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In memoriam Karl Heinrich Bauer: Feier aus Anlaß des 100. Geburtstages 26. September 1990

Professor Volker Sellin (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Fritz Linder (eds.)
·71 Pages
·1.811 MB

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GWAI-90 14th German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence: Eringerfeld, 10.–14. September 1990 Proceedings

Fabian Glasen (auth.), Heinz Marburger (eds.)
·341 Pages
·12.092 MB

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Nahost Jahrbuch 1990: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Nordafrika und dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten

Thomas Koszinowski, Hanspeter Mattes (auth.), Thomas Koszinowski, Hanspeter Mattes (eds.)
·236 Pages
·17.302 MB

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C’était la PJ. Le temps béni des flics, 1960-1990

Frédéric Ploquin [Ploquin, Frédéric]
·2.262 MB

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Нетрадиционные религии в Бурятии (1990-е - 2000-е годы) : монография

Е. Б. Баторова, С. З. Ахмадулина ; Науч. ред. Ю. А. Серябрякова
·97 Pages
·1.201 MB

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Por el camino del Che. Las guerrillas latinoamericanas 1959-1990

Pablo A. Pozzi (ed.), Claudio Pérez (ed.)
·484 Pages
·15.089 MB

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Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 1990-2017

ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: CENTRE FOR TAX POLICY AND.; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Centre for Tax Policy and Administration
·295 Pages
·4.373 MB

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Designer's guide to EN 1990 : eurocode: basis of structural design

Gulvanessian, H.; Calgaro, Jean-Armand; Holický, Milan
·235 Pages
·3.503 MB

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