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Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control

G. Marmo, David Martín de Diego, Miguel Muñoz Lecanda
·388 Pages
·5.573 MB

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Adams and McCoy eds (1970) Laos. War and Revolution

Nina S. Adams and Alfred W. McCoy
·509 Pages
·16.602 MB

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US (DC) vs Jose Del Carmen Alberto Garay

U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and the National Whistleblowers Center
·0.03 MB

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Cohen, Gutkind and Brazier eds (1979) Peasants and Proletarians

Ronin Cohen, Peter C.W. Gutkind and Phyllis Brazier
·506 Pages
·77.81 MB

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Chaudhuri and Strobel eds 1992 Western Women and Imperialism

Complicity & Resistance
·6.6041 MB

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Bollywood and Globalization: Indian Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora (eds.)

Rini Bhattacharya Mehta, Rajeshwari V. Pandharipande
·211 Pages
·1.045 MB

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