How to Cite a Pdf File? Top Full Guide 2022 - PDFDrive - PDF Drive is search and download PDF files free!

Referencing a PDF file is different than referencing a regular source, such as a book or website. PDF files can be changed or updated without notice, and they do not always contain accurate information. When citing a PDF file, you need to include the author, title, date of publication, and URL.

These are all needed when citing a book, but they are not always necessary when referencing an article. Keep reading this article; Pdfdrive will show you How to Cite a Pdf File?

How to Cite the Pdf File Things to Keep in Mind

Things to Keep in Mind

Before we get into the examples, there are some things you should keep in mind about each section of the references.

Information for Authors:

The author is written differently depending on the number of authors and whether you are listing them in the in-text reference or citation.

This is the authoring formatting for in-text citations (section 8.17 of The Publication Manual).

  • One author = Last Name
  • Two authors = 1st Last name & 2nd last name
  • Three or more authors = 1st Last Name et al.
  • Group or Organization = Full Name of the Group.

This is the authoring formatting for the reference page (section 9.8 of the Publication Manual):

  • One author = 1st Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial
  • Two authors = First Last Name, Second Initial. Middle Initial., and 2nd Last Name. Middle Initial.
  • Three to twenty authors = First Last Name. Initials. Second Last Name. Initials. Third Last Name. Initials. Fourth Last Name. Initials.
  • List the 20 author names. The last name is preceded by an ampersand (&).
  • Entire group/organization = Full Name of the Group
  • Two groups or organizations = 1st group name & 2nd group name

If the title is not listed as an author, you can place it in the author’s spot.

Write it in the original author’s place if a group writes it.

This information illustrates how authors are structured in ALL sources, including APA books citations.


Some sources only display (Year), while others show (Year Month or Season), while some show the entire date indicated as (Year Month Day). To learn how to style dates, look at the APA citation article examples in the bottom section.


The titles for APA citation articles must be written in capital letters at three points only.

  • The title’s first letter
  • The subtitle’s first letter
  • Any proper noun’s first letter


Block vote for Congress by new members: No legislation change.

The titles of sources (Names for newspapers, journals and magazines) are written in capital letters at the beginning of any meaningful words on a reference page or in an annotated bibliography. They are often italicized.


The Philadelphia Inquirer

Extra Information:

Some APA citation articles provide additional information about the medium. To see more details, scroll down to the APA PDF citation section.

Page numbers:

APA 7 uses page numbers in a few different ways depending on the source material.

Sites don’t usually have page numbers, so that they can be omitted.

Periodicals such as newspapers, magazines, and newsletters require the page range in the reference entry. These are listed after the title of the journal, along with the volume number and issue number.

Direct Quotations need page number citations whenever they are in the text. For a single page, use the abbreviation “p” and “pp” for multiple carriers.

You can separate the page numbers using a dash and then place them in the citation alongside the author’s name. (Jacobs 2010, pp. 231-234).

Newspaper Stories contain a page number as well as a section. Example: B2-B3.

Add a comma to separate pages if the newspaper story is being continued. Example: B2, B14.

Volume and Issue Numbers:

If the issue number and volume number are clearly stated in the source material, the reference entry should include them. If volume numbers or issue numbers are not available, the page range should be included.

Website addresses and DOIs

Include the source URL if it is on a website at the end with no period.

Use the DOI number instead of the website address if the source has one. Publishers create DOI numbers and link them to ahead.

A DOI number is often included in an APA citation for a journal article. Take a look at these examples to see how DOIs should be formatted.

It’s a quick reminder that you can use the automatic generator and scan the grammar pages. You can easily create your APA article citation by brushing up on your interjection, pronoun, and adjective skills. It sounds great! It’s worth a try!

Citing a PDF in MLA, APA & Chicago Style

Citing a PDF in MLA, APA & Chicago Style

You will need to cite Google PDFs on works cited, bibliography, and references pages. Don’t worry! A PDF is a book or article that has been converted into a PDF.

It is easy to set up the citation for your works cited, bibliography or references in a PDF. You already know the basics of this.

These are the essential elements that you should include in any situation.

  • Name(s) of the author
  • Title of the work
  • Date of the work
  • Creator
  • URL or DOI
  • Medium (optional)

These elements can be used for any style of citation. MLA 8th Edition now uses a container system to help you cite PDFs in MLA style.

This allows for flexibility and nine core elements. Depending on your topic, you might also need to know the way to cite a PDF using APA or Chicago style.

Please take a look at these examples to see how it’s done.

Cite a PDF in MLA 8 Example

An MLA PDF does not require a PDF ID. MLA 8 does not require an access date for updated articles. If it is helpful to the reader, you may include it. This is a typical MLA PDF citation:

Murphy, John A. How to Cite The Bible. Messiah College, 2011,

Cite a PDF in Chicago/Turabian Example

Citing in Chicago style or Turabian style requires that you add the PDF identifier to the title of the document or book. Chicago style also requires that you add for DOIs.

Reilly, Dan. Relationships. PDF file. September 25, 2017.

Cite a PDF With Multiple Authors

Multiple authors? No problem. You can have your first section set up by them. The number of authors will determine how unique your team is. Take a look at Chicago, APA, and MLA examples to ensure you are correctly formatting your authors for your PDF citation entry.

MLA PDF Citation Example

MLA is similar in style to Turabian and Chicago for multiple authors. The MLA format puts the word “and” after the last author in the list. You’ll need to add “et al.” if there are more than three authors. The end. Chicago/Turabian does it the same.

Charles, Carl A., Barry Jackson are the authors.

Three or more authors: Charles, Carl A. et al.

Example of APA Style PDF Citation

If there are less than nineteen authors, include them with an ampersand (&) before the last author.

Doe, J. B. B. B.

You list the first nineteen PDFs authors with more than twenty authors using an ellipsis.

Ann, A. B., Bam C. D., Verry, L. L., Harry, A. A., Stan, J. A., Thomas, S. T., White, T. S., Brown, S. R, Lary, B. A., Ann, A. B., Bam C. D., Verry, L. L., Harry, A. A., Stan, J. A., Thomas, S. T., White, T. S., Brown, S. R, Lary, B. A., Johnson, T. R., . . . Roberts, L. H.

No Author PDF Citation Examples

No Author PDF Citation Examples

Cite a Pdf if You Cannot Find the Publisher


Sometimes it can be challenging to find the publisher of a PDF. Or there might be confusion if the author and publisher are different. You can leave any publisher information out of your APA format works cited citation in these cases.

In-text citations will be formatted the same way as any other APA intext citation (Author Lastname, Year).

In-text citation example:

(Naylor, 1896)

Example of a reference list entry:

Naylor, E. W. (1896). Shakespeare and music [PDF]. and Music


If you cannot locate the original publisher of PDFs, please leave this information out of your MLA format Works-cited Citation.

The in-text reference will be formatted like an MLA in-text citation (Author last Name Page).

In-text citation example:

(Naylor 6)

Example of a Works-cited-list entry:

Naylor, Edward. Shakespeare and Music 1896. Scribd. PDF download

Cite a PDF if You Can’t Find the Author


You can find the author of a PDF by putting the source’s title in the works-cited reference. Then, add the year of publication. To alphabetize your bibliography, use the first letter in the title just like you would for an author’s name.

In-text citations of PDFs without an author are possible by using the title of the PDF and the year of publication. The title should not exceed 3-5 words.

In-text citation example:

(Shakespeare’s Language, 2009)

Example of a reference list entry:

Shakespeare’s Language [PDF]. (2009). Zanichelli.


For a complete works-cited PDF PDF, the author must be identified. If this happens, start the citation by the title. If the author’s information cannot be found, you can omit it.

In-text citations should include the title of the PDF and the page number where the quote was taken. Use only the first noun if the title is lengthy. In the in-text reference, italicize your title.

In-text citation example:

(Shakespeare’s Language 6).

Example of a Works-cited-list entry:

Shakespeare’s Language. Zanichelli, 2009. Scribd. PDF download.

Before you submit your paper, make sure to use our plagiarism checker. Our plagiarism checker scans your document for accidental plagiarism and also checks grammar! Give our super-helpful checker a try, and stop asking yourself if every preposition, determiner or adverb is where it belongs.

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How to Cite a Pdf File? Conclusion

There are a few different ways to cite a PDF file, depending on what type of information you are trying to include. If you have a direct quote from the PDF, you must include the page number in your citation. If you want to include a more extended summary of the PDF information, you can have an optional note about the PDF.