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Hegel and scepticism : on Klaus Vieweg's interpretation

Jannis Kozatsas (editor)
·234 Pages
·1.186 MB

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Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618–1680): A Philosopher in her Historical Context

Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Sarah Hutton
·221 Pages
·4.329 MB

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Elisabeth ou Dieu seul le sait

Didier Decoin
·2.3661 MB

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Sophie Elisabeth - Die Freiheit im Herzen

Ross, Christopher
·0.2876 MB

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Sophie Elisabeth - Die Gesandte des Zaren

Ross, Christopher
·0.2888 MB

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Algebraic and Complex Geometry: In Honour of Klaus Hulek's 60th Birthday

Anne Frühbis-Krüger, Remke Nanne Kloosterman, Matthias Schütt
·324 Pages
·2.654 MB

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Komissar a. D. Klaus Schöne: Aktenzeichen 2609

Fritz-Stefan Valtner [Valtner, Fritz-Stefan]
·0.7002 MB

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Perspectives on Operations Research: Essays in Honor of Klaus Neumann

Martin Morlock, Christoph Schwindt, Jürgen Zimmermann, Norbert Trautmann (auth.), Martin Morlock, Christoph Schwindt, Norbert Trautmann, Jürgen Zimmermann (eds.)
·441 Pages
·5.241 MB

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The European Social Model under Pressure: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon

Romana Careja, Patrick Emmenegger, Nathalie Giger
·624 Pages
·24.553 MB

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