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Council of the Faculty of Arts and Science 1996-01-12

Faculty of Arts and Science
·10 Pages
·0.52 MB

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The Violence of Hate: Understanding Harmful Forms of Bias and Bigotry

Jack Levin and Jim Nolan
·243 Pages
·3.802 MB

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Best practice guideline for workplace health and safety during avian influenza

Alberta. Alberta Employment and Immigration
·2.8 MB

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Windows Undocumented File Formats. Working Inside 16- and 32- bit Windows

Pete Davis and Mike Wallace
·286 Pages
·2.856 MB

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Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Art Making

·114 Pages
·1.23 MB

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Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors: physics, design and safety; 25 February - 28 March 2002

M Herman,Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors - Physics, Design and Safety. <2002, Trieste>.
·287 Pages
·6.56 MB

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Montana prevailing wage rates : heavy and highway construction

Montana. Dept. of Labor and Industry. Office of Research and Analysis
·32 Pages
·0.78 MB

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Hydraulic Fracturing Explained. Evaluation, Implementation, and Challenges

Erle C. Donaldson, Waqi Alam and Nasrin Begum (Auth.)
·216 Pages
·9.136 MB

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The emperor and Rome: space, representation, and ritual

Björn C. Ewald and Carlos F. Noreña (eds.)
·379 Pages
·64.88 MB

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Ethics and Epidemiology

Steven S. Coughlin and Angus Dawson
·289 Pages
·1.555 MB

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Addiction and Responsibility

Jeffrey Poland and George Graham (eds)
·319 Pages
·18.32 MB

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Cognition and Memory

F. Klix and J. Hoffmann (Eds.)
·307 Pages
·15.039 MB

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Women Who Kill: Gender and Sexuality in Film and Series of the Post-feminist Era

Cristelle Maury and David Roche
·367 Pages
·29.605 MB

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Thyroid Cancer and Nuclear Accidents. Long-Term Aftereffects of Chernobyl and Fukushima

Shunichi Yamashita and Gerry Thomas (Eds.)
·222 Pages
·4.42 MB

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Reducing the Vulnerability of Armenia's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change: Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options (World Bank Studies)

Nicolas Ahouissoussi, James E. Neumann, Srivastava Jitendra, Brent Boehlert, Steven Sharrow
·140 Pages
·6.193 MB

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Pronouns: Grammar and Representation

Horst J. Simon and Heike Wiese (Editors)
·307 Pages
·1.246 MB

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