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Author:K. LangGünther RienäckerHans-Georg Jerschkewitz (auth.)A. BruklO. ErbacherA. FaesslerW. HerrG. Rienäcker (eds.)H.-G. Jerschkewitƶ
Release year:1956
File size:23.98 MB
Number of page:466
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Similar Elemente der dritten Hauptgruppe Teil II und der dritten Nebengruppe: Gallium · Indium · Thallium · Scandium yttrium · Elemente der Seltenen Erden (Lanthan-Cassiopeium) · Actinium und Mesothor 2 Actinium und Isotope

Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.