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Muhammad the Prophet by Maulana Muhammad Ali PDF

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Preview Muhammad the Prophet by Maulana Muhammad Ali

MUHAMMAD THE PROPHET ty MAULANA MUHAMMAD ‘ALT “THR AHMADIYYA ANTUMAN ISHA'AT ISLAM LATIORE 18.8, www.aaiil.org COPYRIGHT: 1903 _, ATIMADIVYA ANIUMAN ISHS’ AT ISLAM LAHORE TSA INC. S15 Kingsgule Ron Columbus Ohiy USA 43221 FIRS EDITION os SECOND EDIFION 1933 THIRD EDIION 1951 FOUKTH EDITION (Revise) |. 1972 FIFTH EDITION el SIXEH EDITION oR SEVENTH EDITION 1993 ISBN: 0.913521-07-9 ‘Tyneseuing Uo & LT ype ‘Vaneauver: Buc Canada Printers Payette and Sitoras RY Acca Si SIL Lambert, PQ: Canada PREFACE ‘The idea of viiting an exhaumtse tife history of the Holy ‘Founder of Iskim has ever bee present in my raind singe 1 (ook up the work of eansTating the Holy Qui'dn into Frnglish about fifteen years ayo but, owing to various other ‘engagements, | as wot uble to give it a practical shape, The shonl sketch that is now being presented is hy no means a fulfitment of that idea. Tis bur a very brief und hurried avcount of a Tife which is Full of the noblest tessons for humanity, a mete bird's-eye view of the preates uunsfermation ‘which has boos ¥eougtit in the history of man Tale not know ‘fT sal live long enough to aterapt the mune Iyborions work of presenting Ibat ennobling story in all ils details; for the Dreseat [ offer this humble tribute to dhe memory of his whe Alevoted his whole Tif to the scaviee of humanity, believe, as every Muslim dacs, that every nition had its supenman, te Tuninary who gave ic light, Ihe reformer who inspired it with hte ideas, dhe Prophet wh raised it morally ‘Bun Muhammad, may peace and the blessings of God be upon him, 1s par excellence THE PROPHET, hecanwe be is the Prophet not of one nation hot ofall the nations of the world, because it was he wha declarod belief in ull the prophots of Uhe would as an eens of th fuch he preached anc! thus lid down the basis of » lusting peace among different nations, bocause "he is the greatest of all reformers.” having brought about a transforraution poparaleled either before ar after hit and, lastly, because “he ig the most successful of all the prophets and seligious personalities"! Every nun ought 10 be judged by what hy docs, and the Holy Prophet Mubammad accomplished within twenty years what centuries of the labours of Jewish und Christian reformers could not accomplish, notwithstanding the tsumporal power al their back, He swept away centuries-old idolatry, superstitim, credul jpnorance. prostitution, gambling, drinking. appressiom af the ‘weak, Iternecine war and a hunclred ether evils from # whole peeve Sata i MURAMMAD IME TROPHET eouaury, History cannot shaw any other reformer whe swrnught s0 wonderful and complete a transformation on 3 large a scale within co short # time. "Never was reform more hopeless than at the adwent of the Prophet.” as Muir hs remarked, “and never was it more complete than when he departed.” In the words of Carlyle, “it was a birth from Sarkness into Tight.” A life so great cannot be devoid of yolonfalies as great for ebe fue; it cara but Inspire nna any heart the nabs ideas of the service of mursanity 4€ there is any one tealt of his character which is more mated thin tues, cis is care of the orphan. an uke widow. his support bt the weak and the holpiss, his love of Tabour and work far the distresped. I is the life of a mi scha lived for God and ‘wha dietl Tor God. "If ever man on this ese found God, if ver man devated his life 1o God's servive wilh a good and seul muslive, itis vertain that the Prophet of Arabia was thar J.” (eon ‘The original wark was weittea by me in Uru, and the English rendering now being proscated ¢o the public is the result af the Tubéur of love of Maulst Mubarmmad Ya'gub Kin, Trim of the Masque at Woking who did this wort io dition lo bis duties as a Muslim preacher at Woking. My Scerest thanks are due to bie, as well as ¥o Khwajuh Kamal aL-Din, head of the Woking Muslim Mission, whe alfarded every facility 10 M, Mulamninad Yarqib Khan for completing, Dis cask. And I place the manuscript in the hanes of Maulana Sadrud-Din, who is now propagating Jaki in Germany. us T Al inthe case of the English Translation of the Holy Tor supervising the work ibmouh uve press and for its rovisem sad he earroetion of prot Ahediyyah Buildings, Lahore August 25, 1923 ‘Movgammad ‘ATE PREFACE TO THE REVISED LBUTION vil Every mun poght to be judged by what he dies, anil Mulammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upam him) accomplished within twenty years whal centuries of the uhours of other reformers could wot accomplish, olwithstanding the temporal puwer ul thei back, He swept away cemturios-old idolatry. superstition, credulity, ignorance, prostitotion, gamblits, drieking, appression of the weak, imiemecine ‘war and 2 buadred otter evily from a whole ‘country. History cannot show any other rofermer who srought so wonderful and complese a transformation on so large a scale within so short a tine. Never was reform more hapotess than at une advent of Muharwmud (peace and blessings of Allah hee upon him) and never was it mors complere than ‘when he departed “TT greatness of purpore, smallness of means, and astound resulls are the three criteria-of human genius ~ wiles the distinguished French writer Alphonse de Lamattine In bis Histoire de ka Tunquo (1854) - sho could dare to compare any great man in modern bislory with Mujanumad?” The most Famous men created arms, taws and empires only. They Founded. if anything af all, no morc then material posvers which often crumbled away before thelr eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislations. empires, peaples url dynasties. but millicaw of mon in oue thitd of the then ‘inhabited world, und more than that, lie moved ullars, gods, religions, ideas, beliefs und souls. On the basis of w Rowk, every letter of which hax hecome law. be created i spiiigal mationality which blended together peoples al every longue and of every race. He has left us. as the indelible characteristic of this Mustin wutionality, the hated of false gous und the passion lor the One and Iuvasterial God. This avenging Pateiotism against the profanation of Heaven larmed the virtue of the Tullowers of Mubammad: the conquest of one- third of the eaeih 10 his dogma was his rvirace; or rauher it ‘vas not the miraule of a mnan but that of reuson. The ide of ‘he unity of Gor, proclaimed amidse the exhaustion of Febulons, vii MUHAMMAD THE PROPHET theogonies, was in itsel such u miracle una upsm ily uierance frorn his Bigs it desivoye all the ancient teraples fides und selon fire one-third of the world, Fis life, his meditations, is Ihervie reviings agains! fhe superslitions wf his couniy, und hig illness in defying the furies of idolary, his firmness in ‘enduring them. far fiftcen years at Mocca, his aeceptamce of the role of publ aca gndl amo of heing a victim af is fellow cauntry-men: all thexe und, finally, bin Tight, his weessanl preaching, his wars against ols, hie faith in bis success and his superhuman serenity in misforuine, his forbearance in vielory, his ambition, which was entirely dlgvoet 1p one ide anu in nd maanner Siriving for an ompire: his endless prayers, his mystic conversations vith God. his death and his Giumph after death: all those attest not fo am. ‘posture but 1p a firm conviction which gave him the power tw restore wilygma. Thi dogma was Iwata, the unity of Gost and the immaterality of Gaal; the former telling what God i the latter telling what Gad is nots the ame overinrossing False ‘pods with the sword, he other suring an ie with the wards, ‘Philosopher, pralor, apostle, legiluter; varrar, conqueror ( ideay, vestrer of rational dagen, of # cull sithou images; the founder of twenty temesirial empires anal af «me spin crapiee, hal ix Mularaanad. As regards al starlars by which Tunaan greatmess nay be measure, we may well ask; Ts Uhere any mn greater thm he?" ‘Alife So preal cummat he devoid of potentialities as grea for the lure. Tg the fe of a mn whe lived for Gua el dil for Cad. 1 ean ut inspire: is amy hen the: mabe eles ‘of The service of humanity Tia te present revived eto. bests some rinor ateration, some chupiers have been coembineilnder one heating, Murnias Abenuad Ferg CONTENTS Profi: ’ Preface wo the revised elition avi 1-THE DARK AGF 1 ‘The Arabian Peninsula - Teg and Syria - Hijz - ‘Yaman - Najd ~ “Conn - Eije~ Minka and Rash ~ Madinah - Arabian races - Ishmael and his progeny ~ Time of ignorance - Christianity in dcexcpit state - Arab poetry -"The Arab charactor - Uhe Arab idolatry - Religion a mockery - Social fife - No law and order ~ Position of Women - Standing evils - Earticr prophets + Fevish settoment - Christians - Unitaians ~ Failures ~ Arabia impervious to efor. UL 'THE PROMISED PROPHET 3 Abraham's prophecies - Moses’ prophesies - liah's prophecies - Jesus” prophecies - The Holy Prophet's ‘genealogy - Abrahah’s atack on Makkah Before the Call - Alliance of protection of the weak - Mamiage with Khadijah - Charming morals - Magactic persouatity AU "THE DIVINE CALL 40 Firat revelation - Temporary cessation of revelation ~ Second revelation - The Barly converts - Other important converts Religious humanities Revelation ‘wasnt a voice from within IV-THE STORMY OPPOSITION at Slave converts tomured - Fist emigration to Abyssinia +The Sccond Emigration - Alleged compremise with x CONTENTS Molutory - Peblic proushing -Pirat deputation ua ABT Tali - Second deputation - The Prophet strong stand - Third deputation - Quraish offer leadership end ‘wealth - Ban against the Hashimites - Death of Abt: Talib and Schadijah - Joumcy to TH'if - Pledges of Aqabab, - THE FLIGHT TO MADINAH Pal Council ofthe Quraish - Inthe Cave of Thaur- Leaving for Madinah - Pursued by Suraqah - Consoting revelation - The New Era - Muslim Brothcrhuo! - 8 pact between various tribes. VI THE DEFENSIVE BAITLES 3 ‘The Batde of Badr Prceantionary measures ~ Pets with neighbouring wibes - Quraish attack Madinah ‘The Prophet praving in the batlefild - Divine help for Muslint cause - Trearment of prisoners of war Fulfilment of Divine promise ‘The Battle of Ubud ‘The Holy Prophet holds a war council - Mnslimt Arary Jed 0 Ud Quraish defeared and pursed - Khalid's attack fro the tear - The Holy Proper’ bold action Muslira rally - Queaist atrocities - Ubud was uot a defeat [or Muslims - Insecurity of Muslims ~ Butchering of inaocent Muslim preachers - The Prophet forbidden 10 pray against tyrants - Smaller engagements - Slander against "A "ishah - ‘The Bavtle ‘af Alzab - The Prophet sees Vision of a great fanare Muslim sufferings in seige - Confederates souted Relations wilh dhe Jews Theie punishment - Conquest of Khaihae - Jewish plot against the ely Prophet “The Prophets Tenient dealing - Marriage with Safiya, Vil-THE TRUCE OF (UDAIBIYAU. n6 slim spread in spite af the sword - The Holy Prog sets oul on pilgrimage - Failure of negotiation cONTENES si Bal'at -Rigwiin - Teams of the Truce - Truce brings About Iriuraph of Islim - Divine Promise fulfilled Prophet's lve of peace Sad plight ol Vakkan converts = Message a Tslim carried beyout Arabia - Caesar's atcinde towards Islam - Choses anders Prophet's anrest ~ Negus aceepts Islan - Prophet's deep-icoted onietinn = The sal VL - TIE CONQUESY UF MAKKATE BI ‘Quraish contravoned teem of Truce - Preparations, for atluck on Makkalt - Tew thousand holy sen = Abii Sufyin accepts Isla - General amnesty Unparalleled amagumimity- Makkses erabrace Talim - The Baale of ‘luna ~ Retreat and tally pf Muslim forces - Spread of Isle in Arabia Deputations from Arab teibes ~ Expedition of Tabitk- Impering eluagor onthe Syrian Seontier - Muslim army at Takk - The irypocries in Madinah ~ Hypocrites" plans against Lslim - The Prophe’s lave for enemies - Fadl af the Bypoctices ~ ‘Year of deputations - The Najrin deputation - Whole nf Arabia converted - fslimie principles of war ~ Compulsion in retigiou intenticied - Fighting alowed ‘eonditionally - Peare tw be proferred - Relations with non-Muslims - Flow apostles sere cal With IX-TIIE FAREWELL PILGRIMAGE 160 Prophet's last pilorimaye - Serman a Min - The Thaly Prophet's Last ness = Abo Bakr appointed Imam ~ ‘The Holy Prophet's Deming - Abt Makt"s seer. XC THE PROPHET'S SURFIME MORALS 67 ‘The Prophet, un exemplar - No warle was ton Tow for fim Simplivity - Food - Dress « No atlruction for comforts - Cleanliness - Lave for friends - Genernux to enernies - Paul justice forall Huiligy - Sympathy for the poor and the diswessed - Lospitulily ~ coNTENS ai Gentleness ~ Faithfulness - Forgiveness - Modesty ~ Affection - Respect for others - Courage - Stoullasiness. ‘XL-YHE PROPHETS DISTINCHVE CHARACTERISTICS AS A REFORMER 19 The mont successful of prophets - Universality of the menage - Unity of oman tace - Development of entire human magne - Grosmese in alt directions - Not ‘product of environnacnt - Universal peace. XiL- THE PROPITET’S MARRIAGES 188 Kiwijuh -“A'ihah’s age - Sauduh - Hafiah, Zainab, ‘mm Sulamah - Zainab, Zaid's divorced wife Juwairiyaly - Lum Habibah ~ Saliyyah, Mary and Muiminah - Polygamy is met with among the righteous - Four periods of the Prophet's life - First pperiad ~ Seoond period - Third period -Circumstancos fn which the Holy Prophet lived - How lee passed bis nights - Simplicity of his tife - Prophet's wives fed a sample ile ~ Protection of women was the undectying ‘idea - Policieal reasons - Other eonsideraions - Fourth, period - Prophet's natural king was not le polygamy AXIIl-FATST: ALLEGATIONS OF ‘ATROCITIES 203 Biaxed criticism - How Muslims bore abuse Toferdiction against killing women - ABU Afak - Only ‘combatants could he killed - Kab ihn Asheat - Abul Hugsig - Permitting rapo isa grioveux eulurnny,

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