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Toward a Science Campus in Milan: A Snapshot of Current Research at the Physics Department Aldo Pontremoli

Pier Francesco Bortignon, Giuseppe Lodato, Emanuela Meroni, Matteo G.A. Paris, Laura Perini, Alessandro Vicini
·313 Pages
·13.263 MB

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The Slovak Poet Milan Rufus: And That's the Truth! (Student Notebooks) (Slovak Edition)

Ewald Osers, David L. Cooper, James Sutherland-Smith, Viera Sutherland-Smith
·161 Pages
·1.483 MB

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New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and Applications: I-CELMECH Training School, Milan, Italy, February 3–7, 2020

Giulio Baù, Sara Di Ruzza, Rocío Isabel Páez, Tiziano Penati, Marco Sansottera
·306 Pages
·8.857 MB

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The Viper of Milan: A Romance of Lombardy by Marjorie Bowen

Bowen, Marjorie, 1888-1952
·0.33 MB

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Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: Third International Conference, Living Machines 2014, Milan, Italy, July 30 – August 1, 2014. Proceedings

Anna Mura, Armin Duff, Nathan F. Lepora, Tony J. Prescott, Paul F. M. J. Verschure (eds.)
·471 Pages
·44.16 MB

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Business Process Management: 6th International Conference, BPM 2008, Milan, Italy, September 2-4, 2008. Proceedings

Paul Harmon (auth.), Marlon Dumas, Manfred Reichert, Ming-Chien Shan (eds.)
·410 Pages
·10.081 MB

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Flexible Query Answering Systems: 7th International Conference, FQAS 2006, Milan, Italy, June 7-10, 2006 Proceedings

Jef Wijsen (auth.), Henrik Legind Larsen, Gabriella Pasi, Daniel Ortiz-Arroyo, Troels Andreasen, Henning Christiansen (eds.)
·729 Pages
·12.123 MB

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Saving Courtney

·0.4963 MB

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