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The cultures and globalization series [5], Cities, cultural policy and governance / Helmut K. Anheier and Yudhishthir Raj Isar, ed. ; Michael Hoelscher, guest ed.

cultural policy. Yudhishthir Raj Isar (editor); Helmut K. Anheier (editor); Michael Hoelscher (editor)
·473 Pages
·31.763 MB

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Michael McKinnon v. Ministry of Correctional Services, Board of Inquiry, May 1997 BOI 97-012-I

Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario/Board of Inquiry
·12 Pages
·0.65 MB

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Die Erosion der Demokratie: Beiträge von Michael Th. Greven zur kritischen Demokratietheorie

Friedbert W. Rüb, Veith Selk, Rieke Trimҫev
·226 Pages
·2.652 MB

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