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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 54 (Page numbers are at the end of each entry) ARTICLES AND COMMUNICATIONS Bishop, Jennifer Utopia and civic politics in mid-sixteenth-century London Burns, Arthur and Stray, ChristopheTrh e Greek-play bishop: iii prosopography, and nineteenth-century prelates 10132 Campbell, James African Americans and parole in depression-era Ne W _— k 1065 Clark, Matthew The gentry, the commons, and the rr of common right in Enfield, c. 1558-c. 1603 : > 609 Dialeti, Androniki Defending women, negotiating masc ulinity in ea=r modern Italy Dubow, Saul Macmillan, Verwoerd, and ie ‘ate ‘wind of change’ speech Early Modern Research Group Commonwealth: the social, cultural, and conceptual contexts of an early modern keyword Edwards, Andrew; Tanner, Duncan; and Carlin, Patrick The Conservative governments and the development of Welsh language wile in the 1980s and 1990s Farrant, Andrew and McPhail, ay \ siitiiilatin e od for sociz slism? F. A. Hayek and Keynesian full-employment policy Glickman, Gabriel Gothic history and Catholic Enlightenment in the workofs C harles Dodd (1672-1743) Greenspan, Nicole Charles II, exile, and the problenm of deits ince Harris, Bob Cultural change in provincial Scottish towns, c. 1700-1820 ; : : ean, Alvin ‘Tame Tory hac ks’?? The UI ster party at Wesindinter, 1922-1972 ; : : ; Jones, Matthew Great t Bri itain, die Urni te d States, sil consultation over use of the atomic bomb, 1950-1954 Levitin, Dmitri Matthew Tindal’s Rights of the Chistian Church (1706) oni the church-state relationship : MacCulloch, Diarmaid Foxes, firebrands, and Suiiegr y: Robe rt Ww:ar e’s pollution of Reformation history Macdonald, Alan R. Consultation and consent reels r —_ s VI Merritt, J. F. Contested legitimacy and the ambiguous rise of vestries in early modern London : : ; , : 3 . Midgley, Clare Transoceanic commemoration and connections between Bengali Brahmos and British and American Unitarians Mold, Alex Making the patient-consumer in Margaret Thatcher’s Brit un Moss, Eloise Burglary insurance and the culture of fear in Britain, c. 1889-1939 1039 Ortolano, Guy Planning the ahion esau) in —_— Britain $77 Page, Anthony Rational dissent, Enlightenment, and abolition of the Br itish slave trade ; Peacey, Jason Sir Edward De ring, piguilariey, wad the pablic, 11 6 nabs t il INDEX Qureshi, Sadiah Robert Gordon Latham, displayed peoples, and the natural history of race, 1854-1866 : i Roberts, T. W. Republicanism, railway ree and the — empire in Africa, 1879-1889 : Roper, Michael Nostalgia as an costed experience in the ( reat Wwa r Rose, Jacqueline Kingship and counsel in early modern England Sapire, Hilary African loyalism and its discontents: the royal tour of South Africa, 1947 : ‘ Schui, Florian Taxpayer opposition and — a re fis’ in Prussia, c. 1766-1787 , Sowerby, Tracey A. Richard Pate, dhe coved supremacy, sav Re — ition diplomacy ; Stack, David The death oa‘ shee Seu art Mill Stein, Tristan Tangier in the Restoration empire : : Thackeray, David Rethinking the Edwardian crisis of Conservatism Winship, Michael P. Defining puritanism in Restoration England: Richard Baxter and others respond to A friendly debate Withington, Phil Intoxicants and society in early modern E sate REVIEW ARTICLES AND HISTORIOGRAPHICAL REVIEWS Klautke, Egbert Anti-Americanism in twentieth-century Europe Mailer, Gideon Nehemias (Scotus) Americanus: Enlightenment and religion between Scotland and America : : Marshall, Peter Disenchantment and re-enchantment in Europe, 1250-1920 : ; ; : p , Middleton, Roger Brittan on Britain: ‘The economic contradictions of democracy’ redux : ; ; : Milne, David How front organisations played the CIA Morgan, Simon Between public and private: gender, domesticity, and authority in the long nineteenth century Moses, A. Dirk Paranoia and partisanship: genocide susie. Silasa ust (N and the ‘apocalyptic conjuncture’ Petley, Christer New perspectives on slavery and emancipation in doe Br itish Caribbean ‘ . Raponi, Danilo Heroism, vice, and i Riecteiane nto Rapple, R. Writing about violence in the Tudor kingdoms Smith, David L. The varieties of politics in early modern Britain and Ireland : Smith, S. D. Ricnennideibins the ssidaatcial dilated Tapsell, Grant Royalism revisited Towsey, Mark An empire of print BOOKS REVIEWED Alexander, Julia Marciari and MacLeod, Catherine (eds.) Politics, transgression, and representation at the court of Charles IT. By Grant Tapsell Allen, Robert C. The Britis. industrial revolution in global perspective. By S. D. Smith INDEX Aylmer, G. E. The crown’s servants: government and civil service under Charles II 1660-1685. By Grant Tapsell SS1 Banks, Stephen A polite exchange of bullets: the hiatal the E asia ge tle man, 1750-1850. By Mark Towsey ; 3 P ; r ; 1169 Bayly, C. A. and Biagini, Eugenio F. (eds.) Giuseppe Mazzini and the globalization of democratic nationalism, 1830-1920. By Danilo Raponi 1155 Beaver, Daniel C. Hunting and the politics of violence before the English Civil War. By David L. Smith ‘ ; ; ; : Bush, Julia Women against the vote: female anti-suffrage in Britain. By Simon Morgan , : ; : Cameron, Euan Enchanted E inte subiatsilbiin, reason, and religion, 1250-1750. By Peter Marshall j ‘ Cook, Stason The intellectual foundations of Alfred Marshall’ economic science: a rounded globe of knowledge. By Jocelyn Paul Betts : : : Delap, Lucy; Griffin, Ben; and Wills, Abigail (eds.) The politics of domestic authority in Britain since r8oo. By Simon Morgan ‘ ‘ Dunan-Page, Anne and Lynch, Beth (eds.) Roger L’Estrange and the hin of Restoration culture. By Grant Tapsell S31 Fisher, Michael H. The inordinately strange life of Dyce Seis Viet orian Anglo-Indian MP and Chancery ‘lunatic’. By Mark Towsey ; 1169 Gleadle, Kathryn Borderline citizens: women, gender and more ( oltiin in Bntain, 1815-1867. By Simon Morgan 1197 Goldie, Mark (ed.) f so Morvice and the puritan Whigs: the entring back of Roger Mornce, 1677-1691. By DavidL . Smith ; Gruber, Ira D. Books pécttt he British army in the age of the American Sivan By Mark Towsey : Humphries, Jane Childhood wad Oia renee in the British pashoneslall sieinlhithdts By S. D. Smith , : ; : ; Hunt, Alice The drama of coronation: — ral ceremony in early modern England. By David L. Smith : ; Hutton, Ronald Debates in Stuart history. By Gian Tapsell Isabella, Maurizio Risorgimento in exile: Italian émigrés and the Liberal International in the post-Napoleonic era. By Danilo Raponi Kane, Brendan The politics and culture of honour in Britain and pare 1541-1641. By David L. Smith ; ‘ : : : Little, Patrick and Smith, David L. Parliaments and politics during the Cromwellian Protectorate. By Grant Tapsell McCormack, Matthew (ed.) Public men: masculinity and politics in iio Britain. By Simon Morgan : é ; , : : McCorristine, Shane Spectres of the self: dihihings about ghosts and ghost-seeing in England, 1750-1920. By Peter Marshall McElligott, Jason Royalism, print and censorship in Mielec E alee By Grant Tapsell , ; : : : : : McElligott, Jason and Smith, D:w id L. (eds.) Royalists and royalism during the English Civil Wars. By Grant Tapsell : ? ‘ ‘ : McElligott, Jason and Smith, David L. (eds.) Royalists and royalism during the Interregnum. By Grant Tapsell IV INDEX Mackie, Erin Rakes, highwaymen, and pirates: the making of the modern gentleman in the eighteenth century. By Mark Towsey Matikkala, Antti The orders of knighthood and the formation of the British honours system, 1660-1760. By David L. Smith Midgley, Clare Feminism and empire: women activists in iceate Britain, 1790-1865. By Simon Morgan Milton, Anthony Laudian and royalist pene in saasiaioalle- century ieee the career and writings of Peter Heylyn. By Grant Tapsell Nechtman, Tillman W. Nabobs: empire and identity in eighteenth-century Britain. By Mark Towsey : ‘ Patriarca, Silvana /talian vices: nation and rn ler yom the incase to the Republic. By Danilo Raponi earsall, Sarah M.S. Atlantic families: lives ii letters m the sini enn nth century. By Mark Bouiey Raymond, Joad Milton’s angels: the sani isle imagination. By Peter Marshall Riall, Lucy Garibaldi: invention ca a pee By Denti Rea poni Rublack, Ulinka Dressing up: cultural identity in Renaissance Europe. By Beverly Lemire Saunders, Frances Stonor Who paid the piper’2 “The CT A oil the casteunnl C ‘old War. By David Milne : ; : ; : : ; Scirocco, Alfonso (trans. Allan Cameron) Garibaldi: citizen of the world. By Danilo Raponi 2 é Steedman, Carolyn Labours hit duvittaie serviceo or the paren of aiilien England. By Simon Morgan Twells, Alison The civilising mission and the E vagal nlite class, 1792-1850. By Simon Morgan Von Eschen, Penny Satchmo ‘jin “ the sll jax pon play the C‘ old War. By David Milne Weiner, Tim Legacy of ashes: the bine oft he C 1A. By David Milne Wilford, Hugh The mighty Wurlitzer: how the CIA played America. By David Milne ; Wrigley, E. A. Energy and the E lial ‘least. secs By S. D. Smith

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