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Representation Theory of Algebras (ICRA VII, Cocoyoc, Mexico, August 22-26, 1994)

Raymundo Bautista, Roberto Martinez-Villa, Jose Antonio de la Pena, eds.
·748 Pages
·7.288 MB

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Boundary-Layer Separation: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium London, August 26–28, 1986

Bengt Fornberg (auth.), Prof. Frank T. Smith, Prof. Susan N. Brown (eds.)
·402 Pages
·10.791 MB

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Motivic homotopy theory: lectures at a summer school in Nordfjordeid, Norway, August 2002

Bjorn Ian Dundas, Marc Levine, P.A. Østvær, Oliver Röndigs, Vladimir Voevodsky, Björn Jahren
·226 Pages
·2.443 MB

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Agreement Technologies: Second International Conference, AT 2013, Beijing, China, August 1-2, 2013. Proceedings

Munindar P. Singh (auth.), Carlos Iván Chesñevar, Eva Onaindia, Sascha Ossowski, George Vouros (eds.)
·250 Pages
·7.188 MB

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The Secret, Who-so-ever WILL, 1942, May-August

Hattie Hammond [Hammond, Hattie]
·0.3881 MB

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NAVY MEDICINE Vol. 89, No. 4 July-August 1998

U.S. Navy. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
·32 Pages
·9.4 MB

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August Halm : a Critical and Creative Life in Music

Rothfarb, Lee A.
·320 Pages
·2.42 MB

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