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Interpreting and Living God's Law at Qumran: Miqṣat Ma῾aśe Ha-Torah, Some of the Works of the Torah (4QMMT)

Reinhard Gregor Kratz (editor), Eibert Tigchelaaar (editor), Noam Mizrahi (editor), Jonathan Ben-Dov (editor), Charlotte Hempel (editor), Vered Noam (editor), John J. Collins (editor), Lutz Doering (editor), Jörg Frey (editor)
·263 Pages
·2.068 MB

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Strangers in the land : the Judeo-Arabic exegesis of Tanhum ha-Yerushalmi on the books of Ruth and Esther

Wechsler, Michael G.; Tanhum ben Joseph haYerushalmi
·480 Pages
·8.789 MB

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