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Preview Empire and Imperialism: A Critical Reading of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri

Empire &I mperialism A CriRteiacdailon fMg i chaHealr daLn dA ntonNieog ri AnUOA BORON 'THIMSO ST 1'�ENCH4""T D"[NVOA STATICNRGI TIQU0E1 H ardra nr1 Negrl's mlstai<eClnn dc onl(JcisneOllons0 1a dcterrtlOllilalntd/e<ld ect!lltEcmfpctc1f c con'esf romo neo ft ilem oM creatalnclli ec OJnllllltseocdia list, !ltL'tluIaelc" In tnc onclinent thahta s llilOl hem ostf lfstnaenxop el1enocfet hedc tual worklf0l1gAs m clleanI mDt.!naiismBo ron not anI',co ntronHta!>r da!m JN e�f�I ab5\r£lCtlwol!n115 ' thl�p rosaiLc., tHAmeln can eonlQnJporaIcra)lll ) hul subleelsI ht'wloir kt od Dfotountrlh eorcilacmilItc mpilitr.:iltl,Jl alton Wllltt'n wllNh. ccpllo�neci�lle ando ltebnl tmhg Ulllour.t hiIsSil hoo" ;ncle.1s:e r\les 10 be" ,lclCrIe)ad . LEOP ANITCHC oEOlStOColilrl.1R 5eg1i ster. lDll,Ugsislhed Rescilfch ProfessoofrP O hllcSca.l(! nce. YUonrl<l vt'ISClantad�iJ. THES COPEor lHILSU CI.\D·� DC o\R[rl:LD ISSECTI0O1N1\ llJt'I�l Iel(l !Jel""s olJOUI! lIeem ergin\g� or0t1c0J "e1.1 tm.t..h..e ll Q�'I()no tileI lIl1s1tu1dlt�hm atr lil! ISI tsI lllrn._'clltitlr.u rgeB!o.r onS IIlPa..S .. i l�·l il�t!ra ftelra) eorf 1 ll15Ulider !'.!ilrldlcnognc efOlO.gD IllI mperialismil'flfj I!SC llfI('rl! \'arlantH�e 1t."'lev.." lilt' P(!rSISlencoeft iled ll\teo c untrol n"lurilft!lS OllrccI!>h, 'r chanc0!:!1 transnil!.ofnIilllm !>o n d po\\elf ul hOislllea tet hed angerosf a �olrJlI'g politiecacoln om\. ana muel, elst' ThISli< tlUdusllelJ d�U I�\·{.'lopilslI Ifllport�arSnPt'C;l I,\eon oresernCtilh 1taneds '\,1m1u.1s1t be lJonteo C el"" for WOflilfSOI(JC III(!Vlt.l.'lenoInl'flS l tlflClp.lllonfr omI nJtuisc.eo PP'CSSIOIdIl1 U degradatIon NOAMC HOMSk'l' 'BEYOND HISm E/I,CH"ENNTC .\GEM!:\,;N1T1 1t1he argumento!'.f !-I ardcitIl a Negr•. B orono ttern"ls o .. ..n 1I1SIgihufia mi eloquenatn ill',5oIfSl ocl a\ s 'glollillo,weodr fd; ,n(1I h£'pO SSllll"!0'1!?l Si tsra llsformaTthleo fnr Uilt fu COllllilJltrOrlnu lI reorelifclagoiu rdn l1 Cli""('�m.p lriCalil nall�oIll'"ll po liticla passIo'nSJ us1I1t 1�I ml0Ll1 t hmgw e need 01t1h e left ElLE'" M£ISKIJ4W§OOD Autho0l1 [ llIp.,veIC alJltiJl ISBN1 84277 5774 �l1�I�l�lll�IJllIJI1 9 Aboutth boiosk Harvard acholarM ic:haHealr datnd Ital1i�al'twni nign telJ«Ttonuia J NelJrl'sm ajorbo ok,E mlrprq,ui cbkeclaym e0 h ugeb etsselwlher� n itWH publlahedin theU nitSetatde s.I tW85 widellya udebdyo r­ gans,su cha 't heN N YoTirIJlt:ks n, ot usualknlowny fotrh etihri nk· ingi nt erms ofe mpian�d ImperialismB.u tm anyi ntellecitnu als othepra rts oft hewo rld -amongth emA tilloBo ron- �re deepl)' disturbedby the bookree,l inthga tI twas analytically misconceived , undermiMCI poUlkaires istancteoi mperialanidsm i,ga oml lhe concmee xperiencaen di netUm ualana lysis oft heT hirWdo rld. AliliBoor ona rgues thaHtard t andNegri 's conceopft'im perial­ ismwit houta na ddress'h,owever welli ntentiothneedi cro mmit­ mentt ob umaenman cipationa nda M uerwo rld,I gnora the fundamepanrtaalm etrrs ofm oderni mperialilm. Professor Boron unpictksh rairgurm enl5 andco nfronts them wim me social, «a­ nomiacn dp olit�ialcaild eosf i ntensifiedca pi:talm exploiattioinn today's worlAdm.o ngI het renchparunntts h em akes: Then atioInl litrea,trr o m beinwge ak�neredm,a iMa c rucial ag.:nto fth �c apltaclolrll!ed ,e ployail nag� anenaolfec o­ nomiwce apontryo p roteacntde xtenidtp so sitiaonnda, c tively promotiglnogb alizaitnih osownn intereIstit sos n.l tyh es tate int hep eriphetryh ahIa s� n dramllrlcalwluykC 'ne-di nfr la· liobno t1h0 t ransnaticoonrpaolra tioannsdt ol -ores ttaesa nd supranalieonnlailtl iiekth5ee USa ndth e EU. Hardatn dN egria rea lsworo ng,h ea rguesi.np icturipnrgod uc· liounn degrl obaliza115t idoins regardinnagl iofronanlt iersT,h is doesn OIa ppltyol abourn.o rt oc utting-etd«�h nology. Andt heisru bstltuolrai n oenb ulo'umsu llitfuodirede 'nt iaftble social flionrcdae nst agonistsiocci aglr oups mecroenlfuyse s politirecaalli taysd, oe st he'clurri oudse pktioornI he's uper­ rxploiThlierddW orlmdi grantw orkeras II postmodemh emw ho is changiInhge world. Boronc onclutdh�a Etm piis•rt li bertariapesns imistp roduct oft htld efeoaftt h�s ocialleiftsi ntt he1 1)805a nd1 990S .I csa uthof5 havea blUldonesdoc iatlhe ory Inf avouorf a p oetic abstraction whicrovhe rs upth er ealoiftya gl obal ization processwh osem ore cynicapoallogi stdso n OIhe llatlei np �senllngas ap roJ«tioonf American power, Criticapl rflUeforbothouk '11Ii5i51a pGWI!rful polemiicn,t hbeste RnH ofthe word, ap.inst a t'uneatly fashionablboeo kBu.t it Ia.l som ont thantba L Bt)'ond hislR nchanenpt guuentw itlbeh arpnne n15o fMa rcil and Negri, Boron offen. Ina cceuibJep rolllChis, own insightfulan d eloquent IInalyais oft oday"" globalized" worlda ndthe posaibilitioefsIts transformation. lhe fruitfulrom binadaonf theo retical ripra nd claritye,m piriaal analysisa ndpo lldcalpas sionis jlUt tIwn dki01 thingnW'eeed ont hel elL'E U./rIne iHitUW ood,a lllho,ofEmp� orCaplw 'AtillBooro n moantl a� re, butn eceauy, critidam ofth e poslllopulUt f orwabyrd H ardt andNegri , who ...h avealign ed themselva with thea nemptby IntllelJent rigbcwingel1l toneu tral· iut hepo tentiaflopo rp ularmob JUaadon onth e part omfO¥mlen tl supportive ofa dif fe rent Idnd of gJobalhation.' SamJrA m in ''nIeIi COpeo flhisl ucandi d carefuld isSft'tioonf wi delyh elbedl iefs aboutt heem erginwogrl do rdeextre ndwesl lbeyo nd lf1tti nftuential studthayt iIst iam medtairgft.a.t eBo ronstri ps away layera ftelayer r ofm lrrundentanding conc"eornilnimdgp erial ism" and itsc umnt variants. Herevi ews thpeen lstenocfte h deriv et oc onllOln atural resoun:cs, there lianocfte ra nsnationfirmasl on apowe rful home statteh,de a ngerso fa \'Oidiponlgi tieccalo nomayn,dm uche lsHee. brlnopu tc leatrlybn ee efdo "ran adequate s�iacaln oeraphyof 1Mft eldwh"e re an- emanC'lpatobrya mem" usbet wa ged IfI tii tio havt' any hope ofs uccesIsn.a c ritiqoufce o mmoni llusaiboounst contemporaryaoc iety.Bo ron Identifiaensds trelsn the significance ofs ociarlo n:cltha I have eme� anda ree np� Inth e c1usic: ItNggtes thatr onsttaaknent ewl foyrm s,b ut� f1ecmtu cthh saem e duper institutiofactnoarls a ndco nOicliInmgerests. 'nib valuable study developasn Imponanpeln pec:tive onp resenretal itieasn do n whamtu stbe donet ocar ry forwar d .,..tac h� menlJ Ine mancipa­ tionfro m Injustl�o,p prasioann,dd egradation: NOlI'" C"OIftIkJ 'Iiths i ghlya ppropria tetha t thIDOle! mnchanatn ddeva stating critoiCHq ardute a ndN egri'sm lstakrn andoo nfuse'CI notionosfa deertrltorialized andd ecenacreEdm pires boulhadve come from oneo fthe mostc rea�an d committed sodali..:i ndJctctuals inthe continentt hahatl hadt hem ost 8nt-hanedxpe rience ofth eartUaI workinllo fAm erican Impertallm.a.W riting in tratdhieti onof -and int hep rocca doingm ucht o� -1M LatinAm erican debates ond ependencyn,e o-c:olonlaandli smim perialism oflh1e9 ']01, Boron not onlcoyn fronts Haardntd N qri'sa batraL'riowinsth .� prosaic LatinAm erican contemporarymality' , but aubj«ts melt workt oa p rofou nd th�reticala ndem pirim refutatiWorint.tr n \\itohce pdonal WM ando ftenb ithiUmongur , this is abo ok that especiallydesenr es tobe rud by allth ose ac:tlviIU who, a.Bo ron aptnloyt esi nt hep refatoc thies new Engliesdhi thawi onbee,n Influenced by Hardta ndN egri's 'aevere mlatakea ofdiagn osis and interpretationwhi,ch. il8ccepbyt tMed group.and orpnlzations thattoday are tIyinglo defeaitm perialism, could become thecause ornew andl ong-lutdeifnegl tsUo. 'Ptm itchC.� EditorSOC,ia Ust RegislerC;a ruldaR �turh Chaiinr C omparrzUwPo litEicocnllomyl anDd ininpJR.eh«J. eaPrtrhrJ /rlloPorli rofi ca/Y oSrUkc niiwMC,.�., siCtya.n ada Abouct haeu thor AliIloA .Bo ron is Exec:utiw SecrWlry ofth e Latin AmericaCno uncil ofSocial Sciences( Cl.I\CSO) anProdf essor ofPo liticThale ory at the Unlftnil)'of Buenos Aires. Hewe. educ:ated In.vpn tina andC hile, before doing hdoctoirals depft at H8J\IlIJ' d int heU niteSd1ate5. Heh a.t aughattso me of them Old important academicI Rltlhl­ tioinnArgea ntina. Bra.iClh,i Mlexeico, andPu enoR icoI.nth e UnheSdt atheeshas bftn avi lillrilp rofeBSOl' att heu niversitioefs ColumbiaM,rr ,N otreDa me andU CLA,a ndin Britahiun ledUred atW uwlck and Bradforu.rtiwndi ties. Hei sth ea uthoro re ditoro r nint>ot' ok(.Ian numlworfIJI nguaps)l,n efuellnSgt aClla,pi ttlUsm tJndDDrl ocrocy in LatiAllm eric(a1 99H5is )particular. interati5 the relation�sh ip IlatHm.a rketsan d d� durin, the prOCftS ofn eo-liberaI rntructuring. 10 2004h ewa s awarded lhto Cayd el aAsmeri ca. Prize fo'r Empirr' tlrullmp�rltlIJ.m. ATILIOA . BORON Empire iamnpde rialism A critriccaadlio fnM gic haeHla rdt andA ntonNieogr i lrilnsblyJa elsnslCi acsai ro led R(){}ks ItmpllwIIf ffI,.",.,., . .... uiIKaI rWMII,.,II/ItIkAnI"..."" AIIItJItIe NrJrI" wuftnll plabl .. ..,1f Zed Boob 1Jd,7C)'ndl1l Saftt, Land ... 1f19JPU, ... ... 1Iamn4 ao, 175 PIftlI A_I!, Nl'W York, NY 10010,tIM III JOO.50 -..dbaaIaI.eo.ok eop,rIpt. iMlIIo4 ...... JOO5 TruuIUicIIl 0 JIIMio c.ina, JDDS n. rI&fd 01 "111IIanm10 ;"10 lie IdmtlIIed • the aIIdIar of ..... "rkbu beea ....... ....,. ... lecu __ with copydcIU.... Dl!lipl1OII ..... Aa, 1_. COIm IIaIpaIbp AIIdrcw (;DCbeu S« In AnIIwm IncI fuUmI BoW by ..... Smlcb, LoadoD Pdnwl ...... baand In by..Oah! ..n...bl!q PftuLld PIIaftIated III theUSA acIuIIweIJ'''' PI..,.. toWmI ...... . dMIdarI of 81 MIIdII',u.c: :."'"' ' 75fift h A-. HIW YuIt. NY 10010 AI:I IbIIDpI IftIIrII tar lhD baH .. ....a.w. rnwn tblBridIh ......... .,. UII c:u ..an.. ... ...... 110m a.a.tbI:.q ol�" AD ripD RIaftd IHII J �77 5766 cued "_!II1. �77517 ;1 Dlnp Contents AcknowledgeImvil el nts Prc£acC' It Prologuteoth e English-langueadgiet iIo n6 I Onpe rspectives,th el imoifvits li ibilibtyl iasnnpotsdd I� 3 2 Tbec onstitutioofnt beem pireI � 6 3 Markettranss.n ationa1c orporatioannsdn ational economIi4 es2 4 Alternative visionosB heem piIre 58 J The nation-ansdt attheIe s suoefs OllereiIgn7 ty3 6 111('u nsolvemdys teryo ft he multiIt ud8e7 7 Notesf oars ocioloogyfre volutiothnian",k inign ti mes ofd efeat I gB • 111epe rsistenocfie m perialisI1m 11 Epilo1gu1e1 1 BibliograIp1 h1y5 Indoexf p ropern amIe1 s30 Genemiln de11x3 6 Acknowledgements A numbeorf p eoplhea vree aadl olr p ano ft hem anu­ scripmtak,i npgo ssibthleec ompletoifot nh ibsoo k. Speciatlh ankasr ed uet oI vanBar ighenFtlio,r encia F.ngheJlo,r gFera gaS,a briGnoan zalnB,e lliInn'ya, MigudR ossJio,s Seeo aneE,m ilTiaod deain dAn drea Vlahufsotirh ce iern couragemceonmtm,l' nla5n d criticJiessm.sC iacas idrio da s uperjbo bo ft ranslating theI1I lhebra roquoeri ginaSlp aniisnht aon a ustebruet Millli veElnygt isOhf.c ourliC ,n oneo flhesmh oulbde blamefdo tr heerr orasn ds hort<.'Omionftg hseb ook, causeedn tirbye ltyh es tubbornnesosfi tasu thor. Preface Firsatl, i tbtlioetrh isto(nl)'s e.p temb1e001r, o noef t heedi tors ofN ew L�Rftt1I ;ewi nvitmeedt oc ontribuat hecap tetroa col­ lectoifeso sn ays tob ep ublibys Vheedrso i nLon donT.h eb ook wast oc ontaas ienri oercsri tical commentari esa boEumtp ;n by MichHaaerlad ntdAn t oniNoe gri( 2000t)he;i� rp on� wouJd bea ddeldal er)G ivtehnam yt c ontributinorra cheIdn ordinate proponions,i twas clethaatri tc ounlodbet incluidnte hda t bookFa.r frobme indgi scouraI�re da,l itzhedatt h weo rIkh ad alreaddoyn ceo.n sidtheerii mnpgo rtanceo ft hteh emdee,se rved a fresshta rts,oa ,ft ebrroa denisnogma en alyseesn,l argionnag fewc ommenalSd,d innewg d ataan ndew refiectitohrnees s,u lt wallt hlBbo ok. Whatis relatedin thep revious paragraphis thefe suho fh is­ lOryan dc ircumstance'[bse.r �ere alsom ore importanreasotns Ihaitn spmieredt owri temy bookFi.rst, th� was thneee d to consivdeesl)'re rioutshwlyeo rofk two schoolaftrs h ien tellectual cablrei ofM ichHaaerldat n dAn tonNiegroi Th.e iIrn �lIectual and polittirl.a'8je1c tosori ebsro,a da npdro lic,fle s�dalliyn t hcea se ofth el atmtaekrte,h edme servoifrn egs pectan df otrh atre ason 1 t'lUlminevde l)'ca refullthyea ssentihoeynm sa dthero ughout Empi0n po,l emict hahta ds uchs taro npugb ilcim pacts.e cond, Ihse ubjmeacttetr oftbhooiksi s greoafti mportanceth:e e mpire, ort,o u saed efinititohna stee mst om e more appropriatteh,e imperia litssyst em in itscu rrentp hase. Thd�i fficuilnuti nedsC' rtaksuicnha gtask are many. Is ha� the authcorrist'vi icewoa rcla pitaalnisdnm e oligMlraolb alization, , "1"Iw book aaft�rr. rol\5i�Rblt drily. in 100fiJ nwiathlou t thr rhllprrran dby Ne griH.aSeor r dBalatk ri.bnan (1003).

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