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The federal dredge permitting process and its effect on ports of the Gulf Coast region : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Represent

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf
·152 Pages
·4.6 MB

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Global warming : hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Power
·122 Pages
·4.2 MB

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Beaches Environmental Assessment, Closure, and Health Act of 1993 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf; joint with Subcommittee on Environment and Natural Resources of the Committee on Merchant

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico, and the Outer Continental Shelf
·206 Pages
·5.5 MB

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Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers

Committee on Networked Systems of Embedded Computers
·235 Pages
·4.85 MB

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Should Taiwan be admitted to the United Nations? : joint hearing before the Subcommittees on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights and Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights
·142 Pages
·4.4 MB

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Fair trade in financial services : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Development, Finance, Trade, and Monetary Policy of the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first sessi

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs. Subcommittee on International Development, Finance, Trade, and Monetary Policy
·66 Pages
·1.8 MB

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Clinical laboratories : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, first session ..

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
·96 Pages
·3.5 MB

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Insight on Coinage: Editorial Number 21

Institute for Applied Numismatics and Research
·8 Pages
·0.46 MB

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Insight on Coinage: Editorial Number 26

Institute for Applied Numismatics and Research
·8 Pages
·0.5 MB

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Organizational meeting : meeting of the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress, One Hundred Third Congress, first session

United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress
·30 Pages
·0.77 MB

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Stemming the plutonium tide : limiting the accumulation of excess weapon-usable nuclear materials : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Repr

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on International Security, International Organizations, and Human Rights
·148 Pages
·7.7 MB

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