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Teaching Through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry

Jenny Strauss Clay; Athanassios Vergados
·388 Pages
·2.059 MB

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Commento alla Repubblica di Platone. Testo greco a fronte

Proclo, Michele Abbate (editor)
·600 Pages
·7.852 MB

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SINOPSIS DE LOS CUATRO EVANGELIOS. Edición bilingüe greco-española

Kurt Aland, Antonio Vargas-Machuca
·595 Pages
·980.534 MB

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Porfirio - Storia della filosofia - Testo greco-arabo a fronte

Porfirio, A. R. Sodano
·186 Pages
·4.408 MB

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Commentario alla «Metafisica» di Aristotele. Testo greco a fronte

Alessandro di Afrodisia, Giancarlo Movia (editor)
·2653 Pages
·90.036 MB

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Città sepolte e rovine nel mondo greco e romano

Massimiliano Papini
·284 Pages
·28.163 MB

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Dediche sacre nel mondo greco-romano. Diffusione, funzioni, tipologie

J. Bodel, M. Kajava
·426 Pages
·3.779 MB

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Il problema della vita contemplativa nel mondo greco-romano

Alberto Grilli
·363 Pages
·19.941 MB

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The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World

Walter Scheidel, Ian Morris, Richard P. Saller
·935 Pages
·6.133 MB

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Eschilo, Sofocle, Euripide: Drammi satireschi. Testo greco a fronte

O. Pozzoli (editor)
·341 Pages
·7.231 MB

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The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World

Jeffrey Beneker; Georgia Tsouvala
·297 Pages
·6.441 MB

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170 - Ne soldez pas grande mère elle brosse encore (1997)

San-Antonio (d.i. Frédéric Dard)
·0.2048 MB

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La Terre chauffe-t-elle ? : le climat de la Terre en question

Gérard Lambert
·225 Pages
·8.365 MB

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S'il interdit à son épouse d'accomplir le pèlerinage obligatoire, que doit-elle faire? - Chaykh Sâlah Fawzân al-Fawzân

Hajj, 'Omra et visite de la mosquée du Prophète ﷺ - La maison de l'islam
·0.18 MB

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