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A New Dimension to Quantum Chemistry: Analytic Derivative Methods in Ab Initio Molecular Electronic Structure Theory

Yukio Yamaguchi, John D. Goddard, Yoshihiro Osamura, Henry Schaefer
·489 Pages
·11.915 MB

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Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 11th International Conference, ACNS 2013, Banff, AB, Canada, June 25-28, 2013. Proceedings

Mohammad Etemad, Alptekin Küpçü (auth.), Michael Jacobson, Michael Locasto, Payman Mohassel, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini (eds.)
·584 Pages
·9.995 MB

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Todo lo que querías saber pero no te atrevías preguntar: Religiones, sectas y creencias populares

Jessica Tinklenberg deVega, Christine Ortega Gaurkee
·2.911 MB

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eli bo M fo no it ul ov E lu ah kc aB

Árpád Drozdy
·132 Pages
·3.13 MB

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Nur Natur. Ein Werk- und Aktionsbuch für alle fünf Sinne. ( Ab 8 J.)

Monika Harand-Krumbach
·101 Pages
·52.373 MB

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Einführung in die Programmiersprache PASCAL: Skriptum für Hörer aller Fachrichtungen ab 1. Semester

Karl-Heinz Becker, Günther Lamprecht (auth.)
·168 Pages
·4.716 MB

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