Top 1200 jennifer marx auth PDF Book Page 50

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Between Marx and Coca-Cola: Youth Cultures in Changing European Societies, 1960-1980

Axel Schildt, Detlef Siegfried
·432 Pages
·1.822 MB

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Schön wie der Tod. Der vierte Fall für Anna Marx

Christine Grän [Grän, Christine]
·0.2209 MB

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Karl Marx, Historian of Social Times and Spaces (Historical Materialism Book, 238)

George García-Quesada, University of Costa Rica
·200 Pages
·0.75 MB

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Marx, Engels y la Revolución de 1848

Fernando Claudín
·376 Pages
·2.676 MB

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Trade Union Theory from Marx to Walesa

John A. Moses
·265 Pages
·5.615 MB

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Karl Marx: The Essential Writings--second Edition

Frederic L Bender
·543 Pages
·16.882 MB

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Revolucao e Democracia Em Marx e Engels

Jacques Texier
·51 Pages
·1.706 MB

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Karl Marx: The Story of His Life

Franz Mehring, Edward Fitzgerald (Trans.), Max Shachtman (Intro.)
·605 Pages
·12.436 MB

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Movimento e Pensamento Operários Antes de Marx

Osvaldo Coggiola
·34 Pages
·21.173 MB

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Lezioni sul capitolo sesto inedito di Marx

Claudio Napoleoni
·93 Pages
·17.476 MB

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The Political Economy of Marx (2nd Edition)

M. C. Howard, J. E. King
·274 Pages
·3.354 MB

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The Philosophy of Art of Karl Marx

Mikhail Lifshitz
·120 Pages
·6.774 MB

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Jesus and Marx: From Gospel to Ideology

Jacques Ellul
·0.162 MB

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La Ecología de Marx : materialismo y naturaleza

John Bellamy Foster
·223 Pages
·5.451 MB

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Genesi e struttura del "Capitale" di Marx

Rosdolsky Roman
·670 Pages
·21.12 MB

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Marx e le radici sataniche del comunismo

Richard Wurmbrand
·0.831 MB

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