Top 1200 1904 1985 PDF Book Page 49

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Neurobiology of Vertebrate Locomotion: Proceedings of an International Symposium held at The Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, June 17th – 19th, 1985

Sten Grillner, Paul S. G. Stein, Douglas G. Stuart, Hans Forssberg, Richard M. Herman (eds.)
·719 Pages
·65.731 MB

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Biological Control of Photosynthesis: Proceedings of a conference held at the ‘Limburgs Universitair Centrum’, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 26–30 August 1985

M. N. Sivak, D. A. Walker (auth.), R. Marcelle, H. Clijsters, M. van Poucke (eds.)
·271 Pages
·9.266 MB

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Theory of Heavy Fermions and Valence Fluctuations: Proceedings of the Eighth Taniguchi Symposium, Shima Kanko, Japan, April 10–13, 1985

T. Kasuya (auth.), Professor Tadao Kasuya, Dr. Tetsuro Saso (eds.)
·296 Pages
·6.198 MB

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Electronic Properties of Polymers and Related Compounds: Proceedings of an International Winter School, Kirchberg, Tirol, February 23 – March 1, 1985

S. Roth (auth.), Professor Dr. Hans Kuzmany, Professor Dr. Michael Mehring, Dr. Siegmar Roth (eds.)
·361 Pages
·7.942 MB

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Rheumatismus und Bindegewebe: Symposion anläßlich der Delegiertenversammlung der Europäischen Liga gegen den Rheumatismus, Baden-Baden vom 3. bis 5. Oktober 1985

Prof. Dr. Fritz Lipmann (auth.), Prof. Dr. W. H. Hauss, Prof. Dr. U. Gerlach (eds.)
·168 Pages
·6.246 MB

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Number Theory: A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1985–88

Daniel Bump, Jeffrey Hoffstein (auth.), David V. Chudnovsky, Gregory V. Chudnovsky, Harvey Cohn, Melvyn B. Nathanson (eds.)
·256 Pages
·9.929 MB

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Pain: A Medical and Anthropological Challenge Proceedings of the First Convention of the Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica Bonn, September 25–28, 1985

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. h.c. Hans Werner Pia (auth.), Prof. Dr. Jean Brihaye, Prof. Dr. Fritz Loew, H. W. Pia (eds.)
·203 Pages
·12.233 MB

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Geschichte und Kritik der Psychoanalyse: Bericht von der 3. internationalen Ferienuniversität Kritische Psychologie, 25. Februar bis 2. März 1985 in Innsbruck

Karl-Heinz Braun / Ole Dreier / Walter Hollitscher / Klaus Holzkamp / Morus Markard / Gabi Minz / Konstanze Wetzel
·188 Pages
·4.64 MB

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Nonlinear Optics: Materials and Devices: Proceedings of the International School of Materials Science and Technology, Erice, Sicily, July 1–14, 1985

H. A. Haus (auth.), Professor Christos Flytzanis, Dr. Jean Louis Oudar (eds.)
·259 Pages
·7.483 MB

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