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Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools : Essays Dedicated to Kim Guldstrand Larsen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday

Aceto, Luca; Bacci, Giorgio; Bacci, Giovanni; Ingólfsdóttir, Anna; Legay, Axel; Mardare, Radu
·666 Pages
·22.98 MB

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Letters to Catherine E. Beecher, in reply to an essay on slavery and

Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879
·0.14 MB

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Foundations of Security, Protocols, and Equational Reasoning: Essays Dedicated to Catherine A. Meadows

Joshua D. Guttman, Carl E. Landwehr, José Meseguer, Dusko Pavlovic
·17.745 MB

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