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Matthews 0000 Review of Pulliam and Fonseca eds 2014 Encyclopedia of the Zombie

The Walking Dead in Popular Culture & Myth
·0.1327 MB

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Abhandlungen über jene Grundsätze der Mechanik, die Integrale der Differentialgleichungen liefern von Isaac Newton (1687), Daniel Bernoulli (1745) und (1748) und Patrick d'Arcy (1747)

Isaac Newton, Daniel Bernoulli, Patricj d'Arcy, Arthur von Oettingen (transl.), Philip Edward Bertrand Jourdain (ed.)
·111 Pages
·2.564 MB

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Window of the Soul: The Kabbalah of Rabbi Isaac Luria

James David Dunn & Nathan Snyder & Rabbi Ernesto Yattah [Dunn, James David & Snyder, Nathan & Yattah, Rabbi Ernesto]
·0.3178 MB

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Further progress in analysis: Proceedings of the 6th int. ISAAC Congress, Turkey,2007

H. G. W. Begehr, A. Okay Celebi, R. P. Gilbert, H. T. Kaptanoglu
·877 Pages
·5.035 MB

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AHP 6: Book Review: Review of Hartley, L and P Schiaffini-Vedani (eds) Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change

Thurston, Timothy. 2010. Review of Hartley, L and P Schiaffini-Vedani (eds) Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change. Asian Highlands Perspectives 6:297-301.
·0.29 MB

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Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress: Volume 2: This project has been executed with Grant No. 11–56 from the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970)

Mitsuo Morimoto, Masanori Suwa (auth.), Heinrich G. W. Begehr, Robert P. Gilbert, Joji Kajiwara (eds.)
·792 Pages
·33.268 MB

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