Nile, which originates in the high mountains of Ethiopia and Kenya and travels more than 2000 km. Through the ages the river Nile gave life to the Nile valley and supported the development of Egyptian civilization. A major part of water precipitation ends up as ground moisture in the form of sub-surface water or deep aquifers. Deep aquifers proved to be viable source for bottled drinking water. This is because of regulated and limited rates of water use from these sources insure sufficient natural replenishment of the source. Also, the natural process through various rock formations provides the water with natural minerals and keeps its pH at acceptable levels. Table 1 Distribution of water resources across the globe Resource Volume Percent of Percent of km^ total water Fresh Water Atmospheric Water 12900 0.001 0.01 Glaciers 24064000 1.72 68.7 Ground Ice 300000 0.021 0.86 Rivers 2120 0.0002 0.006 Lakes 176400 0.013 0.26 Marshes 11470 0.0008 0.03 Soil Moisture 16500 0.0012 0.05 Aquifers 10530000 0.75 30.1 Lithosphere 23400000 1.68 Oceans 1338000000 95.81 Total 1396513390 Classification of various types of water is based on the purpose for which the water is used. The first water grade is set for safe drinking, household purposes, and a number of industrial applications. This water category has a

the contents can be used by engineers in other industrial disciplines. Several industries . 1.1 Resources and Need for Water Desalination. The earth . The second water category has a salinity range of 1000-3000 ppm. This.
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