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Sound Speed of Primordial Fluctuations in Supergravity Inflation Alexander Hetz and Gonzalo A. Palma Grupo de Cosmolog´ıa y Astrof´ısica Te´orica, Departamento de F´ısica, FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Blanco Encalada 2008, Santiago, Chile. (Dated: October 11, 2016) We study the realization of slow-roll inflation in N = 1 supergravities where inflation is the re- sult of the evolution of a single chiral field. When there is only one flat direction in field space, it is possible to derive a single-field effective field theory parametrized by the sound speed c at s which curvature perturbations propagate during inflation. The value of c is determined by the s rate of bend of the inflationary path resulting from the shape of the F-term potential. We show that c must respect an inequality that involves the curvature tensor of the Ka¨hler manifold un- s derlying supergravity, and the ratio M/H between the mass M of fluctuations ortogonal to the inflationary path, and the Hubble expansion rate H. This inequality provides a powerful link be- tween observational constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity and information about the N = 1 6 supergravity responsible for inflation. In particular, the inequality does not allow for suppressed 1 0 values of cs (values smaller than cs ∼ 0.4) unless (a) the ratio M/H is of order 1 or smaller, and 2 (b) the fluctuations of mass M affect the propagation of curvature perturbations by inducing on them a nonlinear dispersion relation during horizon crossing. Therefore, if large non-Gaussianity is t c observed, supergravity models of inflation would be severely constrained. O 1 It is unlikely that observations will ever allow us to single field slow-roll inflation would be the only single 1 pindownthefundamentaltheoryunderlyinginflation[1– field theory such that c =1. s 5]. Instead, we might have to conform ourselves with Current constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity ] h gaining general insights into the origin of cosmological give c ≥ 0.024 (95% C.L.) after marginalizing over s t perturbations with the help of the effective field the- c˜ [14]. Future measurements will further constrain the - 3 p ory (EFT) approach to inflation [6] (see also Ref. [7]). coefficients of the EFT Lagrangian, narrowing down the e This consists of a powerful model-independent frame- class of fundamental theories that can host inflation to- h work to study the evolution of curvature perturbations getherwiththestandardmodelofparticlephysics. Thus, [ R during inflation, valid at energies around the Hub- it is important to understand how fundamental theories 3 ble expansion rate H. With the help of symmetry ar- map into the EFT expansion, especially in the case of v guments, it is possible to derive the most general class theories such as supergravity and string theory, charac- 7 5 of Lagrangians governing the dynamics of fluctuations terized for having a large number of scalar fields repre- 4 in a Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) background, in senting moduli that must remain massive during infla- 5 termsofaGoldstonebosonfieldπ =−R/H,givenbyan tion. 0 operator expansion with nonlinearly related coefficients Giventhatsupergravitieshaveseveralscalarfields,itis . 1 parametrizing physics beyond the canonical single-field conceivablethattheinflationarypathexperiencedbends 0 paradigm. These coefficients, among which the sound in field space. In fact, it is well understood that, regard- 6 speedc playsaprominentrole,aredeterminedbytheul- less of how massive fields normal to the path are, these 1 s traviolet (UV) complete theory underlying inflation. To bendsaffectthedynamicsofπbyinducingc <1[15,16]. : s v quadratic order, the Lagrangian is given by [6] For instance, in two-field models one has [12, 16, 17] i X r L(π2) =MP2l|H˙|(cid:2)c−s2π˙2−a−2(∇π)2(cid:3), (1) cs =(cid:0)1+4Ω2/M2(cid:1)−1/2, (4) a where MPl is the reduced Planck mass and a is the scale whereΩisthelocalangularvelocitydescribingthebend, factor. cs also defines the strength of cubic operators andM isthemassoffieldsorthogonaltotheinflationary that may lead to primordial non-Gaussianity [8]. For path. InthisLetterwewilldeduceaninequalitythatany instance, if cs < 1 (with |c˙s| (cid:28) Hcs), then equilateral single field EFT derived from N = 1 supergravity must and orthogonal non-Gaussianity are produced, with fNL satisfy. It involves cs, H, and M, and it is given by parameters given by [9] (cid:0)c−2−1(cid:1)M2/H2 ≤O(1), (5) s fequil =−(c−2−1)(0.275+0.078c2+0.52c˜ ), (2) NL s s 3 fortho =(c−2−1)(0.0159−0.0167c2+0.11c˜ ), (3) where O(1) represents an order 1 number determined by NL s s 3 the geometry of the K¨ahler manifold underlying the su- wherec˜ isaparameterthatarisesatthirdorder[9]and pergravity of interest. As we shall see, to ensure that 3 it is determined by the UV-complete theory [10]. It has thehorizonexitisproperlyaccountedforbyEq.(1),one been conjectured [13] that every parameter of the EFT requires that (1−c2)2H2/M2c2 (cid:28) 1. If not, the dis- s s expansion, such as c˜ , is proportional to (1−c2). If so, persion relation describing the propagation of π during 3 s 2 horizoncrossingbecomesnonlinear,duetonewoperators in Eq. (1) with spatial gradients induced by the massive field normal to the path. This, together with Eq. (5) implies that cs cannot be much smaller than 1 (and su- V pergravity models cannot produce large primordial non- Gaussianity) unless the horizon crossing is described by an EFT with a nonlinear dispersion relation [18, 19]. In thiscase,thedynamicsoffluctuationswoulddepartcon- �2 siderably from the standard single-field EFT description of Eq. (1) used to connect models with observables. Before deducing the inequality, let us review some ba- sics about multifield inflation. We consider a general ac- (cid:82)√ tion S = −gL describing an arbitrary number of ~ tot ~ T real scalar fields φa(t,x), a = 1,...,N, minimally cou- N 1 � pled to gravity, with a Lagrangian M2 1 L= PlR+ γ gµν∂ φa∂ φb−V(φ), (6) 2 2 ab µ ν FIG. 1. An example of a path forced to have bends as it where R is the Ricci scalar constructed from the metric meanders down a two-field potential V. g , γ is a σ-model metric that depends on the fields, µν ab and V(φ) is the scalar potential. From now on, we work in units where MPl =1. In the case of N =1 supergrav- Thisequationrevealsthatwheneverthepathissubjected ity, γab and V are uniquely determined by the function to a bend, it is pushed towards the outer wall of the po- G = K +ln|W|2, where K is the K¨ahler potential, and tential. Ω plays a crucial role in the dynamics of fluctu- W thesuperpotential. Wewillcomebacktosupergravity ations, as it couples together curvature and isocurvature in a moment. To describe the background, we consider modes [21]. To be consistent with the view that there anFRWspacetimewithametricds2 =−dt2+a2(t)dx2, mustbeashiftsymmetryensuringaflatdirectioninthe where a(t) is the scale factor and x are comoving coor- potential, in this work, we assume that δ ≡ Ω˙/HΩ is Ω dinates. The expansion rate is H = a˙/a and it is given suppressed(steadybends),implyingthatc variesslowly: s by the Friedman equation 3H2 = φ˙20/2+V(φ), where |c˙s|(cid:28)Hcs. Onemayconsidersharpbends,inwhichcase φ˙20 ≡γabφ˙a0φ˙b0. The equations of motion for the homoge- features are produced in the spectra [16], and Eqs. (2) neous background fields φa0(t) derived from Eq. (6) are and (3) are not sufficient to constrain cs. D φ˙a+3Hφ˙a+γabV =0, (7) In order to characterize the evolution of H during in- t 0 0 b flation it is useful to define the slow-roll parameters: where V =∂ V =∂V/∂φb. Furthermore, D is a covari- b b t ant time derivative whose action on a given vector Aa (cid:15)≡−H˙/H2 =φ˙2/2H2, η ≡(cid:15)˙/H(cid:15). (10) 0 is such that D Aa ≡ A˙a +Γa Abφ˙c, where Γa are the t bc 0 bc Slow-roll inflation corresponds to the regime where the Christoffel symbols derived from γ . The inflationary ab perturbations are defined as δφa(t,x)=φa(t,x)−φa(t). expansion rate H evolves very slowly for a long enough 0 To study them, it is useful to define vectors tangent and time, requiring that (cid:15) (cid:28) 1 and |η| (cid:28) 1. In this regime, normal to the path φa(t), respectively, given by onefinds3H2 (cid:39)V,and(cid:15)(cid:39)Vφ2/2V2. Ontheotherhand, 0 it is also customary to introduce a matrix proportional Ta ≡φ˙a0/φ˙0, Na ≡−DtTa/|DtT|. (8) to the Hessian of the potential V: Figure 1 illustrates an example where inflation is driven N ≡∇ V /V. (11) byatwo-fieldpotential. Fluctuationsalongthedirection ab a b TagiveuscurvatureperturbationsasR=−HTaδφa/φ˙0, This matrix contains information about the shape of the whereas those along Na correspond to isocurvature per- potential,anditissometimesusedtodefineslow-rollpa- turbations [20, 21]. Ta and Na allow us to define the rameters alternative to those of Eq. (10). These are [22] angular velocity Ω via D Ta ≡ −ΩNa [then Eq. (8) t tells us that Ω (cid:62) 0]. From Eq. (7) it follows that 1V Va (cid:15) ≡ a , η ≡min. eigenvalue{N}. (12) Va = VφTa + VNNa, where Vφ = TaVa and VN = V 2 V2 V NaV . As a result, projecting Eq. (7) along Ta one finds a However, there is a problem with these definitions: Both φ¨ +3Hφ˙ +V =0,whichresemblestheequationofmo- 0 0 φ (cid:15) and η may attain large values even with (cid:15),|η| (cid:28) 1. tionofasinglescalarfield. Ontheotherhand,projecting V V First, (cid:15) is not necessarily small because Ta and the Eq. (7) along Na one obtains, V direction of steepest descent of the potential (∝ V ) do a Ω=V /φ˙ . (9) not coincide in a bend. To see this, we may combine N 0 3 (cid:15) (cid:39) V2/2V2 with Eqs. (9) and (10) to find that (cid:15) is wherefiisanarbitraryunitcomplexvector. Itturnsout φ V (cid:112) given by that if fi = Gi/ GjG , then the right-hand side (rhs) j ofEq.(18)becomesindependentofsecondderivativesof (cid:15) =(cid:15)(cid:0)1+Ω2/9H2(cid:1). (13) V the superpotential W [28, 29], and reduces to [27] This shows that (cid:15)V may attain values of order 1 without ∇ V 2 1+γ (cid:20)2 (cid:21) necessarily violating slow roll. Second, η is not neces- i ¯fif¯≤− + −R(f) V V 3 γ 3 sarilysmallbecauseTa andtheeigenvectorassociatedto √ (cid:15) 4 (cid:15) ηV (the smallest eigenvalue of Nab) do not coincide in a + V + √ √ V , (19) bend(thatis,η (cid:54)=N TaTbwhenΩ(cid:54)=0). Toshowthis, 1+γ 3 1+γ V ab letuscomputeη inthecaseoftwo-fieldmodels. Inthis V whereγ ≡H2/m2 (m =eG/2 isthegravitinomass), case,wemaydefineaunitvectorha ≡cosαTa+sinαNa 3/2 3/2 and minimize the contraction hahb∇aVb/V by tuning α, and R(f) ≡ Ri¯k¯lfif¯fkf¯l is the Riemann tensor com- to obtain back ηV. To perform the contraction we need puted out of Ki¯projected along the complex vector fi. to be aware of the following identities [16]: We now have all the necessary elements to deduce the desired inequality: If the supergravity has only one chi- TaTb∇aVb =3H2(2(cid:15)−η/2)+Ω2, (14) ral field Φ, then the scalar field target space is spanned NaTb∇aVb =ΩH(3+δΩ+η−2(cid:15)), (15) by two real scalar fields, implying that ηV in the left- NaNb∇ V =M2+Ω2−(cid:15)H2R, (16) hand side (lhs) of Eq. (18) is precisely given by Eq. (17). a b Then, putting together Eqs. (17) and (18) we deduce where δΩ = Ω˙/HΩ, and R = RabcdTaNbTcNd is the the desired inequality. However, in order to explicitly Riemann tensor of the scalar field space projected along write down a simple version of it, it is useful to antici- Ta and Nb. M is the effective mass of the perturbation pate three relevant regimes: First, if there are no bends, along the direction Na, and it is the same quantity ap- η =(4(cid:15)−η)/2, and one recovers the bound deduced in V pearinginEq.(4). Giventhatweareassumingslowroll, Ref.[27](seealsoRef.[30]),informinguswhetheragiven we disregard δΩ +η−2(cid:15) in Eq. (15) before minimizing supergravity can produce inflation without bends. Sec- hahb∇aVb/V. In addition, we may assume that (cid:15)H2R is ond,if(c−2−1)M2/H2isoforderO((cid:15),η),thenΩ2 (cid:28)H2, s small compared to M2 +Ω2, which is generally true in and c is close to 1. Then, η is of order O((cid:15),η) and the s V supergravity models of inflation [23–26]. Then, we find inequality emerging from Eq. (18) does not give us in- (cid:32) teresting information beyond that of Ref. [27]. Third, if 1 M2 M2 η = (c−2−1) +2 +3[4(cid:15)−η] (c−2−1)M2/H2 (cid:29)|O((cid:15),η)|wemayneglecttheslow-roll V 12 s H2 H2 s parametersappearinginEqs.(17)and(19)toobtainour (cid:115)(cid:18)M2 3 (cid:19)2 M2(cid:33) main result: −2 H2 − 2[4(cid:15)−η] +9(c−s2−1)H2 , (17) 1M2 (cid:32)c−2−1 (cid:114) H2(cid:33) s +1− 1+9(c−2−1) s 6 H2 2 M2 where we used Eq. (4) to introduce c . Now, the crucial s (cid:20) (cid:21) point to appreciate here is that it is possible to have 1+γ 2 2 ≤ −R(f) − . (20) Ω (cid:29) M (and therefore c2 (cid:28) 1) without violating the γ 3 3 s conditions(cid:15),|η|(cid:28)1. Ifthisisthecase,themisalignment This inequality puts together the sound speed c , the islarge, andη acquiressizablevalues. Onthecontrary, s V ratio M/H, and additional information on the curvature if Ω=0, one recovers a suppressed value given by η = V of the K¨ahler manifold. (4(cid:15)−η)/2. Hence,(cid:15) andη arenotlegitimateslow-roll V V Let us now analyze the content of Eq. (20), which as- parameters unless the multifield path remains straight sumes that (cid:15),|η| (cid:28) 1 [31]. To start with, notice that (Ω=0). the smallest attainable value of the lhs of (20) is −3/4. Let us now deduce the inequality (5), valid for the This means that when the inflationary path is subjected scalar sector of N = 1 supergravity. Before consider- to strong bends, it is possible to have M2 > 0 simul- ing the case of a single chiral field, let us consider the taneously with a large and negative value of η . Next, general situation. Here, the target space corresponds to V the rhs of eq. (20) may acquire any desired value, de- a K¨ahler manifold spanned by complex scalar fields Φi. pending on the specific K¨ahler potential under consid- The F-tern potential is given by V = eG(Ki¯G G −3), i ¯ eration. Nevertheless, we expect this value to be of or- where G = ∂ G and K = ∂ ∂ G is the K¨ahler met- i i i¯ i ¯ der 1. First, the natural value of the curvature term is ric (derivatives are taken with respect to Φi and their R(f) (cid:39) O(1). For instance, canonical models are char- complex conjugate Φ¯ı). One may now define a Hessian acterizedbyR(f)=0whereassingle-chiral-fieldno-scale matrix ∇ V . Then, because η is the minimum eigen- i ¯ V models satisfy R(f) = 2/3 [32]. Second, there are two value of N , one necessarily has [27] ab classes of models of supergravity inflation depending on η ≤fif¯∇ V /V, (18) the value of γ = H2/m2 . On the one hand, we expect V i ¯ 3/2 4 the value of H during inflation to be of order 1014GeV ��� or smaller, but not too much smaller (in order to have a ����� ��� tensor to scalar ratio r (cid:46) 0.1). On the other hand, we ��� ����� -��� ��� expect the value of m at the end of inflation to be of � 3/2 order1TeVorlarger,butnottoomuchlarger(inorderto ��� ������ ����� have a soft SUSY breaking scale close to the electroweak � �� -��� symmetry breaking scale). Hence, in models where m 3/2 ��� did not evolve significantly during inflation, one expects �� γ (cid:29) 1. To be conservative, in the present Letter we as- ��� sume γ (cid:38)1, implying that the rhs of Eq. (20) is of order 1. Therearestringinspiredmodels,suchaslargevolume ��������������������������� ��� scenarios [33], where γ (cid:28) 1. However, in these models � � � � � �� one finds 2/3−R(f)∼γ, implying that the rhs eq. (20) �/� continues to be of order 1 [34]. It is important to consider in our analysis the range of FIG. 2. The parameter space M/H vs c . The inequality is s parametersforwhichthetwo-fieldsystemadmitsanEFT satisfiedattheregionsboundedbythesolidlines,oppositeto oftheform(1). Thiswilldependonthevaluesofthera- thelabelsindicatingbenchmarkvaluesfortherhsofEq.(20). tios M/H and Ω/M (or equivalently c ). We plot these s rangesinFig.2: First,thedynamicsoffluctuationsisde- scribedbyasingledegreeoffreedomaslongastheGold- the qualitative content of this result will remain valid. stone boson’s energy ω satisfies ω2 (cid:28)M2/c2 [17]. Then, In those cases the rhs of Eq. (20) will not change, and s requiring that horizon crossing ω (cid:39) H happens within we only need to worry about the lhs. There, cs will this regime, we obtain the bound H2 (cid:28) M2/c2. This have a similar dependence on the masses of heavy fields s bounddefinestheregionattherightofthe“MultiField” to that of Eq. (4) [35]. Moreover, the form of η will V areainFig.2,which,forreference,islimitedbythecurve change due to the new matrix entries determined by the H2 = 0.5M2/c2. Within this region there are two addi- masses of the extra fields. However, it turns out that s tionalsubregimes: Ifω2 (cid:28)M2c2s/(1−c2s)2 thedispersion these contributions do not modify ηV importantly if the relation is of the form ω(k) = c k and the theory is de- massesoftheextrafieldsareofthesameorderthanthat s scribed by Eq. (1). For energies ω2 (cid:39) M2c2/(1−c2)2 along Na. In particular, in many models of supergravity s s or larger, the spatial gradients in the kinetic term of there is only one chiral field Φ that evolves during in- the massive field (normal to the path) dominate over flation, while the rest remain stabilized, having the role its mass (k2 (cid:29) M2), inducing new operators in Eq. (1) of breaking SUSY [36]. In those types of models our in- that make the dispersion relation ω(k) forthe Goldstone equality remains exactly valid. This is because here the boson π nonlinear [17–19]. In this case, the evolution only evolving fields are the two real scalar fields entering of π is determined by an EFT that departs significantly Φ,givingusbackthesameexpressionforηV ofEq.(17), from(1),implyingdifferentrelationsbetweenobservables deducedundertheassumptionthattheinflationarypath and the parameters of the theory. Thus, we deduce that was embedded in a two-field manifold. the EFT (1) is valid as long as [17]: In conclusion, we have derived a direct link between observables and N = 1 supergravity inflation. By con- (1−c2)2H2/M2c2 (cid:28)1. (21) s s straining non-Gaussianity, we are able to infer nontrivial The region satisfying this bound corresponds to the area information about the supergravity responsible for in- above the dashed curve satisfying (1−c2s)2H2/M2c2s = flation. If inflation is described by the EFT (1), then cs 0.5, separating the domains “Single Field” and “Nonlin- cannotbesuppressed,andnon-Gaussianitymustbesuch ear dispersion relation” in Fig. 2. In addition, the in- thatfNeqL,orth (cid:46)O(1)(cs (cid:38)0.4). Onthecontrary,ifobser- equality (20) is satisfied at the regions bounded by the vations ever confirm sizable non-Gaussianity feq,orth (cid:38) NL solid lines, opposite to the labels indicating benchmark O(1)thenthesupergravityresponsibleforinflationmust values for the rhs of Eq. (20). We may further simplify havehadnontrivialpropertiespertainingtotheevolution the form of our inequality: Because of Eq. (21) and the of perturbations during horizon crossing: (a) the ratio fact that the rhs of Eq. (20) is of order 1, we may take M/H was of order one or smaller, and (b) the propa- 9(c−2−1)(cid:28)M2/H2 andTaylorexpandthesquareroot gation of curvature perturbations during horizon cross- s in Eq. (20) to recover Eq. (5). As a result, for super- ing was characterized by a nonlinear dispersion relation gravityinflationtobedescribedbyEq.(1), c cannotbe as a result of their interaction with the field normal to s much smaller than unity. Indeed, in Fig. 2 we see that the trajectory. In such a case, we would need to under- c cannot be smaller than c (cid:39) 0.4 when the rhs of the stand the generation of primordial perturbations within s s inequality is 1. a regime that so far has not been studied in the context In the case of supergravities with many chiral fields, of supergravity inflation. Of course, our bound c (cid:38) 0.4 s 5 must be taken with some caution, as the rhs of Eq. (20) 2015 results. XVII. Constraints on primordial non- may acquire large or small values depending on the spe- Gaussianity,” arXiv:1502.01592 [astro-ph.CO]. cific model under consideration. Notwithstanding, our [15] A. J. Tolley and M. 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