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Time-Reversal Phase Transition at the Edge of 3d Topological Band Insulator Cenke Xu1 1Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 (Dated: January 19, 2010) We study the time reversal (T) symmetry breaking of 2d helical fermi liquid, with application totheedge states of 3d topological band insulators with only one two-component Dirac fermion at finite chemical potential, as well as other systems with spin-orbit coupling. The T-breaking Ising orderparameterisnotover-dampedandthetheoryisdifferentfromtheordinaryHertz-Millistheory for order parameters at zero momentum. We argue that the T-breaking phase transition is an 3d 0 Ising transition, and thequasiparticles are well-defined in thequantum critical regime. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 2 n Time reversal (T) symmetry is the key to guarantee couples to the Dirac fermions as a J the stability of both 2d and 3d topological insulators (TBI) [1–4], therefore it is meaningful to study the T- L = Lf +Lb+Lbf, 9 1 symmetry breaking in these systems. Because the bulk L = (∂ φ)2− v2(∂ φ)2−rφ2−uφ4, of TBI is always an insulator, the T-breaking transition b t b i el] osynmlyminetvroilcvpeshatshee,aedngdethsteastpese,ctwruhmichopaernesguapplaesgsaipnwahTen- Lbf = gφψ¯ψ. iX=x,y (2) - r T is broken. The simplest version of 3d TBI has only ψ¯ψ order breaks T, and drives the edge to a quantum t s one two-component Dirac fermion at the edge, which Hall phase. Identifying the leading spin order instability t. can be perfectly realized in materials based on Bi2Se3 requires detailed knowledge of the fermion interaction, a m and Bi2Te3 [5–8]. The time reversal symmetry can ei- hence we focus on the universal physics at the quantum ther be brokenexplicitly by magnetic impurities, or bro- critical point, assuming the existence of the phase tran- - d ken spontaneously by strong enough interactions. The sition. In the current work we only discuss the discrete n effects ofmagnetic impurities andquencheddisorderson symmetry breaking,the transition with continuous sym- o the edge states of 2d and 3d TBI has been discussed in metrybreakingwillbestudiedinanotherpaper[15]. The c Ref. [9, 10] and Ref. [11] respectively. Spontaneous Lagrangian Eq. 2 can also describe the phase transition [ T-breakingphase transitionis mostrelevantto the tran- of magnetic impurities doped into the system, and the 5 sitionmetalversionofthe3dTBIwithinterplaybetween order parameter φ stands for the global magnetization v spin-orbit coupling and strong interaction [12], and it is of the magnetic impurities. The uφ4 term represents ei- 7 the goal of the current paper. 4 thertheself-interactionbetweenthemagneticimpurities, 1 Without loss of generality, the edge state of 3d TBI or the higher order spin-spin interactions between heli- 2 is described by the following time-reversal invariant La- cal fermions. In this paper we assume u > 0 and large . grangian [3, 13]: 8 enough to ensure a second order transition. 90 Lf =ψ¯(γ0(i∂t−µ)+vfiγj∂j)ψ. (1) beLcoemt eusstfihrestHitgagkse-Yµuk=aw0a minodEeql,. w2h,icnhowis btheilsievmedodteol 0 γ0 = σz, γ1 = iσx, γ2 = iσy, ψ¯ = ψ†γ0. v is the be equivalent to the Gross-Neveu model [16, 17] L = : f v fermi velocity at the Dirac point, µ is the chemical po- iψ¯γ ∂ ψ −γ(ψ¯ψ)2, at least when v = v . The tran- µ µ f b i X tential. The Pauli matrices in Eq. 1 represent the pseu- sition of φ is not 3d Ising transition because the cou- dospin, which is a combination between real spin space pling g is relevant at the 3d Ising fixed point, based r a and orbital space. For conciseness we will call σa the on the well-known scaling dimensions [ψ] = 1/2, and spin hereafter. The spin σa of the electrons are per- [φ]=(d−1)/2+η/2=0.518 at the 3d Ising fixed point pendicular with their momenta. This helical spin align- [18]. IfthereareN flavorsofDiracfermions,Thecritical ment has been successfully observed in a recent ARPES exponentsofthistransitionwithlargeN havebeencalcu- measurement [14]. The T-symmetry guarantees that in latedby means of 1/N and ǫ=4−d expansions[19–22], the Lagrangian the Dirac mass gap ψ¯ψ does not appear andasecondordertransitionwithnon-Isinguniversality explicitly, although a mass generation can occur when class was found. In our current case with N = 1, there the T-symmetry is spontaneously broken. The Dirac is no obvious small parameter to expand, we conjecture gap is simply the z−spin magnetization, hence the gap that the transition is still second order, with different can be spontaneously generated with strong enough fer- universality class from the 3d Ising transition. romagnetic interaction between z−component of spins: Let us now turn on a finite chemical potential µ, but −(ψ¯ψ)r′V~r,~r′(ψ¯ψ)~r′. To describe this T-breaking transi- stillmakeµmuchsmallerthantheband-width2Λofthe tion, we can define an Ising order parameter φ, which edge states. Now the edge states become a helical fermi 2 S q q (−k , 0) (+k , 0) S f f a b 0 a b FIG.1: ThefermisurfaceofDiracfermions,withfinitechem- ical potential. a, when we translate the fermi surface with a small momentum ~q, at the intersection the spins are almost c d parallel; b,the two patchesof fermi surface Eq. 6 describes. liquid, with spins aligned parallel with its fermi surface. Thetuningparameterr inEq. 2willberenormalizedby the static and uniform susceptibility of σz of the helical e f fermi liquid ∆rφ2 =Re[χ(0,0)]φ2 ∼g2(µ−Λ)φ2. (3) FIG. 2: The one-loop Feynman diagrams for boson, fermion self-energy, vertex correction, and φn term generated with Therefore the phase transition of φ can be driven by fermion loop. The dashed line and solid line represent the φ propagator and fermion propagator respectively. tuning the chemical potential µ. Also, it is straightfor- ward though a little tedious to check that the momen- tum andfrequency dependence ofRe[χ] arenonsingular: parallel the matrix element of σz vanishes. Mathemati- Re[χ(ω,q)]∼c0−c1ω2−c2q2+···. cally this intuition is manifested as |hk|ψ¯kψk+q|k+qi|2 As the ordinary Hert-Millis theory [23] of quantum vanishesasq2inthelimitofq →0. Thereforeinthiscase phase transition inside fermi liquid, the singular correc- φ is not overdamped at low momentum and frequency. tiontotheeffectiveLagrangianoforderparametercomes If we ignore the self-interaction between φ, and take fromtheimaginarypartofthesusceptibility. Atthecrit- the GaussianpartofL , we cancalculate the self-energy b ical point, the critical mode of Ising order parameter φ correction of fermion ψ through Feynman diagram Fig. can be damped through particle-hole excitations. The 2b. Evaluated close to |ν| ∼ ǫ , the imaginary part of q damping rate can be calculated from the Feynman dia- fermion self-energy scales as gram Fig. 2a, or through the Fermi-Golden rule 1 d2k Σ(ν)′′ ∼ d2kω [θ(ǫk+q)δ(ν−ǫk+q−ωk) Im[Σφ(ω,q)] ∼ (2π)2[f(ǫk+q)−f(ǫk)] Z k Z − θ(−ǫk+q)δ(ν −ǫk+q+ωk)] × δ(|ω|−ǫk+q+ǫk)|hk|gψ¯kψk+q|k+qi|2 × |hq|gψ¯qψk+q|k+qi|2 ∼g2ν2Sign[ν]+···(5) |ω|q ω2 ∼ g2v k2 1− v2q2. (4) Unlike the Hertz-Millis theory, the scaling of Σ(ν)′′ is f fs f similar to fermi liquid, which means that the quasiparti- cles are well-defined even at the quantum critical point. Thisresultisobtainedinthelimitq ≪k ,k isthefermi f f The above calculations are only one-loop level. To wave-vector. When|ω|>v qthescatteringratevanishes f evaluate higher loop diagrams, we had better simplify for kinematic reasons,therefore when v >v this decay b f the problemby consideringtwopatches of the fermisur- rate is unimportant because the Green’s function of φ face around two opposite points (±k ,0), and label the will peak when ω ∼ v q. From now on we will assume f b fermionsintermsofitsmomentump =k −k ,p =k . thatv <v . Thedecayrateobtainedabovediffersfrom x x f y y b f Now the action becomes the Hertz-Millis theory[23]whichusually takesthe form |ω|/q for order parameters at zero momentum. This re- L = ψ†(p~)(ω−v p τz −v p2)ψ(p~), f f x y y sult can be physically understood as following: φ(~q) can transfer momentum ~q to the fermi surface, and if we de- L = ηω2|φ(p~)|2−(v2 p2 +v2 p2)|φ(p~)|2+··· b bx x by y notethefermisurfaceasS0,anddenotethefermisurface translatedbyasmallmomentum~q asSq~,thenaslongas L = igq φ(~q)ψ†(p~)τzψ(p~+~q)+··· (6) bf y ~q is small enough Sq~ and S0 will have almost the same spin directions at their intersection. Because σz always Here both |p | and |p | are much smaller than k , and x y f flips spin direction in the XY plane, when two spins are v = v /(2k ). τz is the Pauli matrix operating on the y f f 3 space of two fermi patches (±k ,0). This isolated patch avoid naive divergence one has to choose the first set of f approximation is based on the observation that φ most scalingdimensions,[g2]=−1impliesthattheself-energy q~ strongly couples to the patch with ~q ⊥ K~ , where the shouldhavedimension2,whichisconsistentwiththere- f particle-hole excitation with momentum ~q is soft. Also, sultΣ(ν)′′ ∼g2ν2 weobtainedbefore. Theone loopver- at low energy limit, none of the scattering process will tex correctioncanbe calculatedusing the secondscaling mix these fermions with those from other patches. For and Fig. 2f, the result is Vq ∼qy2/(|qy|+cg2|ω|). instance,ifweintegrateoutthebosonφ ,interactionbe- Now let us discuss the nature of the T-breaking tran- q~ tweendifferentpatcheswillbeinduced,butthestandard sition. The pure bosonLagrangianLb in Eq. 2 describes scaling argument for ordinary fermi liquid suggests that a 3d Ising transition. At the g2 order the perturbation the only important interaction at low energy has ~q = 0 at the 3d Ising transition is included in the self-energy i.e. the δnθδnθ′ interaction. However, when ~q = 0 the correction to φ, whose singular contribution is in the interactionvertexvanishes. Therefore the isolatedpatch imaginary part. The imaginary part of the self-energy approximation is reasonable. is given by both Eq. 4 and Eq. 9, evaluated with the Under discrete symmetry transformations T, P and the full fermi surface and isolated patch approximation x P , the physical quantities in Eq. 6 transform as respectively. In both cases this self-energy mix φ at dis- y tinct points in space-time, their actual scaling dimen- T : t→−t, ψ →τxψ, k →−k , φ→−φ, i→−i, i i sions at the 3D Ising critical point can be estimated as P : x→−x, ψ →τxψ, k →−k , φ→−φ, x x x D−(2+D−2+η) =−η, η ∼0.037 [18]. Therefore at Py : y →−y, ψ →ψ, ky →−ky, φ→−φ. (7) the g2 orderthere is no relevantperturbationinducedat the 3d Ising fixed point. and the action is invariant. Had we only kept one single The higher loop diagrams are more complicated, al- fermipatchat(+k ,0)likeRef. [24,25],theactionwould f thoughinthepreviousparagraphweshowedthatinboth not be invariant under these discrete transformations. choices of scalings g is irrelevant, it does not immedi- The fermion-boson vertex is proportional to q of φ, y ately imply none of the higher order loops can generate therefore for any loop diagram with φ external line, the important terms at the 3d Ising fixed point. This is be- loop diagram will vanish as q → 0 for each φ exter- y cause when we evaluate the fermi loop, in order to avoid nal line. There are two different ways to assign scaling naivedivergencewehavetotakethesecondscalinginEq. dimensions to operators in Eq. 6: 8, which is different from the 3d Ising fixed point with Scaling 1, [ω]=1, [px]=1, [py]=1, [vy]=−1, isotropic scaling dimensions in space-time. For instance 5 the leading φn term generated at gn order perturbation [φ] = − , [ψ]=−2, [η]=[v ]=[v ]=0, bx by 2 is given by diagram Fig. 2c, which should take the form 1 [g] = − , 2 n gn [q φ(~q )]×f (ω ,~q ). (10) Scaling 2, [ω]=2, [p ]=2, [p ]=1, [v ]=0, i,y i n j j x y y i=1 7 Y [φ] = [ψ]=−2, [η]=[vb2x]=−2, [vb2y]=0, Noticethatallthe φn termswithnoddareforbiddenby 1 symmetry. This term is irrelevant based on the second [g] = − . (8) 2 scaling of Eq. 8, but in order to know its scaling dimen- sion at the 3d Ising fixed point, we need to evaluate its For both scaling choices, [g] < 0, i.e. according to the formmoreexplicitly. Thefunctionf(ω ,~q )isintegralof naive scaling the coupling between fermions and bosons j j the following fermion loop: are irrelevant, and the loop diagrams are suppressed. When we evaluate loop integrals, irrelevant terms can f (ω ,~q )∼ dωdp dp ×δ( ω )δ( ~q ) in general be ignored, but in order to avoid divergence n j j x y j j fromintegratingaconstant,wehaveto makeadiagram- Z n j X Xj dependent choice of scaling from the two options in Eq. ×Tr[ G(ω+ ω ,p~+ ~q )]. (11) i i 8, otherwise some irrelevant terms have to be kept in j=1 i=1 i=1 Y X X the integral. For instance, we can reproduce the results obtainedpreviouslyfromscalingargument: atthe g2 or- After the integral, this term has a very complicated de- pendenceoftheexternalfrequencyω andmomentump~ , der,choosingthe secondscalinginEq. 8,the self-energy j j but since we are only interested in its scaling dimension, correctionofφ should havedimension3, whichis consis- the following schematic form will be good enough: tent with the direct calculation with action Eq. 6 and Feynman diagram Fig. 2a: |Ω| f ∼ . (12) Im[Σφ]∼g2|ω||qy|, (9) n |Qy| jn=−12(Ωj +vfQjx)+··· X which due to energy conservation is valid when |ω − Ω and Q represPent lineQar combination between external v q | < v |q |. For the fermion self-energy, in order to frequency andmomentumq respectively. In the denomi- f x f y 4 nator,theellipsesincludetermswithhigherpowerofmo- the Rashba model [28, 29] with inner and outer fermi mentum compared with the leading term. We can easily surfaceswithopposite inplane helicalspindirection,and verify that when n = 2 Eq. 12 reproduces the well- the results are very similar to our paper. Another sys- known result |ω|/|q |. At the 3d Gaussian fixed point, tem is graphene with N = 4 flavors of Dirac fermion, y thecoefficientofthe φn termwillhavescalingdimension our analysis applies to order parameters ψ¯ψ and ψ¯Taψ 1−n/2,whichshouldbeirrelevantforanyn≥4. Eq. 12 (Ta ∈ SU(N)). For instance the phase transition of is applicable to the kinematic regime with all the exter- Quantum Spin Hall order ψ¯S~ψ belongs to the 3d O(3) nal momenta nearly parallel to yˆ, when φ couples most universality class, when the fermi energy is tuned away strongly with particle-hole excitations. For more general from the Dirac point. In future we shall try to make kinematic regime the φn term generated is expected to connectionbetweenourresultsandrealisticphysicalsys- be no more singular than Eq. 12. tem, after a suitable physical system with both topolog- So far we have only considered the leading φn term, ical band structure and strong interaction is discovered, whichisgeneratedatgnorder. Higherordercontribution like the one studied theoretically in Ref. [12]. to φn always involve one or more internal boson lines Theauthorappreciatetheveryhelpfuldiscussionwith like Fig. 2e, and because of the suppression of p at the y Max Metlitski and Xiaoliang Qi. This work is sponsored internalvertices,we expect these higher orderterms will by the Society of Fellows, Harvard University. notbemorerelevantthantheleadingorder. Forinstance the result of diagram Fig. 2e with one internal boson line has the same scaling dimension as Fig. 2c. 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