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Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: 23rd International Symposium, IFL 2011, Lawrence, KS, USA, October 3-5, 2011, Revised Selected Papers

Arie Middelkoop, Alexander B. Elyasov (auth.), Andy Gill, Jurriaan Hage (eds.)
·188 Pages
·2.925 MB

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Heat treating : proceedings of the 23rd Heat Treating Society Conference, September 25-28, 2005, David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Daniel Herring; Robert Hill; ASM Heat Treating Society. Conference and Exposition; ASM International.; ASM Heat Treating Society
·387 Pages
·35.502 MB

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James C. Grotta MD, Gregory W Albers MD, Joseph P Broderick MD, Scott E Kasner MD MSCE FRCP, Eng H Lo PhD, A David Mendelow MB BCh FRCS PhD, Ralph L Sacco MD MS FAHA FAAN, Lawrence KS Wong MD FRC

James C. Grotta MD, Gregory W Albers MD, Joseph P Broderick MD, Scott E Kasner MD MSCE FRCP, Eng H Lo PhD, A David Mendelow MB BCh FRCS PhD, Ralph L Sacco MD MS FAHA FAAN, Lawrence KS Wong MD FRC (Merged) copy.pdf
·105.0258 MB

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哈特的一生-噩梦与美梦(A Life of H. L. A. Hart: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream)

[英] 妮古拉·莱西, 谌洪果
·422 Pages
·47.8957 MB

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Fundación de la Muy Noble Leal y Fidelísima Gran Ciudad del Cuzco, Cabeza de estos Reynos del Perú. Fundación de la Capital del Cuzco, extractada de un libro de su Ayuntamiento [1534]

Hernando de Soto, Beltrán de Castro, Pedro de Candia, Gregorio Pizarro, Pedro del Barco, Juan de Valdivieso, Gonzalo de Nidos, Diego de Bazán, Diego de Narváez, Sancho Ortiz de Orué
·28 Pages
·12.333 MB

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周野鹿鸣:宝鸡石鼓山西周贵族墓出土青铜器; Noble Life of the Zhou: Bronzes Unearthed from the Cemetery of the Western Zhou Aristocrats at Shigushan of Baoji

陕西省考古研究院; 宝鸡市文物旅游局; 上海博物馆; Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology; Baoji Municipal Administration of Cultural Relics and Tourism; Shanghai Museum
·289 Pages
·106.11 MB

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